My name is David Elliott. Thank you for visiting my web site. This web site was initially about Western Australian (WA) issued cards but now cover many other national sets.
I have been collecting Australian Trade and Cigarette since the early 1990s.
It is certainly true that the manufacturers we tend to associate with some sets of cards were in fact only sponsors and that the cards were actually issued
by the sporting clubs themselves. However the use of the
sponsor's name, i.e. Healthways, usually makes it easier to identify the
If you can help me further expand my list or if you have any suggestions for improvement or correction, I would welcome your email.
My email address is listed at the bottom of this document.
I have many 1000s of Australian trade and cigarette cards
to swap covering all themes.
Drop me an email to start a discussion. There is no obligation to swap or buy.
is a free web site and I am therefore restricted to space. I have therfore concentrated on WA, ceral and cricket listings.
Enquiries to: David Elliott perthwa@yahoo.mail.com