Welcome to my Guestbook! Hope you have found it helpful. If you have any favorite homeschool sites you would like added, please submit them for consideration.

Bob Fowler CEF Director - 10/07/00 02:51:45
My Email:fowlerjr@mindspring.com
Child Evangelism Fellowship of the Greater Raleigh Area (919)838-9330 We would like to work together to reach your neighborhood for Christ.

Beth Sparks - 03/15/00 08:52:16
My Email:jbsparks2@worldspy.net
Haven't checked it out yet, but the opening screen looks great.

vickie adams - 01/04/00 03:21:50
My URL:abbyjamie@aol.com

Joyce A. Hopkins - 11/01/99 02:30:53
My Email:jhop7134@aol.com
Mark Troutz: Please contact me. E-mail keeps bouncining back!

Roger Cameron - 10/18/99 15:07:02
My Email:rogcam@mindspring.com
I love you!

Trina - 10/12/99 11:37:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/2664/index.html
My Email:trinafos@yahoo.com
Cool Site!

John M. Sparks - 10/09/99 01:23:26
My Email:jbsparks2@ij.net
Nice Website, Lorraine

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