library   Oxnard Almanac

The City of Oxnard, Incorporated on June 30, 1903, in the County of Ventura, was named for the Oxnard brothers, Henry, James, Robert, & Benjamin, the builders of a Beet Sugar factory in this area. The official city motto is Oxnard The City That Cares. The official flower is the Geranium. The official tree is the Coral. It has a General Law Government. The Friendship city is: Shizuoka, Japan and the Sister City is Ocotlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Ventura county has many features.

Latitude: N=34.11 Longitude: W=119.10 -- Elevation: 52ft. (City Hall) --Land Area: square miles: 24.4

Local news online: Ventura Star , Los Angeles Times, Santa Barbara News Press

Weather | Education | Health/Services | Public Safety | Population | Municipal Finance | Nature | Politics | Real Estate Recreation | Religion | Chambers of Commerce | Oxnard Public Library | 1998 Almanac | 1999 Almanac |


Today's Oxnard Weather . Ten day forecast. The table below shows average temperatures.

MAXIMUM 65.667.066.667.869.371.8 74.775.976.074.971.267.370.7
MINIMUM43.544.345.147.150.653.8 56.758.056.252.347.244.149.9
Oxnard Weather Archive at the National Weather Service


School Districts Oxnard Union High Links to Camarillo, Rio Mesa, Oxnard High, Hueneme, Frontier & Channel Islands, Oxnard Links to K-6 Schools Norman Brekke, César E. Chávez, Curren, Driffill, ELM, Harrington, Kamala, Lemonwood, Marina West, McAuliffe, McKinna, Emilie Ritchen, Rose Avenue, Sierra Linda, Intermediate Schools, Fremont, R. J. Frank, Haydock, Ocean View Links to Mar Vista, Tierra Vista, Laguna Vista, Ocean View Junior High, Rio Links to El Rio, Rio Lindo, Rio Plaza, Rio Real, Rio del Valle, Rio Rosales, Rio del Norte, Hueneme Links to Richard Bard, Hollywood Beach, Charles Blackstock Junior, E. O. Green Junior, Julien Hathaway, Art Haycox, Hueneme, Ansgar Larsen, Parkview, Sunkist, Fred L. Williams, -- Colleges Oxnard College, CSU Channel Islands ,Ventura College, California Lutheran University, Moorpark College, CSU Northridge, Evaluation of schools results check Standardized Testing And Reporting data server or the CCD and Compare schools.

Health Services

The Interface Children Family Services of Ventura County Blue Book offers information on all aspects of health and medicine from Adoption to Hospitals to Youth. For statistical information on health in Ventura and Oxnard please visit the Ventura County Public Health Dept.

Public Safety


Fire Chief - Joe Milligan - 385-7709


Police Chief - Art Lopez - 385-7624
Sworn Officers: 197

The following is courtesy of David Keith and the City of Oxnard Police Department:

City of Oxnard Crime Statistics, 2000

The following statistics are the Oxnard Police Department Part I Crimes statistics as reported to the FBI for calendar year 2000.
Criminal Homicide Forcible Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Larceny/Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Total
1999 5 37 357 452 1,029 3461 567 5,908
2000 9 60 357 422 921 3,417 455 5,559
% Change Up 80% Up 62% Up 5%* Down 6.6% Down 10.5% Down 1.3% Down 19.8% Down 4.2%

The total number of Part I Crimes declined by 4.2% for the year, from 5,908, 1999 to 5,559 in 2000. During the year 2000 the population of Oxnard rose to a reported 160,305. This calculates to a 2000 crime rate of 35.3 crimes per thousand Oxnard residents. The crime rate in 1999 was 37.7 crimes per thousand Oxnard residents. The long-term downward trend is continuing in the city with crime down more than 48% since 1992. The 5,559 crimes reported in 2000 compares very favorably to the 10,011 crimes reported in Oxnard in 1992.

Overall violent crime experienced a slight 1.9% increase. There were nine instances of criminal homicide in 2000 compared to the five recorded in 1999. The nine homicides in 2000 were in line with the city's average over the past decade. There was an increase to 60 reported rapes and attempted rapes from 37 for 1999. This represents a 62% increase. The overwhelming majority of these reported crimes have involved "acquaintances" as suspects.

Increases in reported rapes and attempted rapes are in part, the result of specific education programs geared towards these offenses which tend to be the most under reported of all criminal offenses. Aggressive educational efforts by various community-based organizations such as the Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual violence has encouraged more reporting. The increased us of date rape drugs and corresponding media coverage has also increased awareness and reporting. Oxnard Police Department Youth Service Officers have begun an aggressive campaign at the high school level against so called "date rape drugs." Such efforts in the short term likely promoted additional reporting.

The Oxnard Police Department will work with the existing Community/Police Advisory Boards to further public education. This comprehensive public education effort will emphasize personal safety for women. Additionally, men will be educated to understand the serious criminal consequences associated with sexual misconduct. This includes detailing how a conviction for a sex crime requires that the perpet5rator register as a Sex Offender.

Robberies increased to 375 reported instances from 357 (an increase of 5%). The department is looking at implementation of a robber prevention program this spring that should soon lower the number of robberies in the City of Oxnard.

Aggravated Assaults dropped 6.6% from 452 in 1999 to 422 in 2000. The aggressive enforcement efforts of the Special Enforcement Unit and the Ventura County violent Crimes Task Force have had an impact in this area. The city of Oxnard experienced significant drops in reported property crime. First, burglaries dropped from 1,029 to 921 (a decrease of 10.5%). Second, Larceny-theft dropped from 3,461 to 3,417 for a decrease of 1.3%. Finally, motor vehicle theft dropped a dramatic 19.8% to 455 from 567 occurrences in 1999.

