By Dr Narender K. Sehgal



In 1982, I took charge of the NCSTC, the National Council for Science and Technology Communication, in India, after it had just been established to (i) popularise science and technology; (ii) to stimulate scientific and technological temper among the people; and (iii) to coordinate, and if possible orchestrate, all programmes and activities in this area in the country. Even before NCSTC had been established, a whole lot of organisations and individuals in the country -- in the government and non-government sectors -- were carrying out science popularisation activities independently of each other, in their own ways and in geographical areas of their choice, or within their reach. There were science museums and science centres, popular lectures, popular writings in different languages, exhibitions, model making, competitions and quizzes, nature camps, educational tours and so on. But there was no coordination, no overall design, not even a long term plan, no checks on effectiveness, and no incentives for improvement.

When NCSTC actually initiated some concrete activities, there was one thought that kept coming to us all the time: Only if we knew what exactly in science and technology should be popularised or communicated to every man, woman and child, our task would become so much easier. It would only be a matter of putting together a package of content, methods, means and media to effectively deliver that “minimum science”  to everyone in the target group. Monitoring and assessment too would become a simple affair. This thought led us to the idea of Scientific Literacy, or Minimum Science for Everyone.



The   idea of "Minimum science for everyone" draws  heavily  from

the  concept literacy itself. Just as, presently, there is

world-wide  consensus on the need and desirability of every  self-

respecting individual (above a certain age) to be literate, there

is a strong case for promoting the idea that every  self-respect-

ing  citizen  of this world (i.e. of every country) ought  to  be

"scientifically literate".

However, before the idea of 'scientific literacy' is able to gain 

Widespread acceptance the world over, it would need to be

Well-articulated, and elaborated upon. Not only that, we would

need to  come up with an operational definition  of  'scientific

Literacy'  or of 'Minimum science for everyone' -- together  with

details of  its  contents, and a fairly well  tried  and  tested

System of delivery.

But   why scientific literacy?  What case is there for it?  In a

world getting  increasingly  dependent on science  --  the  word

`Science’ is being used here in a generic sense to include all

its manifestations and applications in different forms --  every

Citizen needs to be equipped with a certain minimum  of  basic

Scientific (and technical) knowledge and an operational/practi-

Cal familiarity with and understanding of the scientific metho-



A scientifically literate citizen is likely to keep (him/her)

self     more     aware     and     better     informed     about

Matters/issues/events/questions/everyday happenings with scien-

tific  and/or  technical  contents or aspects  which  concern  or

relate  to his/her everyday life (health, education,  employment,

housing,  food,  drinking water, etc.) and security;  and  those

concerning/relating  to his/her family, community,  city,  state,

and  country.   In addition, a  scientifically  literate  person,

among others, is likely to be:

(i) better  placed  to  critically  examine  and  analyse pros 

and cons of issues with a scientific content;

(ii) a  better  participant  in  debates  on issues  concerning

science and technology because of informed opinion(s)

(iii) better able to  appreciate  technological  advances and to

make use of them to his/her advantage;

(iv) less  inclined   to   take   things  for  granted  and more

inquisitive and in the habit of asking questions;         

(v)  less affected by superstitions and blind beliefs;

(vi)  less fatalistic in approach/attitude;

(vii)  better able to differentiate between fact and fiction;

(viii) better   able   to  deal   with   threats/  onslaughts on

natural resources needed for survival.  

(ix)  better  able to  argue  his/her  case  on an  issue  of  


(x) more  confident and self-assured in  any  discussions;  and  


The  level  and depth of awareness in each case  would  naturally

depend  on  the individual and his/her needs  and  circumstances. 

Each  level of awareness would also be associated with a  certain

level and depth of scientific knowledge -- which,   incidentally,

would  vary  from  one individual to another.  For  instance,  a

farmer would know, or need to know, a great deal more about soil,

soil  types, seed varieties, fertilizers, pesticides,  irrigation

cycles,  crop  rotations etc, and in general  about  agriculture,

than  another citizen who is not a farmer.  Therefore,  it  would

make  sense to define scientific literacy in terms of the  knowl

edge and understanding of the "minimum science" that every  indi

vidual above a certain age ought to possess.

Admittedly  the "minimum science" would need to  be  supplemented 

cases.   Those in the medical/health profession  would  obviously

need to know a lot more in these areas.   Thus, as the  nomencla-

ture  itself  indicates, "minimum science" would be  the  minimum

required  for everyone.  For many it would not be  sufficient  in

itself  -- just as mere literacy is hardly sufficient for  anyone

wanting to make good or frequent use of the printed word.

The above should provide ample justification, or base-line  argu-

ments to build further or stronger defence or better articulation

of  the case for scientific literacy.  Making a case for  it  was 

relatively  simple and straight forward, but it is far more  com-

plicated  a  matter  to arrive at an  operational  and  practical

definition  or  detailing  of  what  should  constitute  "minimum

science"  for everyone.   How does one go about doing  it?   What

would  be  the considerations and important factors to  be  taken

into account?

And  once we have arrived at an acceptable definition,  how  does

one go about equipping everyone with this scientific literacy?

In  any  discussion on scientific literacy, there are  two  ques-

tions, among others, which are bound to come up, sooner or later. 

