Truths That Reveal
A Design

A Superficial Look at
The Anthropic Principle

The Anthropic Principle is a general principle concerning the makeup of the universe acknowledged by SECULAR scientists. It is the idea that everywhere you look, the universe seems to have been designed specifically for human beings. I'll begin with the question - What if you begin changing the way things are set up in the universe? Consider the following:

Our Sun:

  1. The Sun's birthdate; if it were more recent, it would not yet be in a stable burning phase. If it were less recent, our stellar system would not yet contain enough heavy elements. Heavy elements are elements formed by the combining of "building block" elements such as hydrogen and helium (the main components in the Sun's core).

  2. The Sun's age; if it were older or younger, its luminosity would change too quickly - it is in a stable stage of a star's life.

  3. Its distance from the center of the galaxy; if it were farther, the quantity of heavy elements would be insufficient to make rocky planets. If closer, stellar density and radiation would be too great.

  4. The Sun's mass; if greater, its luminosity would change too quickly and it would burn too rapidly. If its mass were less, the range of distances appropriate for life on earth would be too narrow; tidal forces would disrupt the rotational period for a planet at the right distance.

  5. Its color. A star's color has to do with its temperature and the amount of light it gives off. If the Sun were redder (cooler) or bluer (hotter), photosynthetic response would be insufficient (our Sun is right in the middle of these extremes).

The Earth:

  1. Surface gravity; If it were stronger, there would be too much ammonia and methane in the atmosphere. If weaker, it would lose too much water.

  2. Distance from the Sun; Farther, it would be too cool for a stable water cycle. Closer, too warm for a stable water cycle.

  3. The thickness of the Earth's crust; If thicker, too much oxygen would be transferred from the atmosphere to the crust. Thinner, and volcanic and tectonic activity would be too great.

  4. The Earth's rotation period; Longer, and daily temperature differences would be too great. Shorter and atmospheric wind velocities would be too great.

  5. Gravitational interaction with the Moon; If it were greater, the tidal effects on the moon would be too severe. If less, the planet's orbital path would change so much as to cause the Earth's climate to be too unstable.

  6. The magnetic field surrounding the Earth; If it were any stronger, the resulting electromagnetic storms would be too severe. And if weaker, there would be inadequate protection from hard stellar radiation.

  7. The Earth's axial tilt; Any greater and surface temperatures would be too great. Any less, the same.

  8. The Ozone level; If greater, surface temperatures would be too low. If less, surface temperatures would be too high, and there would be too much UV radiation at the surface. (note: in lieu of all the ozone depletion warnings - if it's so delicate, who set it up in the first place? Chance? Unlikely.

The Universe:

Though there are many areas that could be discussed here, the material gets very tedious and difficult to understand. But, there is one item that fascinates me personally that I will include.

The "Strong nuclear force coupling constant"; This force in the universe holds together the particles in the nucleus of the atom. If this constant was even slightly weaker, the nuclei of multi - proton atoms would not hold together: hydrogen would be the only element in the universe. If it were slightly stronger, nuclear particles would tend to bond together more frequently and more firmly: hydrogen would be rare in the universe, and the supply of various life - essential elements heavier than iron would be insufficient. Either way, life would be impossible. The factor being talked about when it is said "slightly" is only a factor of +or- 1% !

Now, all of this in no way proves beyond any doubt God exists and He created the universe, and you. We each have that priviledge when we die "and discover what comes next" - that will be our final proof. The thing I'm stressing, the thing I constantly stress on this website, is the need to look for truths and then put them into action by allowing truth to change you. We fear the truth too often, and let the fear of facing truth regulate our lives. To look at evidence such as presented here and say "so what" or "cool, dude" and mentally walk away from it is to allow yourself to live in ignorance of truth. But that is dangerous. The thing we sometimes don't realize is that either way we go, there are consequences that go with the decision. I for one found out too late in life you can't escape consequences, and I have to live with them. You have this evidence here for the existance of God. You have to admit it's a powerful arguement. Consider it. Don't wait for the "final proof", when it will be too late to do something about the consequences. Anyway, thanks again - keep searching - "The truth is out there."