1. Name the golf tournament whose annual winner is awarded a green coat.
2. Name the branch of biology which studies plants.
3. Name the American-born woman who served as Prime Minister of Israel from 1969-1974.
4. How many karats are in a metal that is 75% gold?
5. Name the sheet of muscle which creates the action for breathing.
6. What is the name for a small, strong barrel, usually containing five to ten gallons of beer?
7. Where would a surfer go to ride the Bonsai Pipeline?
8. Judas Iscariot died shortly after he betrayed Christ. How did he die?
9. Name the singer referred to as "Old Blue Eyes."
10. If you were looking for stalagmites, in which direction would you look?
11. When Batman wasn't busy being Batman, who was he?
12. Who killed Cock Robin and how did they do it?
13. Name the three "B's" of classical music.
14. What is the more common name for adipose tissue?
15. The term "joy stick" is applied to a slender, cylindrical device used to play computer games. From what transportation steering mechanism was this name derived?
16. Name the visual condition which results from the lens focusing the image in front of the retina.
17. Within ten, how many gold medals did the United States win in the 1980 Moscow Olympics?
18. Name the old cabinet-like structure inside of which one must remained for artificial respiration on a long-term basis.
19. If you opponent took a mandatory eight count, in what sport would you be participating?
20. What is the more common name for nitrous oxide?
21. Name at least five of the areas for which a Nobel Prize is
awarded annually.
22. Name the actor who popularized the phrase "make my day."
23. Name the actor who popularized the phrase "I'll be back."
24. In banking, what do the initials F.D.I.C. stand for?
25. Name the rock star who popularized such hits as "Maggie Mae"
and "Passion."
26. What is the height of a standard basketball goal?
27. Name the predecessor to Pope John Paul II who died after
serving as Pope for just one month.
28. Name the system of reading for the blind which involves
feeling raised dots on a page.
29. If you suffered from pyromania and kleptomania, what two
things would you do?
30. Name the kind of animal Ivan Pavlov used in his experiments.
31. For which element is K the symbol?
32. What is the Hebrew word for "master" or "teacher?"
33. In theater, what do you do when you "strike" the set?
34. In parapsychology, what do the initials E.S.P. stand for?
35. What was the name for the lunar landing module of Apollo 11?
36. What is the name of Jacques Yvon Cousteau's ship?
37. In mythology, Romulus and Remus established a great city.
Name this city.
38. What is the lowest number that will bust you in the card game Black Jack?
39. What is the more common name for rubella?
40. Name the discipline that examines the nature of reality, whose
name literally means "love of wisdom."
41. Who was the lead singer for the 60's rock group The Doors?
42. Name Wilbur's horse.
43. What is most of ancient Persia called today?
44. Name the "Sesame Street" character who lives in a garbage can.
45. Edson Arentes played forward for the Santos in Brazil. Brazil
threatened to declare him a natural resource to keep him from
playing for a team in the United States. What is the better known name for Edson Arantes?
46. Name the United States city referred to as the "Motor City."
47. What is the major anatomical difference between apes and monkeys?
48. What is the name of Robin Hood's big friend?
49. What is the least expensive piece of property which can be purchased in the board game Monopoly?
50. Name the only United States president to have served split terms.
51. What is the subject of the movie "Color of Money?"
52. Name the two participants in the first televised presidential
53. Name all of the people shipwrecked on "Gilligan's Island."
54. Drinking alcohol (ethanol) is converted to acetic acid by the liver. People often put diluted acetic acid on salad. What is the more common name for diluted acetic acid?
55. Who holds the National Football League record for the most yards gained rushing in a single season?
56. Where is George Jetson employed?
57. What is a Gramophone?
58. Name the famous highway which connects Natchez, Mississippi
to Nashville, Tennessee.
59. Who said "Cleanliness is next to Godliness"?
60. Name the rock group who admitted they were "Smoking in the Boys' Room."
61. What contained the magic which allowed Frosty the Snowman to
come to life?
62. What is the better known name for writer Thomas Lanier Williams?
63. Who was Andy Taylor's deputy?
64. What is Mr. Wizard's real name?
65. Who, supposedly, never met a man he didn't like?
66. On March 21, 1962, the center for the Philadelphia Warriors
scored 100 points in a National Basketball Association game
against the New York Knicks. Name this center.
67. He won the Heavyweight Championship as Cassius Clay. What is
his name today?
68. What type of party was attended by the Mad Hatter, March Hare
and Dormouse?
69. Who wrote The Old Man and the Sea?
70. Name the man who hosted "American Bandstand" for 33 years.
71. What are the better known names for Leonard Slye and his horse
Golden Cloud?
72. What is the common name for ringworm of the foot?
73. Name the school teacher in the village of Sleepy Hollow.
74. Which organ creates the lump in the throat called the Adam's
75. In the cartoon "Wizard of Id," what prison food is fed to
76. How many degrees are in a circle?
77. What do the initials SCUBA stand for?
78. When you rub electrons from your hair, from a carpet or from
wool cloth, what is generated?
79. What does the word "stillborn" mean?
80. What does a tachometer measure?
81. What is the name for a striped cat?
82. Name the holy book of Islam.
83. Name the protein, rich in iron, which gives blood its' red color.
84. How is it determined when Thanksgiving day will fall each year? 85. Who is the patron saint of lost causes?
86. Name two articles of clothing changed, or removed, by Mr. Rogers at the beginning of his show.
87. What activities were denied Rudolph because the other reindeer
objected to his nose?
88. Name the Greek goddess of victory.
89. What did Conrad Hilton, Michael Todd, Eddie Fisher, Richard Burton and John Warner have in common?
90. In which country are Hyundai automobiles produced?
91. Name the M & M color banned during the 1970's.
92. What is a "southpaw?"
93. If you "scratched" trying to pick up a 1-10 split, in what sport would you be participating?
94. Name the occupation of Cliff on the TV series "Cheers."
95. What is the lightest element?
96. Name the ingredient in antifreeze which keeps it from freezing.
97. If you had telepathy, what could you do?
98. In classical mythology, who was the god of wine an revelry?
99. Name the motor cycle dare-devil who attempted to rocket 1,600
feet across the Snake River on September 8, 1974.
100. Name the religion founded by L. Ron Hubbard.
101. Name a fortune telling device which gets its' name from the
French and German words for "yes?"
102. What was the subject of the United States Supreme Court decision known as Rowe v. Wade?
103. When an atom gains an electrical charge, it is no longer an
atom. What is the name for an atom with an electrical charge?
104. What is the more common name for halite?
105. What is the name for a well whose pressure is great enough so
that water flows freely from it without a pump?
106. Name the "Godfather of Soul."
107. Name the Ivy League university located in Cambridge, Mass.
108. What would happen in a regular season National Football League
game if the score were tied after the first overtime period?
109. How many stomachs does a cow have?
110. Where in the body would you expect to find hydrochloric acid?
111. In what country is the Aswan Dam located?
112. If the score is 40-love in tennis, how many points has each
player won?
113. Sixteen, 12, 10 and 4.10 are common gauges of what type of gun?
114. The bumper sticker for this 1964 presidential candidate read
"Au H2O 64." Who was this candidate?
115. Chow Chow dogs are noted for their unusual colored tongue.
What color is the tongue of a Chow Chow?
116. According to the proverb, when the cat is away, what are the
mice supposed to do?
117. Name the heavy metal rock group which has a one-armed drummer.
118. Name the author who created the character James Bond, agent 007?
119. The Japanese name for this martial art means literally "empty
hand." Name this martial art.
120. When it is exactly 12:00 midnight, is it 12:00 AM or PM?
121. What was the subject of the investigation conducted by the
Warren Commission?
122. What unit of land measurement equals 43,560 square feet?
123. If you had just played a few "chukkers," in what sport did you
124. According to the proverb, what will a stitch in time save?
125. A Chilean island in the eastern Pacific has ceremonial stone
statues which, residents believe, make the crops grow, fish bite and people prosper. Name this island.
126. What is the Spanish word for fox?
127. How long was the tour aboard the U.S.S. Minnow supposed to last?
128. Who said "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away"?
129. Give the first names of the entire Cleaver family?
130. For which 60's rock group did Cass Elliot sing?
131. Because British sailors needed vitamin C to prevent scurvy,
they ate and drank the juice of a fruit which lead to a
nickname for British sailors. What is this nickname?
132. What is the name for star-like bodies that give off more
energy than 10 billion suns?
133. Name the first director of the F.B.I. who directed the bureau
for 48 years until his death in 1972.
134. Name the humorous poet/author who wrote in his poem Reflections on Ice-Breaking: "Candy is dandy/but liquor is
135. Which sign of the Zodiac applies to June 9?
136. Name the "Singing Cowboy" whose horse was named Champion.
137. For what do the initials B.M.W. stand?
138. A legal term which means "I am unwilling to contend," has the
legal effect of a guilty plea, but does not bar the defendant
from denying the charge in another legal proceeding. What is
this legal plea?
139. What is a parasol?
140. The word "radar" is an abbreviation. For what do the initials
R.A.D.A.R. stand?
141. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
142. How many legs does a spider have?
143. How many legs do most insects have?
144. What is the name for the scientific study of human behavior?
145. Name both the son and daughter of Dagwood and Blondie.
146. What five cards must you have in your hand for a Royal
Straight Flush in poker?
147. What is the name used to designate a person whose name is unknown in any legal transaction or proceeding?
148. What is the name for a member of the Society of Jesus, a
religious order founded by Ignatius Loyola?
149. What is the more common name for acetylsalicylic acid?
150. In which organ of the body would you find nephrons?
151. Name the material used by each of the three little pigs to
build their houses.
152. If an object absorbs all of the light rays projected upon it,
what color will it appear to be?
153. What is the more common name for the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints?
154. For what do the initials M.A.S.H. stand?
155. When all cream is removed from milk, what product remains?
156. What is the more common name for leukocytes?
157. When carbonic acid dissolves underground pockets of limestone, the ground above might suddenly collapse. What would the
resulting hole be called?
158. What is the country formerly known as Siam called today?
159. How is it determined on which Sunday Easter will fall each year?
160. According to the Bible, a man lived for 969 years, the oldest
person ever. Name this man.
161. In number of pairs, which chromosomes are the sex determining
chromosomes for people?
162. Name the ax handle wielding Atlanta restaurant owner who was
elected Governor of Georgia in 1966.
163. If you suffered from somnambulism, what symptoms would you
164. Name the instrument which records the intensity, direction and duration of an earthquake shock.
165. What is the more common name for the London Metropolitan Police and London Criminal Investigation Department?
166. Where in the human body would you find the sebaceous glands?
167. Where is the United States Naval Academy located?
168. For what medical reason would a person be given horse serum?
169. What are pride, lust, envy, anger, covetousness, gluttony, and sloth?
170. Who wrote The Great Gatsby, a novel about the rise and fall of
millionaire Jay Gatsby?
171. Name the acne medicine which is believed to remove wrinkles.
172. Name the three time Cy Young Award winning pitcher for the
Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dodgers who pitched four no-hitters
and one perfect game before retirement due to arthritis.
173. Jack Haley, Bert Lahr and Ray Bolger played characters in the
"Wizard of Oz." Which role did each play?
174. Name the Princeton basketball star who delayed his National
Basketball Association career to attend Oxford University as
a Rhodes Scholar.
175. According to the Bible, what did Salome get in exchange for
dancing for King Herod?
176. What is the name for a tenant farmer who pays a portion of his crops as rent for his land?
177. What is the highest award given by the United States for bravery and gallantry in military action?
178. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, which letter was the scarlet letter?
179. What is the derogatory term applied to a person who applies for and accepts the job of a person who is on strike against
that employer?
180. What do carcinogens do?
181. Name the first black coach of a National Basketball
Association team.
182. What is the name for the examination of tissue from a living
183. What is the "Land Down Under?"
184. Name the kind of bird killed in The Rhyme of the Ancient
185. Name the first woman Supreme Court Justice.
186. Name the second woman Supreme Court Justice.
187. What is the common slang term for a debenture bond?
188. Name the only state having a unicameral legislature.
189. What is the hardest substance in the human body?
190. Name the three races which compose horse racing's Triple
191. What must a player do to win the Triple Crown in baseball?
192. What is the name for an examination of tissue from a dead
193. What do the initials A.S.P.C.A. stand for?
194. What is the name applied to the floor of a fireplace?
195. Name the chemistry of the middle ages which was primarily
concerned with turning lesser value metals into gold.
196. Name the Virginia village where Robert E. Lee surrendered to
U.S. Grant to effectively end the American Civil War.
197. A bungled burglary attempt on the offices of the Democratic
National Committee in 1972 lead to the resignation of
President Richard M. Nixon. Name the scandal produced by
this event.
198. What is the name for a style of writing which uses sarcasm, irony or wit to expose abuses or follies?
199. In the Old Testament, who was the wife of Abraham?
200. In Edgar Allen Poe's poem The Raven, what is the only word
spoken by the raven?
201. What does the word "gustation" refer to?
202. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neurological disease which
is better known by a common name derived from a famous athlete who died from this disease. Name this athlete.
203. What is the largest muscle in the human body?
204. What is the name applied to any of the hereditary military
dictators who ruled Japan until the 19th century?
205. Name the case which marked the first time an act of congress
was declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme
206. Where in the human body would you find cells called neurons?
207. Name the Egyptian leader assassinated on October 6, 1981.
208. Anabolic steroids are sometimes used by athletes to increase
muscle mass and strength. What does the word "anabolic" or
"anabolism" mean?
209. What is the number used for computing the circumference of a
circle when the radius or diameter is known?
210. If you were spending "A few minutes with Andy Rooney," what
TV program would you be watching?
211. What popular boy's name has consecutive letters which are the
first letters of five consecutive months?
212. In the cartoons, whose friends are Joey, Margaret and Gina?
213. Name the only three people to have been head coach of the Dallas Cowboys football team.
214. Name the Academy Award winning princess who starred in "High
Noon" and "Dial M For Murder."
215. What was the better known name for Samuel Clemens?
216. Which United States presidential administration was known as
217. What do the initials C.I.A. stand for?
218. His songs included "Blue Bayou," "Only the Lonely," "Crying,"
"Claudette," and "You Got It." He died of a heart attack in 1989. Name this singing artist.
219. A physical conditioning and self defense art has a name which
means the "gentle way" of life. Name this martial art.
220. According to the Bible, what was the key to Sampson's strength?
221. From what country is Pope John Paul II?
222. Name the Nebraska city given an Indian name which means
"going upstream."
223. Where in the human body would you find the bicuspid and tri-
cuspid values?
224. What is the national day in honor of trees?
225. Johnson, Mercury and Evinrude are name associated with what
type of motor?
226. The difference between snow and sleet is the difference in the state of water when it freezes. What specifically is the
difference between snow and sleet?
227. Name an activity you would have a difficult time doing if you
had a broken mandible.
228. Name the country whose national anthem is "Waltzing Matilda."
229. If you were doing the "military press," in what conditioning activity would you be engaged?
230. One centimeter equals how many millimeters?
231. How is it determined which team bats first in baseball?
232. How many fluid ounces are contained in a standard size soft
drink can?
233. Name the cartoon created by Gary Larson.
234. Name the former island prison located in San Francisco Bay.
235. The word "weiner" comes from the German pronunciation of an
Austrian city. Name this city.
236. In what country is the Sterling automobile manufactured?
237. If you made a "double eagle," in what sport would you be
238. Name Tom Sawyer's aunt?
239. What is the standard monetary unit of Mexico?
240. Name the gangster called "scarface."
241. Name the brother of Moses.
242. Who was Superman's girlfriend at the Dailey Planet?
243. Name the peg-legged pirate in Robert Louis Stevenson's
Treasure Island.
244. What is the one letter name of James Bond's superior?
245. The answer is Alex Trebeck. What is the question?
246. Name the site of the 1987 Soviet nuclear disaster.
247. For what do the initials N.A.S.A. stand?
248. At what temperature does water boil?
249. According to the Bible, who was the first King of Israel?
250. What is the color of Spock's blood?
251. Name the first man to walk on the surface of the moon.
252. What is the name of Walt Disney's "Love Bug?" Herbie
253. Name the famous actor whose nickname is "Dutch."
254. Name a form of life which doesn't have cells.
255. Whose face is printed on the modern U.S. nickel?
256. Name two weapons, two rooms and two suspects in the board game clue.
257. Name the World War I flying ace who always defeats Snoopy.
258. Name the city referred to as the "Country Music Capital of the
259. Name the university attended by Bullwinkle J. Moose.
260. Name the mixture of zinc oxide and ferric oxide used to treat
poison ivy rash.
261. On TV, what was Alf's favorite food in the meat group?
262. "Big Daddy" Don Garlets was a dominant figure in a certain sport for over thirty years. Name this sport.
263. Name a sport in which you would use a "half pipe."
264. For which rock group was Sting the lead vocalist?
265. Name the "Peanuts" character who plays the piano.
266. Who started the "Just Say No" campaign against drugs?
267. What is the name applied to the minimum number of members
that must be present at a meeting before official business
can be acted upon?
268. Name the economic exchange system in which one good is traded
for another good without the use of money as a medium of
269. Who was the nanny for Jane and Michael Banks?
270. What is the second lightest element?
271. What was the subject of the United States Supreme Court case
known as Plessey v. Ferguson?
272. Name the religious holiday that occurs the day before Ash Wednesday.
273. What amount of money is required to get out of jail in the
board game Monopoly?
274. What does it mean to sing "a capella?"
275. What is the name of Fred and Wilma Flintstone's daughter?
276. What did the initials U.S.S.R. stand for?
277. Which planet in our solar system is the farthest from the sun?
278. What is the cause of cystic fibrosis, Down's syndrome, color
blindness, and hemophilia?
279. In 1932 she became the first woman to fly solo across the
Atlantic. Five years later while attempting to fly around
the world, she was lost. Name this woman.
280. Name the man who manages the "Chipmunks."
281. At what store do you find "Blue Light Specials?"
282. Name the type of presidential veto in which the legislature
goes out of session before the bill is signed into law by
the president.