One:   can  there  be  a  universal  definition  of   "Scientific

Literacy",  or of "Minimum Science for Everyone"?  And  two:  Can

such a definition, arrived at once, continue to remain  unchanged

for long?  In the view of the author, if the task of arriving  at

the  definition of "Scientific Literacy", or of "Minimum  Science

for Everyone" has been accomplished well and truly, the answer to

both the foregoing queries ought to be an emphatic "Yes"!   Those

among  the readers, who haven't previously had a chance to  think

through   answers   to such questions in some depth  and  detail,

would  have a tendency to immediately react by  disagreeing  with

this  affirmative answer.  Not only that, there may be  some  who

would  even question the basic premise of this  whole  discussion

i.e.  that  whether it is at all possible to even define  such  a

thing  as  "Minimum science for everyone"!  In  fact,  initially,

they would try arguing that such a thing was simply not possible! 

Let's  look  at  the question of defining  "minimum  science  for

everyone".  There are several aspects which need to be looked at:

the  meaning we associate with the word 'science' for  this  pur-

pose; our expectations of a scientifically literate person, or of

one  in  possession  of the 'minimum science' which  we  seek  to

define; and what would an individual gain from becoming scientif_

ically  literate (by acquiring the 'minimum science' we  seek  to


Let's  first took at the meaning we would like to ascribe to  the

word 'science' in the context of scientific literacy.  One hardly

need  emphasize  that 'science' here has to mean  something  much

wider  and  broader  in sweep than what students  are  taught  at

school as part of the curriculum.  In other words, 'science' here

would mean understanding and application of knowledge  (including

the  most basic of facts and scientific principles)  which  would

enable an individual to cope with everyday happenings, events and

phenomena  around him/her; to internalise the method  of  science

and  make  use  of it in whatever he/she does;  and  to  diminish

his/her vulnerability to fall prey to blind faith,  superstitious

beliefs,  the  so called 'miracles' of common  conmen  and  self-

styled  godmen,  false and exaggerated claims  in  advertisements

pushing  `scientifically'  produced  goods which  serve  no  real

purpose, and to increasing  westernisation in the garb of `scien-

tific' modernisation.

Let's  look next at what we expect of a  scientifically  literate

person  (i.e. one who has acquired the "minimum science" we  seek

to  define  for everyone -- henceforth we will use  these  inter-

changeably).  Some of this ought to be evident from the meaning we

have sought to ascribe to the word `science'.  Earlier on too  we

have alluded to what a scientifically literate  person is  likely

to be, in addition to being more aware and better informed  about

scientific aspects of issues/problems/happenings/events/phenomena

which confront him/her in every day life.  Moreover, with  large

scale proliferation of electric and electronic gadgets,  devices,

and  appliances  of all kinds in homes  and  offices,  increasing

mechanisation  in farming and other agricultural operations,  and

an  ever increasing proportion of the work force getting  engaged

in non-agricultural operations (design, engineering, manufacture,

transport and in the multi farious services sector), a scientific-

cally  literate and aware workforce and populace  are  absolutely

essential  for efficiency, efficacy, safety, quality and  economy

of  their  operations  -- and optimal use of  the  available  re-


From  what has been stated above, there is little doubt that  the

arguments  are overwhelmingly in favour of  scientific  literacy. 

However,  having said that, let's look at it from  the  point-of-

view of an individual who is presently not scientifically  liter-

ate,  and not in possession of the "minimum science" we  seek  to

define  for  everyone!   How would our efforts  aimed  at  making

him/her scientifically  literate, be viewed by such an  individu-

al.   He/she   ordinarily  would not be  interested  in  becoming

scientifically literate, unless there is something in it for  the

individual  -- and this "something" would depend on his/her  per-

ception and the existing ground realities around him/her.  It  is

basically  a cost-benefit calculation!  The cost or benefit  need

not  necessarily be monetary in nature; and often they  are  not! 

People would do a thing for a wide variety of reasons: because it

is  trendy  or fashionable; it is the done thing;  not  doing  it

would be considered improper by those who matter or by the socie-

ty  around;  it would result in alternative  monetary  gains;  it

would be good for the family, community, profession, city, state,

or  the country; it is challenging; or because it can be  avoided

only at an unacceptable cost.  Only some possibilities have  been

given; there can be many more reasons. In fact, it is because of

such reasons that literacy drives in many parts of India had not

been able to make much of a headway earlier. It is only when we used

a fresh approach, tried out first in our science popularisation

programme in1987, via the Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha (BJVJ) project,

that our literacy campaign registered significant gains. It began

with the Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha (BJGVJ) of 1992 which

attempted to spread the message of science and literacy together. In

fact, efforts during the decade of 1990s added most to our literacy

percentages in quantitative terms.

It is quite clear from the foregoing discussion that in today's

science-and-technology driven world, it is not only possible  to

define  "scientific literacy" - or "a minimum science for  every-

one" - it is also essential to promote it and make it  accessible

to all!



Having established the need for scientific literacy, how does one

go  about  defining  it in a way that would  give  the  resulting

definition a more than even chance of universal acceptability and

--  perhaps even more important -- a high degree  of  credibility

among  common people everywhere.  This credibility has to  be  in

terms  of the perceived utility, of scientific literacy (SL), and

the  unmistakable  benefits that people could hope to  derive  by

becoming  "scientifically literate", vis-a-vis costs in terms  of

time, effort and possibly money, they -- or someone else -- would

need to invest in doing so.

One  can right away see that arriving at a definition of SL  ful-

filling  all  the abovementioned requirements is going to  be  no

mean  task!  Nevertheless, the outlines of what needs to be  done

are not too difficult to discern from what has been stated above.

