Clinic Training Around The World.

The growth of EE's worldwide ministry is best measured by seeing the rapidly increasing number of Leadership Clinics.

An EE Clinic is a 6-day training experience in a local church where pastors and lay leaders are equipped to launch and lead the EE ministry in their own local churches.

These clinics are the vehicle God has used to spread the ministry from the first clinic at Ft. Lauderdale in 1965 to 278 clinics attended by 5,534 clinicians on every continent of the world in 1995. 19,491 people heard the Gospel with 8,961 (46%) professions of faith during the on-the-job training which is an integral part of every clinic.

378 clinics are scheduled for 1996. We anticipate training approximately 8,000 clinicians. If previous patterns hold true, approximately 28,000 people will hear the Gospel and over 16,000 will profess faith in Christ at a clinic.


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