283. What is the exact address (excluding zip code) of the White
284. Name a TV show on which you must buy a vowel?
285. Name the technological principle upon which power steering
and power brakes are based.
286. What is a more common name for Homo sapiens?
287. How many quarts of blood are contained in the average human
circulatory system?
288. Medically, what do the initials A.I.D.S. stand for?
289. What is the name for a tri-colored cat?
290. Whose picture is on the United States ten dollar bill?
291. What is Ichthyology?
292. Name the act passed in 1973 which limits the power of the
president to send troops into combat without a declaration
of war by congress.
293. Name the imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the
South Pole through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. prime meridian (international date line)
294. The adrenal glands are located on the top of another organ.
Name this organ. they are on the top of each kidney
295. Name the instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.
296. A 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell sold 1.5 million copies in
its' first year. The movie won an Oscar for best picture.
Name this novel.
297. The first two letters of the Greek alphabet compose a word
which contains 26 letters. What is this word?
298. He was Time magazine's man of the year in 1938. He led
Germany against the Allies in World War II.
299. Name the goofy best friend of Archie Andrews.
300. What is anatomy?
301. What is the traditional drink for the winner of the
Indianapolis 500?
302. What score represents a perfect score in bowling?
303. Woodstock may be the most famous rock concert ever held.
In which state was Woodstock located?
304. Name the one-eyed Israeli soldier-statesman who died of
cancer on October 16, 1981.
305. Name the Swedish tennis star who won a record five straight
Wimbledon titles.
306. Name the British rock group who had such hits as "Jumping
Jack Flash" and "I Can't Get No Satisfaction."
307. Name the United States president who promised a "New Deal."
308. Name the legendary Alabama football coach who once wrestled a bear at a county fair.
309. What was the political party of Abraham Lincoln?
310. Which United States president promised a "Great Society?"
311. An Austrian neurologist founded Psychoanalysis and developed
the concepts of the id, ego and superego. Name this famous
312. Name the famous twin sister advice columnists.
313. Name the U.S. city known as the "Mile High City."
314. Name the automobile company who makes the Maxima and the
300 ZX.
315. Name the company which "brings good things to life."
316. Name the New Orleans lawyer that you might have to have surgically removed from your side.
317. What is the name applied to sturgeon, or other fish eggs,
when eaten as food?
318. Who was the only president of the Confederate States of
319. Name the fighter who held the heavyweight boxing title for
over 11 years, the longest it has ever been held by any one
320. In psychology, what does mental age (MA) divided by chronological age (CA) times 100 equal?
321. The word "morphine" was derived from the Greek god Morpheus.
What was Morpheus the god of?
322. He won his first Emmy as a spy/tennis coach on the TV series
"I Spy." Name this famous actor.
323. Lew Alcindor was an All American basketball player for U.C.L.A. What is his name today?
324. What is the Italian word for "my lady?"
325. What drug does Juan Valdez sell on TV?
326. What machine, by measuring respiration, galvanic skin
response and heart rate, attempts to predict truthfulness?
327. The Latin word "lavare" means "to wash." Name the type of
wash basin whose name was derived from this Latin word.
328. During World War II, U.S. soldiers were issued emergency
rations having a name identical to a "special" cereal.
Name those rations.
329. What is the better known name for Vincent Edward Jackson?
330. For what mental illness might electrical shock treatment be
used as therapy?
331. In which system of the human body would you find myelin
332. He was the voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig,
Yosemite Sam, and Foghorn Leghorn before his death on
July 7, 1989. Name this man.
333. In Greek legend, he was a prince who led the Argonauts in search of the "Golden Fleece." Who was he?
334. E=MC2 is a famous equation developed by Albert Einstein.
What do the initials E, M and C stand for?
335. Name the traditional opponent of the Harlem Globetrotters,
who have lost over 20,000 times.
336. What do the initials I.C.B.M. stand for?
337. Name the economic condition which occurs when wages increase
faster than productivity.
338. The hammer, anvil and stirrup are the smallest bones of the
human body. Where are these bones located?
339. A pale brass-yellow mineral, sometimes referred to as "fools
gold," is used to manufacture sulfuric acid. Name this
340. What was the name for the general purpose vehicle developed
for the U.S. army by the Kaiser Corporation for use in
World Wars I and II?
341. Name the wooded area where Robin Hood and his merry men lived
and worked.
342. Name the 1960's duo who recorded such hits as "Sounds of
Silence" and "Bridge Over Troubled Waters."
343. What do the initials N.A.A.C.P. stand for?
344. Name the man who flew non-stop across the Atlantic and landed
in Paris on May 21, 1927.
345. To the nearest mile, what is the distance from Marathon to
346. Name the team who won the first Superbowl in 1967?
347. Name the British tennis tournament that is one of the "Grand
Slam" events of tennis.
348. Name the American cities known as the "Twin Cities."
349. Name the parasitic evergreen which permits a kiss if one
should stand under it during Christmas season.
350. Give the first name of the "Boy in the Bubble" who died on
February 22, 1984 after living most of his life in sterile
351. Name the famous singer, songwriter and musician shot to
death by his father on April 1, 1984.
352. Name the sea parted by Moses to allow the Israelites to
escape Egypt.
353. What do the initials N.A.T.O. stand for?
354. What is the right or power of government to seize private
property for public use?
355. How many sides has a heptagon?
356. A word derived from the Greek words for "without" and
"bottom," is applied to a bottomless gulf, or an area of the
sea having profound depth. What is this word?
357. What does the word "libel" mean?
358. Name the former Maryland basketball star who died of a cocaine
overdose on June 24, 1986.
359. What is the name for underground water trapped in sand and
rock, which is often a source of water for man?
360. Name the lung disease (often caused by smoking) in which the
alveoli become enlarged and inflexible.
361. What does the word "atrophy" mean?
362. What is the name for a tower in which a bell is hung?
363. If whiskey is called Bourbon, where must it have been distilled?
364. What is the name for a jail or a place of confinement aboard
a ship?
365. In Chess, what is the term for an opponent's king being in
a position from which there is no escape?
366. Name the religious and charitable organization established by
William Booth in 1865 as a semi-military organization.
367. What is the more common name for "dental caries?"
368. From what plant are codeine and morphine derived?
369. What does the word "olfaction" refer to?
370. At what age did American men previously have to register for Selective Service?
371. What electrical devices are present on a gasoline engine,
but are absent on a Diesel engine?
372. What is the symbol for silver?
373. What does the word "enuresis" mean?
374. Sol was a Roman god. Of what was he god?
375. What is the more common name for the Society of Friends, a religious organization founded in England in 1650 by George Foxx?
376. Name a mollusk that people commonly eat raw.
377. A large middle eastern oil cartel was known as O.P.E.C.
What did the initials O.P.E.C. stand for?
378. Name the British-born comedian who boxed under the name of
Packy East. For decades he traveled the globe entertaining
American troops stationed overseas.
379. He teamed with Dean Martin for comedy films in the 1950's.
Today he is very popular in France and has a lot of kids.
Name this comedian.
380. Who lived in the Hermitage?
381. When is groundhog Day?
382. What dice combination is referred to as "snake eyes?"
383. Name the Greek philosopher who classified animals and had
one of the first zoos.
384. When is Labor Day each year?
385. Who wrote Evangeline?
386. The Greek god of the sea was Poseidon. Who was the Roman
god of the sea?
387. Name the branch of medicine which deals with the nervous
system and its disorders.
388. Name the odorless, colorless gas which forms about 79% of
the earth's atmosphere.
389. What does the word "nocturnal" mean?
390. Name the mythological half-god who gave man fire.
391. If you were omnivorous, what would you eat?
392. Opera is almost always done in a certain language. Name
this language.
393. If you were hemophobic, what would you fear?
394. In Egyptian mythology, a beautiful bird lived over 500 years
before consuming itself with fire and rising from the ashes
to begin life anew. Name this bird.
395. What is the name applied to a harmless, inert substance given
medically to produce a desirable psychological effect? It is
often given in the form of a sugar pill or a sterile water
396. If you were a polygamist, what would you have more than one of?
397. If you received an award "posthumously," in what condition
would you be upon reception?
398. What does the word "prenatal" mean?
399. What is the name for the leading female singer in an opera
400. If you had surgery known as "rhinoplasty," what did you have
401. The 18th amendment established this, the 21st amendment
abolished it. What was it?
402. What is the name applied to automatic responses in muscles
or glands due to specific stimulation?
403. Name the city referred to as the "City of Lights."
404. Which New Testament book is often referred to as the
405. What did Bill Cullen and Bob Barker have in common?
406. For which element is Na the symbol?
407. He was a "Rebel Without A Cause." Who was he?
408. What does the pericardium cover?
409. The rock promotion "Band Aid" raised money to feed starving
people in what nation?
410. Which present day state was known as "Seward's Folly?"
411. What is the first name of Captain Kirk on "Star Trek?"
412. In the cartoons, what is the name of Hi and Lois' son?
413. What is the length of a Canadian Football League field?
414. Who lived in the home called Montecello?
415. Name the farmer whose garden Peter Rabbit invaded?
416. Name the ship which carried a group of pilgrims from
Southhampton, England to Plymouth, Massachusetts.