# of Crimes Population Crimes per
1,000 Residents
1992 10,065 145,178 69.3
1993 8,634 149,571 57.7
1994 8,249 151,856 54.3
1995 7,770 154,558 50.2
1996 7,911 157,828 50.1
1997 7,618 158,700 48.2
1998 6,380 159,500 40
1999 5,907 158,300 37.3
2000 5,559 160,305 34.67


From 1990 US Census Population, California Department of Finance, Demographic Research Unit, Ventura County Planning and S. Cummings.

1970..........71,225 1980.........108,195 1990.........142,216 2000...170,358*

Population density, 1990: 5,828.5 Population density, 2000: 6981.9*

Image map of 2000 Census Preliminary Basic Tables Profile for Oxnard CA Census Tract/BNA's(290K)
Image map of 1990 Census Basic Tables Profile for Oxnard CA Census Tract/BNA's(290K)


All ages

18 years and over




       Total population 170,358 100.0 116,242 100.0
  One race 162,309 95.3 111,669 96.1
       White 71,688 42.1 52,665 45.3
       Black or African American 6,446 3.8 4,517 3.9
       American Indian and Alaska Native 2,143 1.3 1,404 1.2
       Asian 12,581 7.4 9,575 8.2
       Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 698 0.4 477 0.4
       Some other race 68,753 40.4 43,031 37.0
  Two or more races 8,049 4.7 4,573 3.9
       Total population 170,358 100.0 116,242 100.0
  Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 112,807 66.2 70,843 60.9
  Not Hispanic or Latino 57,551 33.8 45,399 39.1
    One race 54,570 32.0 43,745 37.6
       White 35,049 20.6 29,135 25.1
       Black or African American 5,923 3.5 4,252 3.7
       American Indian and Alaska Native 597 0.4 430 0.4
       Asian 12,257 7.2 9,402 8.1
       Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 562 0.3 408 0.4
       Some other race 182 0.1 118 0.1
    Two or more races 2,981 1.7 1,654 1.4
*From Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) Summary File,    Matrices PL1, PL2, PL3, and PL4.

Municipal Finance

From the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2000 (November 30, 2000) pgs. 41-42
Prepared by Finance Department Stan Kleinman Finance Director

City of Oxnard General Fund Balance Sheet

June 30, 2000 with comparative totals at June 30, 1999

Assets 2000 1999
Cash and cash equivalents $12,526,461 $13,788,357
Accounts and other receivalbles 2,157,876 2,459,958
Due from other funds 1,698,373 1,729,570
Due from other governments 4,053,573 3,739,764
Advances to other funds 223,035 248,035
Total assets $20,659,318 $21,965,684

Liabilities 2000 1999
Accounts payable $ 1,159,736 1,213,589
Other liabilities 1,155,710 2,285,320
Deferred revenue 2,330,897 520,657
Total liabilities 4,646,370 4,019,566
Fund balance:
Reserved: 2000 1999
Encumbrances 451,416 177,967
Advances to other funds 223,035 248,035
Total reserved 674,451 462,002
Unreserved 15,338,497 17,520,116
Total fund balance 16,012,948 17,946,118
Total liabilities and fund balance $20,659,318 $21,965,684

City of Oxnard General Fund
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures
and Changes in Fund Balance

Year ended June 30, 2000 with comparative totals for the year ended June 30, 1999
Revenues 2000 1999
Taxes $ 36,635,726 $ 34,280,107
Licenses and permits 2,474,296 2,213,020
Intergovernmental 15,614,760 15,224,925
Charges for services 6,696,895 7,191,112
Fines and forfeitures 775,017 541,766
Interest 2,510,906 2,707,368
Miscellaneous 1,333,846 1,135,965
Total revenues 66,041,446 63,294,263

Expenditures 2000 1999
General Government 7,602,018 7,579,837
Public safety 34,175,477 31,143,575
Transportation 183,335 3,990,342
Community development 6,717,061 5,537,302
Culture and leisure 8,238,815 8,772,328
Capital outlay 4,432,488 2,197,042
Total expenditures 61,349,194 59,220,426

Excess of revenues (under)
over expenditures
4,692,252 4,073,837

Other financing
sources (uses):
Operating transfers in ---- 4,023,974
Operating transfers out (6,625,422) (3,899,850)
Total other financing
sources (uses)
(6,625,422) 124,124

Excess of revenues and other
sources over expenditures
and other uses
(1,933,170) 4,197,961

Fund balance, July 1 17,946,118 13,748,157
Fund balance, June 30 $ 16,012,948 $ 17,946,118


Local Government officials, Representatives to State and Federal Government

Registered Voters in Oxnard as of Dec 29, 2000 - Total: 62,030.
Democrats 33,386. Republicans 16,604. Decline to state 8,835. American Independent 1,403. Green 292. Libertarian 279. Natural Law 260. Reform Party 266. Misc.705 .
From the Ventura County Registrar of Voters Feb 14, 2001.

Nature: Air, Wildlife and Vegetation: Air Plants , Animals, Birds, Central Coast Bioregion, Special status species,PDF (endangered, species of concern, etc. Ventura County)

Recreation: Hobbies, City of Oxnard Recreation, Oudoors, Restaurants, Channel Islands

Real Estate Links to Ventura Real Estate Also for Ventura County California Living Network

Religion:Adherence to Judeo-Christian Beliefs (1990) by ARDA, an incomplete list of local religious organizations,

Chambers of Commerce Oxnard, Hispanic, Afro-American, Philippine.

Local History Link to OPL's page

Oxnard Public Library Link to OPL's page

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Updated 4-24-01