Fun For Your

Can you name this place? It's where
my interests in computers began.
(answer at bottom of page)

A riddle for you:

"I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball."

Hint: It never comes
(answer at bottom of page)

Fun With Numbers and colors. A simple calculator on a page which allows you to change the background color. Just an exercise in writing javascript I thought I would put online.

Remember those pictures that have a 3d picture hidden inside? Below are two. Click on them for the larger version.

Here's one you won't want to miss - a lot of fun! ONLINE 3-D MAZE

Here's the latest!!! A personality test using simple, colorful pictures. Pick the picture you like best with little analyzing beforehand. It's supposed to be pretty accurate. It's fun anyway.

Try this site an online ("official") personality (character and temperment) test.

Here's one of my favorite cartoons on one of my favorite topics - MATH:

Here's a link to the Calvin and Hobbes website. Lot's of fun - allow lot's of time!:)

Riddle answer:tomorrow
Picture at top - Stoneship Age in Myst computer game.