417. What is the mascot of the Army football team?
418. A boundary line surveyed from 1763-1767 runs between
Pennsylvania and Maryland. It became the line dividing the
United States into North and South. Name this line.
419. What are the five "W's" of journalism?
420. On "Popeye," what is the name of Sweetpea's magical animal
421. What is the last name of both the police chief in Mickey
Mouse's hometown, and the police chief in Gotham City?
422. Where does Peter Pan live?
423. Name the romantic French cartoon skunk.
424. The top single of 1955 performed by Bill Haley and the Comets,
was revived for the movie "American Graffiti" and has remained
popular ever since. Name this song.
425. Name the home of the Greek gods.
426. What is the name for compounds such as sugars and starch
which are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen?
427. What is the "Apocrypha?"
428. Name the type of medical doctor who treats mental disorders.
429. Whose face is printed on the modern U.S. dime?
430. How many keys (both black and white) are on a piano keyboard?
431. Who sang "It's Hip to be Square?"
432. "She's So Unusual." Who is she?
433. Name the first woman selected as vice presidential nominee
for a major political party.
434. What do the initials H.U.D. stand for?
435. Name the occupation of Al Bundy on the TV sitcom "Married
With Children."
436. What is the more common name for "halitosis?"
437. Name the blood vessel(s) which carry blood from the heart to
the lungs.
438. What is an alloy?
439. Name the TV talk show hostess whose production company is
440. According to the beatitudes, what will the meek inherit?
441. According to their TV advertisements, which shoe company
"only sells the right shoe?"
442. Which state is known as the "Volunteer State?"
443. Who was the "Bard of Avon?"
444. Name the Dutch born artist who painted Starry Night.
445. In the cartoons, name the dog who is Garfield's friendly
446. Antabuse is a drug used to treat a major disease. Name
the disease.
447. Name the unit for measuring electrical resistance.
448. Name the church headed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
449. What are the three cardinal virtues?
450. What is the more common name for ascorbic acid?
451. Name the soft tissue found in the hollow area inside bones
which produces blood cells.
452. What is the more common abbreviation for the explosive trinitrotoluene?
453. Name the movie which featured Ned Racine and Matty Walker.
454. What is the name for nonrepresentational art such as:
fauvism, cubism and expressionism?
455. Name the garden near Athens where Plato taught.
456. What is the name for a compound which yields hydrogen ions
when dissolved in water?
457. In Greek legend, this warrior was killed by a wound to the
heal inflicted by Paris. Name this legendary warrior.
458. Addis Ababa is the capital of what African country?
459. Name the largest state in the United States of America.
460. What is the name for an animal or plant lacking pigmentation?
461. Who wrote Little Women?
462. Give the first names of Siskel and Ebert.
463. What do the initials G.O.P. stand for?
464. In Longfellow's poem The Courtship of Miles Standish, who
married Priscilla Mullens?
465. What is the name for the 30-32 foot canal extending from the
mouth to the anus, which includes the stomach and the
466. Name the most famous student of Ann Sullivan Macy.
467. Name the American inventor who developed the lock-stitch
sewing machine.
468. Who was America named for?
469. Amor was the Roman god of what?
470. In the cartoons, what is the name of Calvin's tiger friend?
471. Bill Cosby earned a doctoral degree from the University
of Massachusetts. What type of doctorate was he awarded?
472. Name the Danish writer who wrote "The Ugly Duckling."
473. The word "angel" originated as a Greek word. What was the meaning for this Greek word?
474. A shortened form of "facsimile," refers to a method of
transmitting messages, drawings or documents by telephone.
Name this method.
475. What is the name for a tooth having two points which is
used to shred food?
476. What is the largest artery in the body?
477. In Greek mythology, Antaeus was the giant son of Poseidon who
became stronger whenever he touched earth. How did Hercules
defeat him?
478. What is the medical term for "hoof and mouth disease?"
479. In some animals this organ is used to help digest cellulose.
In man it is considered useless. Name this organ.
480. The Clayton Act and the Sherman Act were designed to limit a
certain type of business combination. What was this
combination called?
481. What is the more common and modern name for "apoplexy?"
482. Buenos Aires is the capital of a South American republic.
Name this republic.
483. Name the trumpeter, singer and band leader known as "Satchmo."
484. The symbol for this element is As. It is a poison whose
presence is detected by Marsh's test. Name this element.
485. Name the prenatal test for birth defects which involves
removing shed skin cells found in amniotic fluid, culturing
them, and examining their genetic make-up.
486. In which organ of the body would you find rods and cones?
487. Name the condition of increased heat on earth due to the
reflection of sunlight back to earth from the atmosphere.
488. What is the economic term for inflation which occurs during
a recession?
489. Name the capital city of Iraq?
490. Name the Spanish conquistador who named the Pacific Ocean.
491. At Oxford, England in 1954, a man ran a mile in three minutes and 59.4 seconds, the first ever under four minutes. Name
this man.
492. Name the showman who featured the Siamese Twins, General
Tom Thumb and Jenny Lind.
493. Name the game developed by James Naismith.
494. Bastille Day is celebrated in France as the day which began
the French Revolution. What was the Bastille?
495. What was the name given to the last German offensive on
the Western front, which lasted from December 1944 to
January 1945?
496. Born Erich Weiss, he became a famous magician and escape
artist. What was the better known stage name of Erich
497. Where is Johns Hopkins University located?
498. What was the name for the secret police of Nazi Germany?
499. How many players are on an ice hockey team in a non-penalty
500. Name the eye disease characterized by too much pressure
within the eyeball.
501. Who killed former Beatle John Lennon?
502. Name the only man to look at Lady Godiva as she rode naked
through town to protest high taxes.
503. This term was derived from the Spanish word for "little war."
Today it refers to warfare by small groups, rather than a
large organized army. Name this term.
504. Name the actor who played Judge Roy Bean and Earl K. Long.
505. What is the better known name for baseball player Lawrence Peter Berra?
506. What do the initials F.T.C. stand for?
507. Name the German engineer who developed the first automobile
powered by an internal combustion engine.
508. Who wrote "Alexander's Ragtime Band," "White Christmas" and
"God Bless America?"
509. Name the Jewish religious holiday known as the "Festival of Lights."
510. He founded the American Institute of Public Opinion in 1935
and established an opinion poll which bears his name. Name
this man.
511. Who lives across the hall from Jerry Sinefeld?
512. This term refers to an obstruction tactic in which a lawmaker
delivers a time consuming speech so that a bill can't be
considered. Name this tactic.
513. What do each of the H's stand for in the 4-H Club?
514. Who played Rhett Butler in "Gone With the Wind?"
515. The two types of radio stations are AM and FM. What do the
initials AM and FM stand for?
516. Name the social psychiatrist who wrote "Escape From Freedom"
and "Sane Society."
517. Where would you find the clock named Big Ben?
518. In what sport would you find banderilleros, picadores and
519. What was the better known name for William Frederick Cody?
520. Which amendments to the United States Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights?
521. What is the name for an alloy of copper and zinc?
522. Name the Boy's Town founder who said "There is no such thing
as a bad boy."
523. Name the co-founder of the Black Panthers who was murdered on
August 22, 1989.
524. Who killed Alexander Hamilton?
525. Name the metric unit of heat, which in dietetics, is the heat
required to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water one
degree centigrade.
526. Who wrote The Grass Harp and In Cold Blood?
527. Name the British Prime Minister during most of World War II.
528. Name the religion founded by Mary Baker Eddy.
529. What is the common name for frozen, solid carbon dioxide?
530. In which country is Casablanca located?
531. Name the country which produces the Saab automobile.
532. Who wrote the Canterbury Tales?
533. Name the capital city of Syria.
534. Originated by Daniel D. Palmer in 1895, it is a therapy
based on manipulation, especially manipulation of the spine.
Name this form of therapy.
535. Digitalis is a drug obtained from the leaves of the foxglove
plant. Name the medical condition which is often treated
with this drug.
536. What unusual food was eaten by the Donner party?
537. Who wrote the Sherlock Holmes detective mysteries?
538. What is the more common name for the equatorial belt of calms?
539. Sir Edmund Hillary reached the summit of this mountain in
1953. Name the mountain.
540. He substituted mercury for alcohol in the thermometer and
had a temperature scale named for him. Name this scientist.
541. What does a fathometer measure? depth of water
542. Who created the mythical town of Jefferson in Yoknapatawpha
543. What number does the Roman number "M" represent?
544. Name the artist who painted American Gothic.
545. If you tested positive on the Wassermann test, what do disease
do you have?
546. What is the cause of warts?
547. Who wrote War and Peace?
548. With what product is Seth Thomas associated?
549. Where is Temple University located?
550. Name the legendary Swiss hero who shot an apple from his son's
head using a bow and arrow.
551. In what science would a Punnett Square be used?
552. What is the name for an organism which lives off of another
553. Where in the human body would you find melanin?
554. What is the name for twins formed from two separate eggs
and two separate sperm cells?
555. According to author Ray Bradbury, what is Fahrenheit 451?
556. On which continent is Mexico?
557. Name the tropical zone which extends from the equator to 23.5
degrees north of the equator.
