I found the WEB site The Truth About Marilyn Manson on my wanderings through the WEB today. It upset me so greatly that I felt that I HAD to send a letter in reply. The letter that I sent them is posted below. As soon as I recieve a reply (if I recieve a reply) I'll post it here.
You may want to visit the site that I'm refering to before reading the reply. Just use the back button to get back to this page. It's not necessary to understand the letter but it might help make it a little clearer. You can click here to go there.
Here's the letter:
I hope you've been having a wonderful time condeming those who are not just like you to Hell. After all, that's what Nazism... I mean Christianity... is all about isn't it.
Just thought I'd point out a few inconsistencies and falisies that I noticed on your WEB site: The Truth About Marilyn Manson.
Item one:
On your site you say:
Marilyn Manson would have you believe that Anton LaVey's, Church of Satan (to which he is an ordained reverend) does not worship Satan.
In Marilyn Manson's autobiography and in numerous interviews, he clearly states that while he has held an audiance with Anton LaVey, he does not follow LaVey's beliefs and in no way endorses them. The part about him being an ordained reverend of the Chruch of Satan is also slightly off. He was actually made an honorary reverend of the Church of Satan. LaVey bestowed this "honor" on Mr. Manson because he thought that Mr. Manson was intellegent and stated his principles well.
Item two:
You also say:
Brian would have you believe it's better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. He want's our children to love themselves above all others, even God, but fails to give the whole story. God makes it very clear in Exod 20:3, "YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME".
How can you love anyone, even god, if you don't love yourself first. Btw, I'm having trouble finding exactly where he says it's better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven, could you send me a copy of the exact quote (source would be nice too, I must of missed that interview)
Also, how is loving yourself before god having a god before the Christian god? Or you saying that the only way to love god is to hate yourself and others? I'm honestly lost as to how this quote fits in with what you said immediatly before it.
Item three:
You post that:
It is not the intention of CFN to place judgement on anyone, however there are several Biblical facts that followers of Marilyn Manson should be aware of.
If this is true, then why do you say this:
These files were acquired from sites around the WWW and are extremely vile and blasphemous.
And this:
It was our most heartfelt intention to present the unedited lyrics for all of the Marilyn Manson songs (I use the term loosely) , but after reviewing them we could not bring ourselves to release such vulgarity.
Sounds like passing judgment to me.
Item four:
A response of your's in the FAQ section:
A: We believe the Bible is God’s authoritative and inspired Word and is without error in all its teaching, and we will try to answer all questions based on that belief.
Actually, I could point out quite a few errors and inconsistincies in the bible. However, that would require a much longer letter than I was planning on sending.
Item five:
You post these two opinions on your site:
Q: Do you think Christians can also enjoy Marilyn Manson? A: No!
Satan, through Marilyn Manson, is devouring our young people by convincing them it's better to love themselves (claiming no one else loves them), rather than love and trust God
Care to back them up? Provide quotes that back these up (and I don't mean more quotes from the bible)
If you've made it this far, congradulations, you must really believe what you say instead of just being another troublemaker.
Looking forward to your reply,
Lilith Danaher
© 2000 lilth_danaher@hotmail.com