Let  us pick up one by one the lines of approach that need to  be



The  "minimum  science" package would clearly have  to  have  the

following  essential components: (i) Acquiring knowledge of  cer-

tain  scientific principles and facts, (ii)  Internalisation  and

application  of the  method of science, and (iii)  Acquiring  the

ability to continue to learn.


Of these three components, the most difficult to define is  going

to be the first one i.e. the facts and principles of science that

have  to be included in the "minimum science" package (MSP).   In

the  case  of the other two components, though it  would  not  be

nearly as difficult to define them, their delivery (when included

in  the  MSP) to the people isn't going to be an easy or  a  very

simple task to accomplish.

Let's  take up the most difficult part first, i.e that  of  going

about defining the facts and principles of science that should be

included  in the MSP for everyone.   But where do we start?   The

most logical starting point would have to be the people who  need

to  be  made scientifically literate.  Before we  begin  defining

MSP,  we  most definitely would need to know  what  these  people

already and presently know about science.  Having found that out,

one would need to start with almost the lowest common denominator

as our baseline, to begin piecing together the MSP.         

Finding  out  about  what  people already know  in  the  name  of

science,  what  their perceptions of science and  the  scientific

methodology  are,  and whether or not these  things  have  strong

correlations  with several factors (such as age,  sex,  religion,

educational background or level of an individual as well as those

of his/her parents, source of livelihood, type of  neighbourhood,

availability  of and access to mass media, and so on) is  also  a

task  that requires a certain kind of expertise which is  not  so

readily available.  This task has necessarily to be  accomplished

by  conducting specialised surveys.  Those designing  and  con-

ducting  them  need a strong grounding

in  science  and  scientific methodology.  (The run-of-the-mill

social scientists without  any scientific  background,  and

bereft of any  practical  experience with  scientific

methodology, would not be able to do justice  to such surveys.)

It is essential for the success of MSP that  the "baseline"

information be very very reliable.  This is an  important point

needing further elaboration.

Before we go any further, we need to take a little detour, and  a

very  important one at that to discuss something very  important.

Several civilisations and cultures were in existence and thriving

prior to the onset of the so-called 'modern science and technolo-

gy'  era, in different parts of the world. In each  case,  people

had devised and developed their own ways, means and methodologies

to  gather knowledge, to make use of it, to preserve it,  and  to

pass it on to the following generations.  And each generation, in

its own unique way, improved upon and refined the existing knowl-

edge  and perhaps added to it.  Even today, some of these  knowl-

edge-bases and knowledge gathering/acquiring systems are in place

and in use in different parts of the world, side by side with the

modern, institutionalised, codified systems.

We need to recognise that the modern scientific methodologies and

systems have been developed and built as improvements over older,

endogenous and indigenous systems -- and that efforts need to and

would  be made to spread and  popularise the adoption and use  of

improved  (i.e. the modern S&T) methods. But till  that  happens,

large  numbers  of people in different parts of the  world  would

continue  to  work with methodologies and  within  the  knowledge

systems familiar and available to them.

The point that needs to be stressed is that due respect ought  to

be accorded to knowledge and techniques, which experimentally and

repetitively prove to be of practical value in dealing with  real

life problems/situations -- irrespective of the knowledge  system

which originated them.  For, if something works in a given situa-

tion  repeatedly  and  reliably,  the  onus  of  discovering  the

`science'  and a `scientific explanation' behind it is on  modern

science and technology!

People's perceptions of science and what they know in the name of


We have already mentioned that this knowledge can only be  gained

through  a survey among the people concerned.  The design of  the

survey questionnaire is crucial.  What sorts of questions  should

be asked of the people to learn about whatever we are wanting  to

learn  from  them?  In India, such exercises  have  already  been

conducted  over  the  years at a few places,  with  fairly  large

sample  sizes.  A great deal of preparatory work went  into  them

and  into arriving at a suitable questionnaire for  the  purpose.

Let me give some details.

For designing a questionnaire, we had picked the following  broad

areas  (to formulate questions which, in our view, would be  able

to  elicit  answers containing in them the  information  we  were

looking  for):  (i) Astronomy and cosmology  (ii)  Geography  and

climate;  (iii)  Agriculture, and (iv) Health  and  hygiene.  Why

these  areas?   Except for "agriculture", the other  three  areas

would probably have to be included in the list to be drawn up for

similar questionnaires anywhere in the world.  Wherever  agricul-

ture  is no longer a dominant concern in the lives of people,  it

would  need  to be replaced by one or more of those  areas  which

reflect their major concerns.

Let's look at the selected areas one by one.  Take "Astronomy and

Cosmology": From times immemorial, humans have looked at the sky,

watched  the waxing/waning moon and other objects in it  move  in

different  ways,  appear or disappear with  regularity,  wondered

with  awe  at unusual or occasional events  or  occurrences  like

shooting  stars, comets, eclipses, occultations, meteors  and  so


Everyone has watched the sky, wondered about various objects  and

their  movements and  heard about old controversies i.e.  geocen-

tric  or heliocentric universe, demons Rahu and  Ketu  swallowing

the  moon or the sun during eclipses and the attendant myths  and

beliefs.  Over the years, many a question has been answered, many

a  myth  has been shattered, and phenomena of eclipses  have been

well  understood and explained scientifically.  People have

wondered about how the universe came about, how many stars are

out there, how and for what purpose humans are here on earth, are

there other worlds like ours, out there, and so on. Thus,

our  familiarity, or acquaintance with objects in the

sky,  and  questions concerning  the  cosmos, is much older

than  concepts  of  formal education, or even literacy.  We thus

expect that everyone  would and  should already have some minimum

knowledge of this  subject. We would need to find out just what

they know.