558. What is the name for a developing child after its' organs
begin formation and it can be recognized as being human?
559. What is the name for a large star which has exploded violently?
560. What is an invertebrate?
561. What is the name for oil taken from the ground which is not yet refined?
562. Name the smallest blood vessels.
563. What is the name for a region in space which was once occupied by a star?
564. What is the name for animals whose body temperature changes
with changes in the temperature of the environment?
565. What is the name for electricity in which the electrons flow
in only one direction?
566. Name the chemical contained in green plants which traps energy
from sunlight.
567. Name the blood vessels which carry blood away from the heart.
568. What is the name for fuels which were formed from the remains of dead plants and animals?
569. What are conifers?
570. Name the type of lens which is thinner in the middle that at
the edge.
571. What does an anemometer measure?
572. Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?
573. Name the male reproductive part of a flower.
574. Name the American Civil War nurse who was instrumental in
organizing the American Red Cross.
575. What do the initials AFL-CIO stand for?
576. Name the type of electricity in which electrons flow first in
one direction and then in the opposite direction.
577. Where would you be if you were at 90 degrees south latitude
and zero degrees longitude?
578. Where is the university named Sorbonne located?
579. What is another name for iron oxide?
580. In which state is Mount Rushmore located?
581. Name Perry Mason's secretary.
582. Name the American industrialist and philanthropist who gave
each child he met a new dime.
583. In which state is the Grand Canyon located?
584. What is the name for an area which contains no matter?
585. Name the coldest biome.
586. What is the name for the cell formed when a sperm cell and
egg cell unite?
587. Name the colors of the spectrum.
588. Yellowstone National Park covers over two million acres in
three states. Name the three states.
589. Name the German philosopher who said "God is dead."
590. According to Greek legend, who killed his father and married
his mother?
591. Where were the 1936 Olympic Games held?
592. For what do the initials B.T.U. stand?
593. Name the river which serves as a partial boundary between
Texas and Mexico.
594. Who wrote Robinson Crusoe?
595. Why did the Pied Piper charm away the children of Hamlin?
596. What is an "isobar?"
597. What is the name for the short, fluffy feathers found
closest to the body of a bird?
598. Name the long period of inactivity resembling sleep in which
some animals engage during winter.
599. Who wrote Moby-Dick?
600. What is the more common name for the Rorschach test?
601. What is another name for quick silver?
602. Name the type of headache which occurs due to the over- expansion of blood vessels in the neck and brain.
603. Name the galaxy which includes our sun.
604. Who wrote Paradise Lost?
605. What was the better known name of Norma Jean Baker?
606. What was the nickname for artist Anna Mary Robertson Moses?
607. Name the usually sterile hybrid of a donkey and a mare.
608. In Greek mythology, a boy fell in love with his own image
reflected in a pool of water. Name this boy.
609. Cartoonist Thomas Nast created the animal symbols for the
Democratic and Republican political parties. What are these
animal symbols?
610. Name the element used to treat the bipolar affective disorder
commonly known as manic-depression.
611. Name the state in which Lookout Mountain is located.
612. Name the three performing Marx Brothers.
613. If an airplane is traveling mach 2, how fast is it going?
614. Madison Avenue, a famous street in Manhattan, is the center
for what industry?
615. What is the name for the legless larva of an insect, especially that of the housefly?
616. Name the Canadian who is anchor for the "ABC Evening News."
617. Name the failed predecessor to the United Nations.
618. Name the fort in Kentucky where much of America's gold is
619. When facing the front or bow of a ship, what is the name for
the left side of the ship?
620. Name the dwarf in Grimm's fairy tales who could spin straw
into gold.
621. In which state is Rutgers University located?
622. In the military, what do the initials A.W.O.L. stand for?
623. In golf, what is an ace?
624. What is the name for the fruit of an oak tree?
625. Name the actor who plays Ernest P. Worrell, known for the
line "know whut I mean, Vern."
626. Name the organ which produces insulin.
627. What is an aeronaut?
628. Name the former TV newsperson whose cocaine addiction was the subject of the book Golden Girl.
629. How strong must the winds become in a tropical storm for it
to be classified as a hurricane?
630. In the Arabian Nights, who was the boy who could summons a
genie by rubbing his magic lamp?
631. When is All Fools Day?
632. What is the more common name for the B-2 bomber which is
supposed to be undetectable by radar?
633. In the date 1994 A.D., what do the initials A.D. stand for?
634. Name the feeding disorder whose name literally means "nervous
loss of appetite."
635. Name the bacteria, a normal resident of the colon and
beneficial to digestion, which is contained in yogurt.
636. Name the most widely spoken language in the world.
637. In journalism, what do the initials A.P. stand for?
638. How do plants known as gymnosperms differ from plants known
as angiosperms.
639. Who wrote Babbitt?
640. Name the man who created the Muppets.
641. Who lives at 10 Downing St., London, England?
642. If bacteria are bacilli, what is their shape?
643. What number constitutes a baker's dozen?
644. What is the name for a night club in which dancing is done to
recorded music rather than to live music?
645. What is the name for a curved, usually wooden missile, which
if thrown correctly, will return to the thrower?
646. What is the name for the last car on a train, which is usually
used by the train crew?
647. Name the athletic contest consisting of ten different track
and field events.
648. Who killed Lee Harvey Oswald?
649. Name the U.S. swimmer who won seven gold medals in the 1972
Munich Olympics.
650. Name the professional sport league whose champion wins the
Stanley Cup.
651. According to the nursery rhyme, who were the three men in
the tub?
652. What is the name of the United States Air Force aerobatics
653. What was the name of King Arthur's sword?
654. What does a cartographer do?
655. Where is Davy Jone's locker?
656. What is a chapeau?
657. What is the drink named for a Cuban district which contains rum, lemon or lime juice and sugar?
658. Which way does a cyclone (tornado) rotate in the Northern
659. How many squares are on a chess board?
660. On November 17, 1968, a football game between the New York
Jets and the Oakland Raiders was preempted with two minutes
remaining to show a scheduled movie. What was the title of
that movie?
661. Name the Sioux Indian chief who defeated General George
Armstrong Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn.
662. What is the name applied to sun dried grapes?
663. What do the initials R.O.T.C. stand for?
664. Which wedding anniversary is referred to as the Silver
665. Name the actress sister of Phylicia Rashad.
666. What was the name of the Russian satellite launched into
orbit in 1957?
667. Antonio Stradivari was noted for manufacturing a musical
instrument of excellent quality. Name that musical
668. Who wrote Death of A Salesman?
669. Name the sedative drug developed in Europe, used to treat
the symptoms of morning sickness, which resulted in serious
birth defects in about 25% of the children born of mothers
who took this drug during pregnancy.
670. According to the Old Testament, who is Yahweh?
671. A ZIP code is a numerical code devised by the U.S. Postal
Service to improve distribution of domestic mail. What do
the letters Z-I-P stand for?
672. Name Dr. Seuss' egg hatching elephant.
673. Name Jackie Paper's magical dragon friend.
674. Marlon, Tito, Jackie, Jermaine, and Michael formed a famous
rock group. Name this group.
675. Who wrote Grapes of Wrath?
676. What is the more common name for the tympanic membrane?
677. What is the abbreviation for an electroencephalogram?
678. Name the New York hotel "queen" found guilty of tax evasion
and tax fraud in 1989.
679. Name the ranch owned by Ben Cartwright in the TV series
680. Name the young lieutenant in the comic strip "Beetle Bailey."
681. Name the city in which the Little League World Series is
contested annually.
682. In her present incarnation she is the sister of actor Warren
Beaty. Name this actress.
683. Name the annual award for the best animal performers on TV
and movies.
684. Name the band formed by Paul and Linda McCartney after the
Beatles were disbanded.
685. Name the parrot who taught Dr. Dolittle to be able to talk
to the animals.
686. What is the name for mammals whose young develop in their
mother's pouch?
687. What is the unit of measuring electricity which is equal to
1,000 watts?
688. What is the name for the yellowish liquid part of blood which
contains no white or red blood cells?
689. Name the only two letters not appearing on a telephone dial.
690. In Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book. what kind of animal was
691. What does an antiemetic drug do?
692. Name the fat, fun-loving knight in Shakespeare's Henry IV and
The Merry Wives of Windsor.
693. Which amendment to the United States constitution guarantees
free speech, a free press, freedom of religion, and the right
to assemble peacefully?
694. In Arthurian legend, who was the son of Lancelot who
accomplished the quest for the Holy Grail?
695. Name the backup group associated with singer Smokey Robinson.
696. Name the U.S. Navy aerobatics team.
697. Name the Florida city once known as Cape Kennedy.
698. Name the actress daughter of singer Harry Belafonte.
699. What is the vestibular sense?
700. In the mid 1800's, a British naturalist became interested
in the animal species found on the Galapagos Islands.
This interest generated ideas which he expressed in his book
Origin of Species. Name this British naturalist.
701. Name the friendly ghost featured in the cartoons.
702. What is the name for precipitation with below normal pH
believed to be caused by industrial and automotive emissions?
703. Name Walt Disney's flying elephant.
704. Name the Austrian scientist and priest who is considered the
father of genetics.
