Hi and hello! Welcome to what is soon to be PaxPauPaz's 'A Story In The History' Page! It's upcoming, so stop by again! So far, I've begun the page(s) on...The Greeks
But there's not much in it/them. So, to tide you over, why not go and see...
The Origins of Superstitions - Just WHY do we knock on wood, avoid black cats crossing our paths, and other such superstitions? See their ancient beginnings here!
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If anyone out there is interested, have visited 'PaxPauPaz's Place' as of Christmas Day, December 25th, 1997.
This page was last tinkered and messed with January 25, 1997.
It's provenance was on September 22, 1997.
©1997 PaxPauPaz & all related materials thereof.