Next, let us take "Geography and Climate".  Much like  astronomy

and  cosmology,  humans have had to know and  learn  about  their

geography  and climate in order to survive and grow. Through

theirobservations and experience they learnt about the rising and

the setting  of the Sun with regularity, the variations in the

duration ofthe days and nights, the coming of summers and

winters, and otherdifferent seasons in yearly cycles, the waxing

and the waning of themoon in monthly cycles, the concept of the

calendar based on the time taken by the moon to go around the

earth and the earth to go around the Sun. Man had to learn to

live in deserts, on islands surrounded by sea/ocean, in the

hills, and so on while. Man learnt to cope with the sun, rain,

wind, and extremes in variations of  temperature during the day

and over extended periods.  In earlier times, through their

sustained observations and analysis they were often able to

establish useful  correlations  between the two!  We know today

that there is a great deal of science involved in geography

and  climate.   But what do common people know or need  to  know

about these subjects in today's context.

The  third area selected was that of "Health and hygiene".   This

is a subject with which everyone of us -- no matter who, what and

where we are -- has to be concerned with and learn about.  Before

the widely prevalent and many of the modern systems of health and

medical  sciences  made  their appearance  and  got  established,

humans have had to cope with their problems of health and hygiene

while  carrying on their struggle for food and  survival  against

odds  of all kinds.  Over the years, advances in  knowledge,  in-

struments,  equipment, techniques and materials in the fields  of

medical science and technology, have helped us to achieve present

levels  of  birth  and death rates,  life  expectancy,  rates  of 

infant   mortality  and  eradication of so many  deadly  diseases

which  used to ravage humans in the bygone era.  What  do  common

people  know and what are their present perceptions?  We need  to

find out.

Can we think of more such areas of universal significance for

people everywhere, irrespective of their geographical location,

economic health, standard of living, or level of education? The

area of  Computers and Information Technology (IT) is fast

assuming a status that will make it a fit candidate for this

purpose. Even at [present, it is  becoming almost impossible for

an educated person to find a job if she/he is not computer-

literate. IT and computers are proliferating everywhere into our

lives and in a few countries, the transformation may have already

been completed. Several others may be on their way. In India, and

in several other countries similarly placed, such a

transformation may never really get fully completed. Such areas

could also be considered while designing the questionnaire.

For  the survey in India "agriculture" was chosen as  the  fourth

area,  largely  because nearly two-thirds of  the  entire  Indian

population  continues to be dependent directly or  indirectly  on

"agriculture" or related occupations for its livelihood.   Proba-

bly,  similar is, or has been, the case with most other



During their early  phases  of  industrialisation, the percentage

of people dependent on agriculture  and related operations was

large, but had been going down progressively.  Even so, a

large  number  of people still involve themselves with  home  and

kitchen  gardens, lawns, social forestry and the like.  Thus  one

would  still expect most people to know a little about the  basic

scientific facts and principles relating to agriculture.  In tha

sense, this too is pretty universal in nature.

In any case, depending on the existing ground realities,  another

area or areas could also be considered for the survey.

The complications, in the survey to be conducted to find out what

common people already know about or in the name of science, arise

from  the  fact that, to do so, we really need to have  a  fairly

good idea of what MSP itself should contain; for if one had no  a

priori  inkling of what a scientifically literate  person  should

know/learn,  it would be impossible to design and devise a  suit-

able  set  of  questions for a survey, to  discover  what  people

already know (or do not know) about science or scientific method-


Let  me  give you a glimpse of the findings of  the  two  surveys

conducted  at  Allahabad (1989) during the Kumbh  Mela1   and  at

Mangolpuri(1991)2 - a suburb of Delhi with a population whhich  is

neither urban, nor really rural.

"The  analysis of the data collected during the two  surveys  re-

vealed  that factors such as socialisation in modern  systems  of

education,  the  nature of occupation, the gender,  age  and  the

cultural environment of the respondents were significantly corre-

lated with  the response variable.  The analysis further revealed

that the percentage of those respondents who could not offer  any

explanation to various questions related to natural phenomena and

said Don't Know in the urban sample was substantially higher when

compared  with  that  of  the  rural  sample; and this led to the

conclusion  that  erosion of traditional  knowledge  systems  has

taken  place over a period of time and new structures of  thought

are yet to fill in the gap.

Furthermore, the statistical models developed by computer for the

selected  areas showed a high level of sensitivity to  the  inde-

pendent variables _ cultural predisposition, and education scored

next to this variable on the sensitivity scale.  This essentially

suggests that socialisation in the modern system of education  is

a necessary but not a sufficient condition for inculcating deeper

understanding of the scientific phenomena.  The cultural modes of

dissemination of information assume significant importance in the

light of the above argument. It was observed while analysing  the

data collected earlier that since the majority of the inhabitants

in  the  J.J. Colonies of Delhi have migrated  from  neighbouring

villages about 10 to 15 years ago, interaction with the metropol-

itan setup, change in the field of experience, the on-slaught  of

new technologies, especially those related to the mass media  are

impinging  on  the coming generation,  thereby  obliterating  and

toppling  the traditional cultural heritage.  The coming  genera-

tion  appears to be in a state of transition, forgetting the  old

cultural traditions but yet to come to terms with the new  metro-

politan culture.