705. Name the poison which Socrates drank after being condemned
for corrupting the youth.
706. Name the genetic disorder in which some of the red blood cells
become crescent-shaped.
707. Name the child actress who played Olivia on the "Bill Cosby
708. Name the British microbiologist who discovered penicillin.
709. Who allegedly "took an ax, and gave her mother forty whacks?"
710. Name the American chess champion who defeated Boris Spassky
for the World Chess Championship and 1972, and again in a non-
championship match in 1993.
711. What is the name for the medical condition in which people stop breathing for long periods of time during sleep?
712. Name the first American woman in space.
713. Which amendment to the United States Constitution gave women
the right to vote?
714. Who wrote The Last of the Mohicans?
715. J.P. Richardson was killed in an airplane crash along with
Buddy Holly and Richie Valens. Give the better known stage
name of J.P. Richardson.
716. Who wrote Valley of the Dolls?
717. Theoretically, it is the lowest temperature possible. It is
the temperature characterized by the complete absence of heat
at approximately -459.69 degrees Fahrenheit. What is the
name for this temperature.
718. Who wrote Small Sacrifices, a book about a single mother accused of shooting her three children?
719. What is the name for the waiting room in a theater used by the
performers when they are off-stage?
720. Which amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees
due process of law, and states that no person "...shall be compelled...to be a witness against himself..."?
721. Name the city which hosts the Miss America Pageant annually.
722. Name the branch of the United States Congress which is composed of members based upon the population of the states they represent.
723. What is a hyperbole?
724. Name the only U.S. president to have been impeached.
725. Who were Lucy and Ricky Ricardo's best friends and neighbors?
726. Name the second day of the week.
727. If one dies "intestate," what are they lacking at death?
728. Name the city featured in the movie "Mississippi Burning."
729. What is the name for the pirate flag which bears the skull
and crossbones?
730. The judge in a famous trial had a sign on his courtroom
wall which said "Read your Bible." Name the famous trial over which he presided.
731. Name the Chicago settlement house founded in 1889 by Jane
Addams and Ellen Starr.
732. Name the inept French detective played by Peter Sellers.
733. Name the two rival gangs in the play and movie "Westside Story."
734. Who wrote Lady Chatterley's Lover?
735. Name the comedy actor who said "any man who hates dogs and
children can't be all bad."
736. Who was Quasimodo?
737. What is the name for an involuntary, often painful contraction of a muscle?
738. Name the two United States presidents who died on July 4, 1826.
739. What is the name for a group of stars which appears to form a
740. What is the name for the triangular-shaped deposit of sediments at the mouth of a river?
741. Name the blood-filled feathery structures used by some animals
to breath underwater.
742. What was the better known name for Lord Greystoke?
743. Name the dynasty which ruled China from 1368-1644 A.D.
744. Name the unit of measurement which is equal to 5,280 feet.
745. Name the Great Charter of English liberties written in
1215 A.D.
746. If one is "loquacious," what do they do a lot of?
747. What is the name for a person who loads and unloads ships?
748. Who wrote Gulliver's Travels?
749. Name the branch of the U.S. military referred to as
"leather necks."
750. Name Paul Bunyan's blue ox.
751. Who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy?
752. In the game of pool, which ball is solid black?
753. In Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities, what are the two
754. Name the founder of the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises.
755. Name the 16th century French astrologer and physician noted
for his obscure, rhyming prophecies.
756. Name the animals studies by ornithology.
757. Name the American honorary society founded in 1776, whose
membership is based upon high academic standing.
758. Name the 42nd president of the United States.
759. Who wrote Alice In Wonderland?
760. Who wrote the "Star-Spangled Banner?"
761. Name the mountain range which forms the Great Continental
762. What is the name for times of equal lightness and darkness
everywhere on earth?
763. What geographic feature is necessary to produce oropraphic
764. What is the name for a noisy ghost?
765. T.C.B.Y. is a popular brand of yogurt. What do the initials
T.C.B.Y. stand for?
766. Name the man who is the principle owner of the Atlanta Braves
baseball team and superstation WTBS.
767. Name the company who manufactures a motorcycle nicknamed the
768. Name the city known as "Second City."
769. Name the nursery rhyme/song which features a baby falling out
of a tree.
770. Name the Chicago Cubs broadcaster known for the exclamation
"holy cow!"
771. Name the only drink served at "Saturday Night Live's" Greek
772. Name the singer-actress who played Billie Holliday in the
movie "Lady Sings the Blues."
773. What type of blood is the universal donor?
774. What does an entomologist study?
775. Name the singer who teamed with Neil Diamond to record "You
Don't Bring Me Flowers."
776. Name the "Mad Magazine" character whose motto is "What, me
777. Before baseball's Oakland Athletics moved to Oakland, where
were they located.
778. Name the South African doctor who performed the first successful human heart transplant.
779. What was the nickname of General John J. Pershing?
780. Name the American woman athlete who broke four records in the
1932 Olympics, and as a golfer, won the U.S. Open in 1948,
1950 and 1954.
781. Name the baseball player known as the "Say Hey Kid."
782. Name the N.F.L. football broadcaster who travels to each game in his own personalized bus.
783. Name the late comedienne who performed the character Roseanne
Roseannadanna on "Saturday Night Live."
784. What does the Roman numeral L represent?
785. Name the TV family who lives at the corner of Third Avenue
and Delaware Street, Lanford, Illinois.
786. What anatomical feature distinguished dinosaurs from other reptiles?
787. What is a dromedary?
788. Give the pen name for William Sydney Porter, known for his
short stories with surprise endings, such as "The Gift of the
789. In economics, what do the initials C.P.I. stand for?
790. Name the disease transmitted by the anopheles mosquito which
got its' name from the Italian words for "bad air."
791. Name the drug developed by Upjohn which restores lost hair
in some people.
792. Name the American Pop artist who predicted that, in the future, everyone "would be famous for 15 minutes."
793. Name the Pop Music magazine founded by editor Jann Wenner.
794. Name the exiled religious and political leader of Tibet.
795. What is the term applied to the internal diameter of the
barrel of a gun, or the diameter of the bullet or shell?
796. What is the medical term for scarring of the liver?
797. Name the process in which a potable liquid, such as milk or
beer, is heated to 63o C for 15 minutes in order to kill most
pathogenic bacteria.
798. Name the world famous Ringling Brothers, Barnham and Bailey
animal trainer, whose farewell tour occurred in 1989-1990.
799. Name the youngest man to become president of the United States.
800. Name the youngest man ever elected president of the United
801. Penn. State University's mascot is the "Nitney Lions."
What does the word "Nitney" refer to?
802. Name the first communications satellite which was placed in
orbit in 1962.
803. Name the student of Aristotle and ruler of Greece who loosened
the Gordian knot by cutting it and conquered most of the
ancient world.
804. What was the title for the kings of ancient Egypt?
805. Name the CBS news anchor man who signed off with "and that's
the way it is."
806. Name the language of ancient Rome.
807. What cereal is known as the "Breakfast of Champions?'
808. Name the French military heroine who lead the French against
the English in the Hundred Years War.
809. What is the real name of the former basketball star known as "Dr. J?
810. Name the second wife of Henry VIII and mother of Queen Elizabeth who was executed for adultery.
811. Name the system of picture writing used by the ancient Egyptians.
812. Name the age which preceded the Iron Age.
813. What is the perpetual age of Little Orphan Annie?
814. Name both the king and queen of Spain at the time of
Christopher Columbus' exploration of the New World.
815. Who makes the automobile known as the Accord?
816. Name the 15th century German printer who invented the printing press.
817. In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, a fortune-teller warns Caesar
to "beware the ides of March." What day is the ides of March?
818. How did the farmer's wife cut off the tails of the "Three Blind Mice?"
819. Name the nursery rhyme recorded by Thomas A. Edison on
November 20, 1877, the first recorded words ever.
820. Name the official song of the president of the United States.
821. Name the artist who sculpted David, and painted the ceiling
and rear wall of the Sistine Chapel.
822. Name the only planet in our solar system which spins back-
wards (east to west).
823. In November 1960, an American rocket launched from Cape
Canaveral, Florida, went off course and crashed in Cuba
killing an animal. What kind of animal did it kill?
824. Diamonds are the hardest known stone. What is the second
hardest stone?
825. Name the sport whose champion wins the World Cup.
826. What is the most common use for the cathode-ray tube?
827. Name the Russian newspaper whose name means "truth."
828. Name the internationally recognized distress signal derived
from the French phrase for "help me."
829. The binary system of counting used by most computers uses
only two numbers. What are these two numbers?
830. Name the type of business whose symbol is three golden balls.
831. What is the name for the brain's own natural morphine-like
pain killers?
832. Name the country whose flag is the Union Jack.
833. Mecca is a holy city of Islam. In which country is Mecca
834. Edward Jenner, an English physician, created the first
vaccine for a dreaded disease. Name the disease.
835. Who wrote The strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
836. Name the San Antonio fort which fell to General Santa Anna
during the War of Texas Independence on March 6, 1836.
837. What is the more common name for Anthonomous grandid, a
beetle who feeds on the young bolls of the cotton plant?
