A Few Pictures of Me and My Friends
NEW!!! Pictures from my college graduation!
Enrico and me on his birthday CLICK HERE
Enrico and me the day before Halloween 1998. I was a vampire, I just hadn't put in the fangs yet.
George & me in April of 1998 on the hood of my car "broken". George is the bassist from STAINED (see the music page)
From left to right, Nate, his girlfriend Becky, Angie and Kat at 6 Flags Elich Gardens.
This is my little sister and me over the summer.
Christina and me at Stars on Ice in 1997
Dan & Me in March of 1996
Tony and me in the summer of 1997 beside the Trevi Fountian in Italy
At my friend's graduation in 1994. That's Richard and Sean with me.
Halloween in 1997 with my buddie Angie.
I was maid of honor at my Aunt's wedding in April of 1995.
Baby Pictures... Oh Who is that Cute Baby??