The  factors that influenced the apparent knowledge base  of  the

sampled  population the most was access to a  modern  educational

network.   Occupation, gender, duration of stay in Delhi and  the

access  to channels of information were found to have  a  strong,

statistically  significant relationship with the response  varia-


The following three factors operated as determinants of scientif-

ic knowledge base of the populace.

a) the degree of complexity, counter-intuitive or mathemati-

cally obtuse explanation required to unfold the life cycle of the


b) the intensity with which the phenomena intervene in the

life of the population,

c) the degree of collective or individual control which  the

respondents  could  exercise in this  process  of intervention."

These  two studies were followed by a third study+  at  Allahabad

(1995)  at the Ardh Kumbh Mela,  with a similar set of  questions

and a sample size of about 3000.  An attempt was made to  compare

the results of the two surveys conducted almost at the same  site

with  a very similar target group at Allahabad -- after a gap  of

six years!  The inferences drawn after an analysis are summarized


"The  awareness level of the  urban* population (Ardh Kumbh)  was

comparatively  higher  compared to their rural  (Kumbh)  counter-


Traditional complexes of thinking were prevalent among the  rural

populace  to  a  comparatively larger extent  compared  to  urban

sampled population.

A  large  percentage of total populace interviewed  during  1989,

offered intuitive explanations based on their field of experimen-

tal  knowledge  and the percentage of  intuitive  interpretations

offered by the urban populace was comparatively low.

The  response  extra-scientific  was offered by  a  fairly  large

section  of respondents among those who were  interviewed  during

the Kumbh Mela when compared with similar segments who constitut-

ed  the  urban sample.  The percentage of those  respondents  who

said don't know was quite high among the urban populace  compared

to the sample collected during the Kumbh Mela held in 1989.

As  the complexity level of the explanation  involved  increased,

the  percentage gap in the scores of scientifically  correct  re-

sponses  offered  by the respondents interviewed during  the  two

religio-cultural events reduced.

Awareness about the 'causes of earthquakes' and 'rainbows'  among

the  rural populace was comparatively high.  The reason could  be

attributed  to the difference in the realm of experience and  the

degree of dependence on nature of the two sets of population.

It  was  evident  from the data analysis that  as  the  questions

became  increasingly  complex  in the area  of  agriculture,  the

experiential knowledge system that trains the community of  agri-

culturalists influenced their thought processes to a far  greater

degree  as  compared to the modern classroom  knowledge  imparted

during socialization in the formal education system."

The  above  does give an idea of how to  go  about   determining,

among any part of the populace in a country, what people  already

know  about or in the name of science.  We next go on to  another

very crucial aspect in the formulation of MSP, which might  ulti-

mately  determine whether or not there would be ready takers  for

the MSP among the people we are aiming to design it for!

Method or Method(s) of Science!

While  knowledge may be acquired in any number of ways  including

empirical,   using many methods, its proper validation is a  must

-- in terms of repeated experimental verifiability  anywhere  and

everywhere under the same or similar set of conditions. There  is

only  one method of science that has to be applied   for  valida-

tion,  irrespective of the system used to acquire knowledge.  Any

system  that  does not provide for such  validation  of  acquired

knowledge cannot be accepted as "scientific". 




Of  all  the respondents, at the Ardh Kumbh in 1995,  25.9%  were

illiterate.   Primary and middle pass were 13% each and 13%  were

graduates.  About 6% of the total respondents had completed their

post-graduation course and 13% were graduates.  Among the earlier

set  of  respondents i.e. the 1989 sample the percentage  of  the

illiterate  segment  was quite high (48.8%) and  only  1.4%  were

graduate  and above.  It is evident from the data  analysis  that

the  second sample, on exposure to the education scale  could  be

placed  at a much higher level compared to the earlier  one.   So

most  of the respondents who had come during the Ardh-Kumbh  were

residents  of  small towns rather than villages and  hence  their

degree  of access to the system of modern education was  compara-

tively  much higher than the population that was  sampled  during

the Kumbh Mela held in 1989 (See Table 1).

Table 1: Education-wise Percentage Distribution


Categories                          1989              1995


Illiterate                         48.8              25.9 (*)

Primary                            24.4              13.4

Upper Primary                      12.7              13.1

High Sec./Secondary (10)              8.9              16.3

Sr. Secondary (12)                  -                12.1

Graduate                            1.0              13.0

Post graduate and Others            0.4               6.0


(*)Value in percentage


According to the nature of profession that a respondent  pursued,

the sampled population was classified into ten categories.  Women

respondents who did not work outside the house were   categorized 

as   Housewife   and constituted about 14.7% of the   total   re-

spondents.   Those  who reported  labourer,  scavenger,  sweeper, 

rickshaw  puller,  waiter at roadside dhaba, as   their   profes_

sion,   put  together  were 2.7%, and were, for  the  purpose  of

analysis,  put under the category unskilled  workers.  Those  who

were  engaged in skilled jobs such as  carpentry, electrical,  or 

electronics  repair or assembly, were 3% of the total sample  and

formed the  subset labelled as skilled workers.  About 10.3% were

engaged  in business.  Those who owned small roadside  kiosks  of

cigarettes,  bidis, paan (betel leaf), Tea stall, etc, have  been

included in  the  category  of  petty traders.  As high as  16.8%

of  the total respondents were engaged in private  or  government

service and 2.7% were professionals and artists including  paint-

ers,  musician,  photographers, physicians, lawyer,  etc.   About

12.7%  of  the total respondents were students,  a  significantly

high  percentage when compared with the percentage  of   students 

present  in  the  1989  data set which was only about 0.4%.