838. Name the scandal associated with the Warren Harding
administration for which Albert Bacon Fall served nine
months in prison.
839. Name the branch of mathematics which studies the properties
of triangles.
840. Name the news/interview TV program born of the Iran hostage
crisis of 1980.
841. Universities and colleges often have as a part of their name
the initials A & M. What do these initials stand for?
842. Name the Italian explorer who traveled across Asia and visited
the court of Kublai Khan.
843. What is the length of the term served by a United States
844. Name the circle of large, standing stones located on an English plain which are believed to date back to 1600 BC.
845. Name the Spanish explorer who named Florida and was alleged
to be seeking a fountain of youth.
846. On a hunting trip in 1902, the president of the United States refused to shoot a bear cub. The Washington Post publicized the incident in a cartoon. A Boston shopkeeper cashed in on this incident by selling toy bears named for the president. Name the toy bears.
847. What did Brian Mulroney, John N. Turner, Pierre E. Trudeau
and Joe Clark have in common?
848. Name the colorful laws which restrict business activities on
849. Name the Babylonian king who created a legal code in 1758 BC,
which consisted of 282 paragraphs carved into a great stone
pillar in the temple to the god Mardul, so that it could be
read by every citizen.
850. Name the stone discovered in Egypt in the 18th century, written in both hieroglyphics and Greek, which became the key to the understanding of hieroglyphics.
851. Name the leader of India whose tactics of passive resistance
and civil disobedience lead to India's independence from
Great Britain in 1947.
852. Before Panama became an independent republic in 1903, what
country was Panama a part of?
853. Name the rock group who recorded albums "Revolver" and
"Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."
854. James D. Watson and Francis H. Crick discovered the molecular
structure of the "double helix." What is the "double helix?"
855. Name the military dictator who ruled Spain from 1936 to 1975.
856. Name the British novelist and philosopher who wrote Brave New
World and Island.
857. Name the Italian educator whose methods stressed a "prepared
environment" in which children were given a wide variety of
materials with which they could develop skills at their own
858. Name the official church of Scotland, a protestant denomination based on the doctrines of John Calvin.
859. Name the Irish bishop who, according to legend, drove the snakes out of Ireland.
860. Name the Polish astronomer who, in 1543, produced a model of
the solar system in which the sun was the center.
861. Name the scrolls found in a cave in the 1940's which contained
nearly all of the books of the Old Testament.
862. Name the 17th century French philosopher who said "I think;
therefore I am."
863. Name the Greek storyteller whose stories include: "The Boy
Who Cried 'Wolf'," "The Fox and the Grapes," and "The Tortoise
and the Hare."
864. Name the 19th century adventure novel by Johann Wyss about a
shipwreck and life on a desert island.
865. According to the nursery rhyme "Little Miss Muffet," what
scared Miss Muffet away?
866. Name the 19th century English poet whose most famous sonnet
begins: "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways."
867. Name the hero of the old English epic who kills the monster
868. According to Chinese theory, there are two forces in the
universe, one passive and negative, the other active and
good. Name these two forces.
869. Name the 19th century French author who wrote Around the World in Eighty Days, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and
Journey to the Center of the Earth.
870. Name the rock star referred to as the "Boss."
871. Name the particle found in the nucleus of an atom which has
no electrical charge.
872. Name the singer/songwriter who wrote "House of the Rising Sun," and "Blowin' in the Wind."
873. The United States Department of Defense is often referred to
using a name derived from the unusual shape of department's
building. What is this shape?
874. What is the name of B.B. King's guitar?
875. Name the former late night TV host known for his characters
Floyd P. Turbo and Old, lovable, Aunt Blabby.
876. Name the actress daughter of Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh.
877. Name the former Teamster's Union president who mysteriously
disappeared in 1975.
878. There is an advanced college degree referred to as a Ph.D.
What do these initials stand for?
879. Name the comedian known as "Mr. Television" who was quoted as
saying "I know a good joke when I steal one."
880. Give the first names of the singing Everly Brothers.
881. Name the British singer known for his hats and glasses who
recorded such hits as "I Guess That's Why They Call It the
Blues," and "I'm Still Standing."
882. Give the locations of both the professional baseball and the
professional football halls of fame.
883. What is a "proboscis?"
884. A word which means something new, strange or unusual is also
applied to a lengthy fictional prose narrative which follows a plot. What is this word?
885. To the nearest mile, how long is a 5-K race?
886. Where in the human body would you find a bone called the
887. Name the part of the eye which gives it color.
888. Name the only state which is divided by the Mississippi
889. Name the 1.5 billion dollar telescope set in orbit by the crew
of the space shuttle Discovery on April 25, 1990.
890. Name the American city known as "Beantown."
891. Name the ancient capital of Egypt which was located on the
west bank of the Nile about fifteen miles from present day
capital, Cairo.
892. Name the military operation of the late 1940's that brought
food and other supplies into West Berlin by air after East
Germany blocked the land supply routes.
893. Name the book published in 1848 by Karl Marx and Friedrick
Engels which outlined the principles of communism.
894. Name the Greek father of medicine.
895. What is the name for the numbers which can only be divided evenly by itself and one?
896. Name the Japanese city on which the United States dropped
the first atomic bomb on August 6, 1945.
897. Name the pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1776 which urged
the immediate independence of the American colonies from
Great Britain.
898. Name the Mexican revolutionary leader who raided a town in
New Mexico and was pursued by U.S. troops directed by
General John J. Pershing.
899. Name the southeast Asian war that lasted from 1954 to 1975.
900. What do the initials P.L.O. stand for?
901. Name the European economic aid program in which the United
States helped the devastated economies of Europe recover from
World War II.
902. Name the colorful term which describes bureaucratic procedures
and paperwork characterized by being complex and slow.
903. Name the patriot who said "Give me liberty or give me death."
904. Name the location in Pennsylvania where a nuclear power plant
accident occured in 1979.
905. Name the oldest of the college football bowl games.
906. Who said "I have not yet begun to fight?"
907. Name the American athlete who won four gold medals in track and field in the 1936 Olympic Games.
908. Who said "I regret that I have but one life to lose for my
909. Name the beads made from polished shells which some American
Indians used as money.
910. Name the river which separates Washington D.C. from Virginia.
911. Name the agency of the United States government created by the Kennedy administration in 1961 which sends volunteers to developing nations to share American education and technology
in hopes of improving their standard of living.
912. Name the capital city of Cuba.
913. Name all five of the Great Lakes.
914. Name the constitutional monarchy located on the French Riviera, whose Monte Carlo casino permits gambling for tourist only.
915. Name the capital city of Iowa whose name is French for "from
916. Name the pass through the Appalachian Mountains between
Virginia and Kentucky used by early American settlers to
travel west.
917. Name the park in Manhattan which is more than two miles long and a half mile wide.
918. What is the more common name for the star Polaris?
919. In a right triangle, what is the name for the side opposite
the right angle?
920. Name the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia.
921. What is the world's longest river?
922. Name the Greek mathematician who founded the branch of math-
ematics known as geometry.
923. Name the French chemist, who with her husband, discovered the element radium.
924. If you were an endomorph, what type of body would you have?
925. What was the better known nickname for Martha Jane Canary?
926. Who wrote You Can't Go Home Again?
927. What did the Kellogg-Briand treaty of 1928 attempt to outlaw?
928. Name the bank robbers ambushed by the Texas Rangers outside of
Shreveport, Louisiana on May 23, 1934.
929. "Arachnophobia" was the title of a popular 1990 movie. What
does the word "arachnophobia" mean?
930. Name the animated TV character who works at the Springfield
Nuclear Power Plant who has a son named Bart.
931. What was the name for American colonists who supported the
British during the American Revolutionary War?
932. In bicycle racing, what color jersey is worn by the leader of
the race?
933. What is the name of the food which is, essentially, bee vomit?
934. What is the name for the muscular wave which moves food through the digestive system?
935. What age must a horse be to compete in the Kentucky Derby,
Belmont and Preakness?
936. If winds are northerly, in which direction are they blowing?
937. Name the product associated with George Eastman and Edwin Land.
938. Name the benzene sweetener which is made from petroleum
939. The Latin phrase semper fidelis is the motto of the United
States Marines. What does this motto mean?
940. Which of baseball's major leagues has the designated hitter?
941. Name the cosmetic surgical procedure which removes fat tissue
from the body by means of suction.
942. The initials R.D.A. are often used to describe the strength of vitamins. For what do the initials R.D.A. stand?
943. How many dots are on the domino used as the logo for Domino's
944. Name the rhythm and blues singer/guitarist who recorded such
hits as "People Get Ready," "Superfly," and "Freddie's Dead."
945. What is the name of the 19th century textbook used to teach
reading, which also taught social, cultural and moral values?
946. What does a "depilatory" do?
947. Name the spacecraft which traveled 948 million miles in
fifteen months to study the geology and geometry of Venus.
948. Name the rap music star who was once a batboy for the Oakland
949. Name the former Washington D.C. mayor convicted of cocaine
possession on August 10, 1990.
950. For the Cincinnati Reds and the Philadelphia Phillies he was
number 14. At Marion Federal Prison he was number 01832-061.
