On Pan

________There are those who say that Pan is the God of Satyrs, Sex, and Drinking. As someone who follows Pan, I can say that these individuals are only half right. Pan is (more appropriately) the God of Desires, Celebration, and Interconnectedness.

________Having discovered that I am a Satyr, I began looking at my life in terms of "How has this heretofor unforseen aspect of myself affected me without my knowledge?". I also began looking into the possibility that my patron God coud be the same God of Satyrs. I started noticing some interesting trends.

________The first trend I noticed was (as outlined in Desires) the trend of my excessive sexuality. With very few exceptions, I tend to find myself drawn to sexual encounters regardless of whether or not I am "involved" with anyone or not. The singular exception to this was during my marriage, but even then, I left her when she started witholding "marital favors". As I continued to grow and develop, I found myself realizing that, to me, one should *NOT* tie oneself down to the current societal mores of "there's only one person for me". Instead, I found myself feeling closer to my divinity by embracing my Love for *ALL* (and, by corrilation, the expression of that Love).

________Along a similar vein, I found myself celebrating every little thing. From something as momentous in my life as the first time my little girl said "I love you!" to me, to the sound of the wind through the trees, I found myself wanting to share my feelings of joy with others. To some extent, I've been able to do that. But how is one to give a "WAKE UP!!!" to those who can't, or won't, hear? That's when I started living the example of "Celebrate All!" Life has become fuller for me since I started rejoicing in everything from my friends to the animals, even the trees.

________But perhaps most interestingly, was when I realized that my celebrating is a logical offshoot of my "celebration of the feminine form" (ie. sex), and that my celebration of everything brought me closer to an understanding of the interconnectedness of all things! This, to date, has been one of the most difficult things for me to understand. When asked by my sister to describe this, I put forth the following example:

You know that feeling you get when everyone gathers at Grandma's house
for Christmas? Take that same feeling, and apply it every day. Now,
take it and expand it to include all people, animals, and objects.
Allow it to give you a feeling of "oneness" with everything.

Bear in mind, this is not the clearest of examples. This is a feeling that is still realitively new to me. But it's the rightest thing I've felt since I began walking this Earth! (And having the feeling that you know that, somewhere, your diety is smiling down, helps!)

________Bear in mind, also, that these are my feelings. They are brought about by my experimentation and work for me in my Faith. They are what I believe to be the basics concerning my patron god, Pan.

_________________________________________________-Borach McTeague

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