Those  who  were  engaged in  agricultural  activities  including

farmers and agricultural labourers were about 23.8% of the  total

sampled population.  The percentage of the agrarian population in

the  Kumbh  Mela data set was 53%.  This again  points  out  that

those  who visited Ardh-Kumbh had come from urban  or  semi-urban

settlements  and the rural population of northern India does  not

perceive this event to be as significant as the Kumbh Mela,  held

after  every  twelve years.  In response to  the  question  'what

profession  are you engaged in?' some 3.6% respondents said  that

they were unemployed or were not engaged in any productive activ-

ity (See Table 2).

Table 2: Occupation-wise Percentage Distribution 


Category                           1989           1995


Housewife                           4.8           14.4 (*)

Agriculture                        53.0           23.7

Service                             6.6           16.2

Worker                             10.8            7.7

(Skilled)                             -           (3.8)

(Unskilled)                           -           (3.9)

Shopkeeper/Business                12.0           11.6

Petty traders                       -              1.9

Student                             0.4           10.8

Unemployed                          1.8            7.0


(*)Value in percentage









There are two aspects which need attention. One is the definition

of Scientific Literacy as per purely theoretical  considerations. 

The  other is the high degree of acceptability of MSP that  would

be required if Scientific Literacy is to gain widespread popular-

ity as a desirable goal as perceived by a majority of the  common

people  --  the desirability, no doubt being strongly  driven  by

benefit-cost  perceptions!  What this means is that in  designing

and formulating the MSP, the user ought to be an active  partici-

pant/contributor -- and it would be ideal if the subject could be

widely discussed and debated openly and on a large-scale.

On  the  face of it, these two aspects may appear to  be  placing

contradictory  demands  on the essential  content  of  Scientific

Literacy  or MSP.   However, if we look into this a  little  more

closely,  we  would  discover that such a  contradiction  can  be

traced  to our system of education -- in particular,  of  science

education!   The formal education that is being imparted in  most

places around the world is so far removed from reality, real-life

situations,  and  practical  applications that  any  attempts  at

defining the content of Scientific Literacy in academic terms  is

bound to score poorly in so far as common people's "benefit-cost"

perceptions  are concerned -- and will hence prove a  non-starter

when time comes for its delivery to the target audience.

So,  one  thing is quite clear!  We should not  even  attempt  to

define the content of Scientific Literacy (or MSP), by  involving

(academic)  subject  experts  who have never made  an  effort  to

communicate science in the local every day language to the common

people,  or  have never had a chance to work in  the  field  with

common  people in trying to devise solutions to non-standard  but

common  every-day  problems  through  application  of  scientific

principles, knowledge, techniques and methodology -- things which

ordinarily are not likely to find ready references in any  books,

or even in any published works!

On the other hand, while purely academically oriented experts may

not be very helpful, those without good grounding in science, and

without  any experience of (formal) scientific methodology  would

also  be  unsuitable for this kind of work, no matter  how  well-

meaning and eager to participate in this endeavour.

Let's, momentarily, move to the other side as it were and examine

this  whole  thing  from the point of view  of  a  scientifically

illiterate person*.  who is presently employed as a driver,  say,

of  an office vehicle and who would be our likely target for  the

minimum science programme. He is on duty at least 12 hours a day,

six  days a week on an average -- and yet is barely able to  sup-

port  his  own  family of four, plus parents --  with  his  wife,

mother  and father doing odd jobs to contribute towards  expendi-

ture  on  their survival.  How would he and  his  family  members

react  or respond to pleas or messages that they come forward  to

become  "scientifically  literate"?  What would you or  I  do  in

his/their place?

Right  away,  I would like to know: What would I have  to  do  to

become scientifically literate?  What will it cost me in terms of

time, money and/or effort?  How long will this take?  How would I

or my family benefit, or be better off after I

become  scientifically literate?"

Answers  to these questions would determine the kind of  response

the MSP would be able to generate: enthusiastic, positive, indif-

ferent,  or negative.  We obviously need to define SL and  devise

an MSP, likely to make people respond positively and enthusiasti-

cally.   This  would surely get us on the right  track.   But  to

convert this enthusiasm and positive response into more and  more

scientifically literate people would require a whole lot of other

parallel efforts and follow-up exercises.

After  we  are all done, simple answers  to  the  above-mentioned

questions  ought to emerge somewhat like this: To become  "scien-

tifically literate", one would have to acquire the knowledge  and

skills  as well as practice of methodology specified in the  MSP;

yes,  some time, effort, and perhaps funds would have to  be  in-

vested; the time it would take one to accomplish this task  would

depend on one's existing knowledge and skill base and one's  pace

of  learning; and becoming "scientifically literate" would  defi-

nitely  benefit  one  and one's family in  many  different  ways. 

These are no doubt very general answers, but specifics would have

to wait till details/specifications of MSP have been arrived at.





To  get things going and initiate a discussion on  this  subject,

let me give below a formulation of the contents of MSP which  was

suggested  during an exercise done for the same purpose in  India

nearly a whole decade and half ago3.

