"Your distinct personality, The Dreamer-Minstrel might be found in most
of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You can always see the "Silver
Lining" to ever dark and dreary cloud. Look at the bright side is your
motto and understanding why everything happes for the best is your goal.
You are the positive optimist of the world who provides the hope for
all humankind. There is nothing so terrible that you can not find some
good within it. On the positive side, you are spontaneous, charismatic,
idealistic and empathic. On the negative side, you may be just a
sentimental dreamer who is emotionally impractical."
Tell me more tell me more
Hey, I didn't say it, someone else did (personality test
somewhere along the line I think, can't
quite remember).
What I did say:
An self admitted farm girl born and raises. I.E. I have lived on a farm,
at R.R.#1 Ontario Canada, all my life and when I'm not going to school
see below) I still live
on a farm with my parents and brother. Yeah sheep rule! :-) Now
I'm always asked what kind of farm do I live on? And I say mostly cash
crop with pigs on the side. Dad also does a bit of this and that, farmers
don't ususally stick to just one thing. No I don't have a horse, never have
(bitter about that). Oh I am a HUGE dalmatian fan, although I don't have
one of those either...
Oh yeah I promised I'd mention about school. I have officially survived my
second year of Universtiy, (I'm a biology major) at
The University of Western Ontario
in London (Ontario not England silly).
Okay now that you're sleeping 'cause I know this is boring I'll let you
get back to surfing the net at, Yahoo Canada
or Geocities.
Oh yeah if you promise you won't laugh (it's a terrible terrible picture)
I'll show you a picture of me (even
though I don't believe in the whole idea...
e-mail me). This was taken
September '97 (don't look at the date it's wrong) in my room on 1 South
Delaware hall (WING OF THE YEAR!).
Yes I survived a year of residence, never again...
Oh yeah picture just click here.
Okay time to add a few more pictures to this site. More modern, but not up
to date because I wear different glasses now.
This one is of my brother and I this past Christmas.
Isn't he a goof. He doesn't take a good picture that's for sure.
This one is of me on my 21st birthday.
This one is of me, my housemate Lauren and my
boyfriend Scott on the same day.
I told you I was a farm girl right. This one is of
me and my two lambs. They were bottle fed. This is the most current picture.
What are my hobbies? Everyone always asks that. Umm I dabble in
writing a bit. I collect
(but only
the good ones). I also fence and and highly involved with a humane society,
The Progressive Conservatives, genetics and my local church. I'm the hugest
fan ever. I hope to breed and show them one day. Oh and I work at a golf
course to pay the bills. That's about it...
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