Name this baseball great.
951. Who says "Give a hoot, don't pollute?"
952. What type of singers are Luchano Pavaratto and Placido Domingo?
953. According to the Bible, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for what to occur?
954. WATS is a type of telephone service. What do the initials WATS stand for?
955. If there are two full moons in a single month, what is the second full moon called?
956. A division of a hospital is referred to as I.C.U. What do the initials I.C.U. stand for?
957. According to the television commercials, who is the loneliest
man in town?
958. Who recorded the classic song "RESPECT?"
959. Name the visual condition characterized by an irregularly shaped cornea.
960. What qualification must one have to join the organization known as Mensa?
961. What is the name for the type of chemical bond in which atoms
share electrons?
962. Who invented the lightning rod?
962. Who invented the bifocal eye glasses?
963. If an alloy is called amalgam, what metal must it include?
964. Name the university attended by Shaquille O'Neil.
965. Ken Norton, Sr. and Ken Norton, Jr. were both professional
athletes. Name the sport of each.
966. Organic compounds must contain one specific element. Name
the element.
967. Name the first black head coach of a National Football League
968. What is Cryonic Human Storage?
969. Name the subatomic particles which compose protons and neutrons.
970. Name the cartoon drawn by Jim Davis.
971. What is the name for the official museum of the United States
of America?
972. What is the name for sun dried plumbs?
973. In the military, what do the initials M.I.A. stand for?
974. Name the oven used to "cook" ceramics.
975. Name the sensory organ which contains the ciliary muscle.
976. What is the better known name of Malcolm Little?
977. Name the steroid vitamin which is manufactured by the skin
in response to ultra-violet radiation from the sun.
978. Who was the head coach for both Minnesota State Screaming Eagles and the Orlando Breakers?
979. Name a sport which features "digs" and "kills."
980. What is the last name of Sally in the comic strip "Peanuts."
981. An organization rooted in Germany was the first to train dogs
to lead the blind. Name this organization.
982. What is the name for a snail without a shell?
983. What is the better known name for film-maker Shelton Lee?
984. Name the amino acid sweetener which is extracted from the
asparagus plant.
985. Give the first names of George Foreman's five sons.
986. Name the woman who said "I've fallen and I can't get up."
987. What type of car is called a "rag top?"
988. Name the founder of Wendy's Old Fashion Hamburgers.
989. Name the backup group formerly associated with singer
Gradys Knight.
990. Give the name of Jed Clampet's banker.
991. Who developed the word "nerd" and wrote "The Cat In A Hat?"
992. In the Movie "Babe," what is Babe?
993. What is Rambo's first name?
994. In what kitchen appliance will you find a magnatron tube.
995. Name the actor who played George Jefferson and Deacon Ernest
J. Frye.
996. Name the character who referred to Fred Sanford as a "fish-
eyed fool."
997. Name the creatures who live in the land of Care-A-Lot.
998. What type of organism causes diseases such as pink eye,
tetanus and syphilis?
999. Where in an automobile would you expect to find sulfuric
1000. Name the first musical director for the "Tonight Show, with Jay Leno."
1001. Name the recording artist whose first big hit was "Finger-
1002. What is the name for the traditional broad-brimmed Mexican hat?
1003. What is the maximum dollar amount for answers in Double
Jeopardy, excluding the Daily Doubles?
1004. What is the best known effect of the drug developed in
France known as RU 486?
1005. Which element is always present in both acids and bases?
1006. Who supposedly sang "Girl You Know It's True?"
1007. What is the average distance from the sun to the earth in miles?
1008. Who recorded "I'm Too Sexy?"
1009. What is the better known name for rapper Tracy Marrow?
1010. What is a luge?
1011. Name the actor who plays the role of Steven Urkel.
1012. What is it called when a jury can't achieve the required number of votes to reach a verdict?
1013. Complete this phrase. "I don't want to grow up, I'm a..."
1014. Name the daughter of singer Nat King Cole.
1015. Since Walt Disney Studios does not produce R rated films,
a subsidiary of the Disney Corporation was formed which
does. Name this production company.
1016. Who wrote The Satanic Verses?
1017. What is the name applied to a cloud which touches the ground?
1018. What is the distance of a drag race?
1019. What is the common name for the compound H2O2?
1020. Name the missile known as the "scud buster."
1021. How many volts are in the typical automobile battery?
1022. Which color of visible light has the lowest frequency?
1023. Where do trolls live?
1024. Name the host of the TV show "Soul Train."
1025. Elements known as halogens are used to form what kind of
1026. Who did "picture pages with you?"
1027. What is the name for a coherent beam of single color light?
1028. How long is a millennium?
1029. When is St. Patrick's Day?
1030. Name the comedian known for his support of St. Jude's
Hospital who died on February 6, 1991.
1031. What is the special talent of the "Saturday Night Live" cat known as Toonces?
1032. Name the least poisonous alcohol.
1033. What is the penalty for being off-sides in football?
1034. In basketball, how many technical fouls are allowed before
1035. Who invented dynamite and nitroglycerin?
1036. Where is the usual home of Pops Heathcliff?
1037. Name the Michigan physician known as the "suicide doctor."
1038. Name the son of Bruce Lee who was killed on a movie set in
1039. Chemically, what is CO (C1O1)?
1040. Name the environmental organization who patrols in their ship, Rainbow.
1041. Who played Fire Marshall Bill on the TV show "In Living Color."
1042. What does the word "hedonistic" mean?
1043. On the TV show "Saved By the Bell," who is the principal of
Bay Side High School?
1044. What type of microorganism causes herpes?
1045. In classical mythology, who was the son of Jupiter and Juno,
lover of Venus and the god of war?
1046. In Spanish it is "no mas," in French it is "non plus."
What is it in English?
1047. In Greek mythology, she had a box which contained all human
miseries. When this box was partially opened, many of these
curses escaped into the world. Name this woman.
1048. In the comic strip "Li'l Abner," what was the day that the
girls could ask the boys out on a date?
1049. Name the undefeated heavyweight champion of the world who was
killed in an airplane crash on August 31, 1969.
1050. How do Buddy Baker and Dale Earnhardt earn their living?
1051. What does the word "euthanasia" mean?
1052. What does the word "gospel" mean?
1053. Name the couple who headed the PTL club.
1054. Name the comic strip which features Peter, Wiley, Grog and Thor.
1055. What is the stage name for rapper Calvin Broadus?
1056. Who drove the Bronco on the famous 35 mile an hour chase involving O.J. Simpson?
1057. Which team won the 1994 World Series?
1058. On "Barney and Friends," what is the name of Baby Bopp's
1059. What was the first year in which the Chevrolet Corvette featured a V-8 engine?
1060. Name the automobile manufacturer who produced a station wagon called the Nomad.
1061. Only two men have been the head coach of the Miami Dolphins. Name them.
1062. In area, which is the smallest state in the United States of America?
1063. Within ten million, what is the population of the United States of America?
1064. Name the soap opera which features Victor Newman and the Abbot family.
1065. Who wrote the song "I Will Always Love You," which was performed by Whitney Houston in the movie "Body Guard?"
1066. Name the country singer who has "friends in low places."
1067. Name the singer whose 1994 Christmas hit was "All I Want For Christmas is You."
1068. According Nike, for what does the abbreviation P.L.A.Y. stand?
1069. Who was the most famour number 23 for the Birmingham Barrons baseball team?
1070. Name the oldest performer to be "unplugged" on MTV.
1071. Name the state bordered by Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee and Alabama.
1072. Chemically, natural gas is CH4. What is the name applied to this odorless and colorless gas?
1073. Name the wife of Donald Trump.
1074. What is the name applied to a substance with a pH below seven?
1075. What is the name applied to a substance with a pH above seven?
1076. Who wrote the narrative poems the Iliad and the Odyssey?
1077. Name the therapy technique used by 18th century Austrian physician Franz Mesmer.
1078. To which class of drugs does Prozac, Elavil and Sinequan belong?
1079. To which class of drugs does Xanax, Librium and Valum belong?
1080. On which street does Grover, Elmo and Kermit live?
1081. What is singing artist Madonna's last name?
1082. Who lived in the home known as "Graceland?"
1083. Name the city where the Wizard of Oz lived.
1084. If you were visiting the "Silverdome," in what city would you be?
1085. If you were visiting the "Metrodome," in what city would you be?
1086. If you were visting the "Skydome," in what city would you be?
1087. If you were visiting the "Superdome," in what city would you be?
1088. If you were visiting the "Kingdome," in what city would you be?
1089. If you were visiting the "Hoosier Dome," in what city would you be?
1090. Name the first large domed stadium built in America.
1091. What is the crime known as "the numbers racket?"
1092. In which organ of the body would you find alveoli?
1093. Bile is made by the liver. Where is it stored when it is not needed for digestion?
1094. What is the more common name for myopia?
1095. If it is not heavy, and it is a typewriter, what brand of typewriter must it be?
1096. Name the only flying mammal?
1097. Name the largest acquatic mammal?
1098. How old was George Foreman when he regained the heavyweight boxing championship?
1099. Who wrote the original version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame?
1100. Who is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the Microsoft Corporation?