Starting  with  the  meaning of the word 'science'  --  making  a

distinction between the `science' a physicist, chemist,  engineer

or  another professional does as part of his/her  profession  and

the `science' a common person comes across in his/her  day-to-day

life,  say, in the kitchen, in the garden, at work, or  in  one's

profession -- and after presenting well- reasoned aarguments and a

case in its favour, this formulation suggests the following broad

areas  for inclusion in the MSP: (i) Health and  related  issues;

(ii) Environment and related issues; (iii) Mensuration and  other

miscellaneous  topics, as far as the science part  is  concerned;

and  (iv)  Agricultural  science and technology  (S&T);  and  (v)

Technologies  for  urban and urbanised population,  as  essential

elements of the "minimum technology" in rural and urban settings. 

Under each of these broad subject areas, a number of themes  were


1.   Health and related issues:

(i)  General considerations; (ii) Hygiene; (iii)  Drinking  water

and  sanitation;  (iv)  Diseases, causes   and  cures;  (v)  Sex,

reproduction and contraception; (vi) Child-care; and (vii) Addic-

tions and unhealthy  practices.

2.   Environment and related issues

(i)   Air, atmosphere and weather; (ii) water; (iii)  Soil;  (iv)

Trees  and forests; (v) Other natural  resources; (vi) Food  con-

tamination; (vii) Clothing and housing; and (viii) Biosphere  and


3.   Mensuration and miscellaneous:

(i) Mensuration; (ii) Calendars and cellestial bodies;

(iii)  Children's  education; (iv) Radio,  television  and  other

gadgets; and (v) General.

4.   Agriculture Science and Technology:

(i)  Agriculture; (ii) Animal husbandry and poultry    and  (iii)


5.   Technologies for urban and urbanised population:

(i)  Electricity,  (ii) Appliances; (iii)  Manufactured  consumer

goods;  (iv)  Exercise; and (v) Water purification. For  each  of

these themes, further elaborations were also provided.

(Annexure I)


Looking  at the above, one is sure to protest that  the  proposed

content  is  too heavy, for something being  billed  as  "minimum

science" - even if the listings are supposedly onnly  illustrative

and not really comprehensive.  Nevertheless, without a  practical

or  functional  understanding of the  underlying  principles  in-

volved,  man's  survival would be threatened.   But  having  said

that,  while  the content part can be cut down, reduced,  or  re-

tained as it is, there is another essential component of the  MSP

which  has to do with a scientific outlook and  approach  without

which no one could rightly claim to be "scientifically literate". 

Included  in  this are habits of not taking things  for  granted,

asking questions and seeking answers, making observations, exper-

imentation,  learning-by-doing, trying out new  things,  thinking

things  afresh for oneself, ability to create and innovate,  urge

to  learn new things, skills and urge to explore and  try  things

which no one has tried before, and the like.

A  third element in the MSP relates to acquisition of an  ability

to  continue  learning for ever.  This is essential also  in  the

context of the content of MSP.  In the discussion above, there is

mention somewhere of the volume of the suggested content in  some

exercise  being  "too  heavy"  for  something  to  be  called   a

"minimum".   This  notwithstanding  a person  with  a  scientific

outlook and basic creativity -- and an ability to continue learn-

ing -- would only need to be initiated propeerly into learning the

MSP;  he/she  would  be able to draw up his/her  own  agenda  for

learning and continue building on it.



Once  we  have defined "Scientific Literacy"  (SL)  and  suitably

designed a "Minimum Science" package (MSP) for all, we would need

to  check it out for its saleability and effectiveness among  the

intended audiences.  For such pretesting we would need to  devise

a  good  delivery system, or systems, which will  accomplish  the

task effectively.  Not only that, we would also have to devise  a

mechanism  to quantitatively test as to how well or  successfully

is our delivery system able to deliver the MSP.

a.   Delivery

Depending  on the content and the target audience, there  may  be

several ways of delivery:

(i) class-room  type  of  teacher-assisted  learning,  combined 

with  practical, hands-on self-learning-by-doing, field   trips,

earning-while-learning, production-cum-        learning etc.

(ii) Self-learning  through "how to" manuals and built-in tests

for step  by  step progress towards prescribed       goals.

(iii) Computerised  self-learning  and  self-testing  packages, 

incorporating multi-media features; and

(iv) Others;  combining  features  of  one  or   more   of  the  

above, and possibly employing the mass media like

radio and  television.

For  each of the above delivery systems,  complete  documentation

back-up would be required.

b.   Pretesting

Once  we  have the MSP, and some delivery system(s)  devised  for

delivering  it,  we can do the pretesting at two, three  or  more

places,  with similar as well as differing audiences. If this is

done  well and scientifically, we would be able to come out  with

the following:

(i)   Inputs for possible additions/subtractions/modifications in

respect of MSP and its overall acceptability;

(ii) Suitability  and effectiveness of the delivery  system  or

system employed.


(iii) Usefulness and specific benefits of MSP to individuals;

(iv) Ideas on software development for large-scale delivery of

MSP, among different audiences under differing conditions; and

(v)        Identification of the core or universal part(s) of MSP, and

the remaining one(s) to suit local ground realities.




The sample contents of the "Minimum Science Package" (MSP)  given

here represent a formulation, particularly suited to the needs of

common  people  in rural India, and perhaps  those  of  similarly

placed  people in other parts of the world i.e. in Asia,  Africa,

Middle-East, South, Central and  Latin  America. It is   included 

here as a kind of a baseline document for discussion.  According-

ly,  before a final version emerges, there could  be  amendments,

deletions and additions.

The   finalisation of the contents of MSP would have much  to  do

with the question  of  universalization of the concept of MSE, or

Scientific Literacy -- meaning, a minimum science package with  a

content which would be applicable and relevant everywhere. 

In  this  context, consider the case of countries where  a  large

majority  of the common people has not encountered or  faced,  in

their  living memories, problems such as those of clean  drinking

water, lack/absence of healthcare/medical facilities, illiteracy,

abject poverty, high rate of infant mortality and the like. Also,

in  these countries, the proportion  of the population,  directly

or  indirectly involved in agriculture or related activities,  is

likely to be rather small.  One, therfore, would not be surprised

at  all  if individuals from some of these  countries,  on  going

through the sample contents of the MSP (given below), would  find

some of the entries irrelevant or of not much interest or  cones-

quence  in their scheme of things.  While this by itself may  not

be  sufficient  reason to exclude these items from  the  MSP,  it

would be a good idea to examine each one of them closely  against

a predetermined and predefined criterion (criteria) before decid-

ing  on their deletion, or retention in the MSP, with or  without


Supposing,  at the end of it all, we are left with 100  items  of

content  in  our MSP.  Obviously, for different sections  of  our

target  audience in different countries and in different  regions

of  the world, not all 100 items would be relevant or  applicable

in each case.  This would have to be accepted as a fact of life.

The above should be kept in view, while going through the follow-

ing sample formulation of the contents of MSP.

DETAILS OF SUGGESTED CONTENTS are also available and can be provided separately. 















Annexure - II



Work on the concept of "Minimum Science and Technology for Every-

one  (MSE)" began in India in the mid-1980s, soon after  the  Na-

tional  Council for Science and Technology Communication  (NCSTC)

was  formed and it got down to work -- i.e. that of  popularising

Science  & Technology (S&T) and promoting efforts aimed  at  this

broad  objective. Actually, one repeatedly ran into or faced  the

question:  "What  in  science and what in  technology  should  be

popularised?   That,  you may rightly say, would  depend  on  the

section of the population being addressed.  But is there not,  or

should  there  not  be, a bare minimum of `science'  and  a  bare

minimum of `technology' that every man, woman and child (above  a

certain age) should know and understand, irrespective of who they

are, what they do and where and how they live?"  Once details  of

this minimum science & technology (S&T) for everyone  (MSTE)  are 

available,  it should form the basic first objective of  all  S&T

popularisation efforts/activities.

      Much  thinking, informal discussions, and internal churn-

ing  went on for quite sometime before the first actual step  was

taken   to concretise and give implementable shape to this  idea. 

Director (NCSTC) wrote to some twelve organisations  around   the

country, in October 1986, setting out before them the concept  of

MSTE and requesting them to give the  idea some thought and  come

up  with  project  proposals to arrive at  its  definition.   The

response  was  poor.   The letter was followed up  with  personal

discussions and meetings.  Over a period of seven years only four 

projects  got  formulated  and were supported  by  NCSTC.   These

mainly  fell in two categories: those aimed at  determining  what

people already know and understand in the name of 'science',  and

others aimed at defining the MSTE.  They were:

1.   "Common Minimum or Core S&T Package" submitted by the  Vikas

Bharti,  Bishunpur, Dist: Gumla, Bihar, Pin -  835331.  (Approved

March  1988; completed in July 1989, project report  received  in

November 1989).

      This  project  involved  discussions  among   practitioners

of various scientific disciplines, voluntary agencies involved in

popularisation  of  science and also field studies  conducted  to

acquaint  ourselves with the natural system,   processes,   tools 

and   techniques  involved in the life lived by various  sections

of common people in our population.

2.    "Prototype of the forms of Scientific Cognition: Survey  of

Cultural Attitudes & Natural Phenomena" Project submitted by  the

National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies

(NISTADS),  New Delhi - 110012 (Approved October 1990 ; and  com-

pleted in May 1991;  project reported received in July 1991).

   The  project  involved  a questionnaire-based survey conducted 

in   Mangolpuri,  a  resettlement  colony in New  Delhi;  with  a

large  sample  size of about 15000 residents,  to  ascertain  the

existing level of scientific knowledge/awareness among people.

3.  "Public  Understanding of Science: Mapping  responses  within

Cultural Complex of thought."  Project submitted by the  National

Institute   of   Science  Technology  and   Development   Studies

(NISTADS),  New  Delhi - 110012 (Approved Jan  95  and  completed

February  1996; project report received in December 1996.)   This

involved  a  survey among some 2700 respondents during  the  Ardh

Kumbh Mela at Allahabad, U.P. during February-March, 1995.

4.  "A  study  on  the Minimum level  of Science  of  the  common

man".   Project  submitted  by  the  G.R.D.  Trust,   Kalaikathir

Buildings,  Avanasti  Road,  Coimbatore  -  641037,  Tamil  Nadu. 

(Approved February 1992; completed July 1996. 

     The project involved a survey (sample size = 2000) to deter-

mine  the  existing  level of "science  knowledge"  among  common

people of Tamil Nadu.  The survey was conducted at Madurai during

the annual Chithirai festival, using a 40-question schedule.








Dr Narender K. Sehgal  retired, in November 2000, as Advisor in the Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, and also as Director, Vigyan Prasar (an autonomous organization, dedicated to science popularization of the Department of Science and Technology), New Delhi-110016, India.


Dr Sehgal is presently Chairman of the National Organising Committee, and CEO, of the YSA-2004 programme. The Government of India has designated 2004 as the Year of Scientific Awareness (YSA). A year-long programme of science communication activities has been launched throughout India, which will continue till the end of 2004.