Anathemas Against the Heresy of Ecumenism
1) To the ecumenical so-called Branch Theory, according to which the Church
of Christ consists of many separated denominations (schisms): Anathema!
Anathema likewise to those who preach this false doctrine, share it, accept
it, or are indifferent to it. For thereby they deny the uniqueness of the
Church of Christ as expressed in the ninth article of the Nicene Symbol
of Faith: "I believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church".
2) To the dogmatic Constitutional Basis of that heretical assembly, the
World Council of Churches, which declares that: "The World Council of Churches
is a fellowship of churches which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God
and Saviour according to the Scriptures and therefore seek to fulfill together
their common calling to the glory of the one God, Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit", and to those who consider a general confession of belief in Christ
according to the Scriptures as sufficient for unity, there by totally denying
Holy Tradition, and who at the same time recognize the various heretical
assemblies as Churches of God, and consider their heretical doctrines to
be based on Holy Scripture, rather than as false and willful interpretations
(which is the very essence of heresy): Anathema!
3) To the ecumenical doctrine which recognizes the assemblies of the heretics
as grace-bearing and possessing uninterrupted Apostolic Succession,and
which considers possible a "union" between the Orthodox and Non-Orthodox
Churches (see: "Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate", No. 2, 1961, p. 69)without
a unity in Faith, or based on the concept of so-called doctrinal minimum,
which has been openly proclaimed at the various ecumenistic gatherings
and expressed in official documents: Anathema!
4) To the documents adopted as a result of the "theological" dialogue held
between the Orthodox and Monophysites (Chambésy, Switzerland, 1990,
1993),in which both are recognized as Orthodox, and the Monophysites' Christological
heresy is declared to be Orthodox doctrine, where by the Forth Ecumenical
Council at Chalcedon is rejected and condemned, and all subsequent Ecumenical
Councils are ignored: Anathema!
5) To the documents adopted as a result of the "theological" dialogue between
the pseudo-Orthodox and the Papists, in particular the so-called Balamand
Unia (1993), which refers to the Papist assembly as a "Sister Church",
and which declares that it possesses grace and uninterrupted Apostolic
Succession, that its sacraments are true, and which forbids proselytizing
(i.e., the conversion from the Papal error to the saving faith of the Orthodox
Church): Anathema!
6) To those who unlawfully "lifted" the Anathemas placed on the Papist
assembly in 1054, and to those who did not resist this lawlessness and
by this very act placed themselves in opposition to the Holy and Great
Synods held in Constantinople (in 1341, 1347, and 1351) which condemned
the Papal innovation, and likewise to those who do not consider Papism
to be a heresy and who consider ecclesiastical union with the Latin heretics
to be admissible: Anathema!
7) To the agreement reached in Antioch in 1991, as a result of which the
Orthodox Church of Antioch entered into full ecclesiastical union with
the Syrian Monophysites, the Jacobites: Anathema! Anathema to all those
who do not consider Monophysites to be heretics and who do not avoid prayerful
and eucharistic communion with them. For they have all been anathematized
by the 630 Holy Fathers present at the Four th Ecumenical Council held
in Chalcedon,and remain under ban now and in the age to come.
8) To the so-called New Style, which appeared as a result of the introduction
of the Papal Gregorian Calendar into the Orthodox Church, and which is
totally inadmissible canonically, and constitutes a dogmatic-ecclesiological
heresy inasmuch as it rejects the holy doctrines, Tradition, and liturgical
unity of the Church, as well as the ninth article of the Nicene Symbol
of Faith: "I believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church": Anathema!
(For it is not possible both to keep the Fast and to celebrate Christmas
or Pascha in one and the same Church, and at one and the same time -- as
occurs in the ecumenistic pseudo-Orthodox assemblies.) The Papal Calendar
has already been condemned by Canon I of the Local Council of Antioch and
by the Local Councils of Constantinople (in1583, 1587, and 1598).
"Whosoever does not follow the customs of the Church which the seven Holy
Ecumenical Councils have decreed, and the Holy Pascha and calendar which
they have enacted well for us to follow, but wants to follow the newly-invented
Paschalion and the new calendar of the atheist astronomers of the Pope,
and, opposing them, wishes to overthrow and destroy the doctrines and customs
of the Church which we have inherited from our Fathers, let any such have
the anathema and let him be outside of the Church and the Assembly of the
"We exhort all pious and Orthodox Christians: remain in those things which
you learned and in which you were born and bred, and when the times and
circumstances call for it, shed your very blood in order both to keep the
Faith given us by our Fathers and to keep your confession."
Jeremias II, Patriarch of Constantinople Silvester, Patriarch of Alexandria
Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem and the rest of the Bishops of the Synod
who were present (Constantinople, 1583)
9) To those who flouted the resolutions of the aforementioned Councils
condemning and banning the Gregorian Paschalion and calendar, and who willfully,
treacherously, and forcibly introduced this novelty into the Church, or
who support the New Style and attempt to establish it in the Church or
are unscrupulous and indifferent in their relations with the excommunicated
adherents of the New Style, and who do not wish to severe ecclesiastical
union with them: Anathema! Let them read again the words of the Anathema
pronounced by His Holiness, Cyril V, Patriarch of Constantinople upon the
innovators in his "Sigillion" of 1756.
10) To the heretical and blasphemous ecumenistic "liturgies" (e.g., theso-called
Lima Liturgy) in which "members of the Orthodox Church" participate, likewise
to the common services during which Orthodox Christians pray together with
heretics and take part in various "sacred rites", whereby abomination is
introduced into the Church, and in violation of the Tenth, Forty-fifth,
and Eighty-fifth Apostolic Canons and Canon Thirty-three of the Local Council
of Laodicea: Anathema! Anathema also to those who give the Body and Blood
of Christ to the heretics, or who receive their false "communion" from
them. Anathema to those who serve other ecclesiastical Mysteries for the
heretics, or participate in their "sacraments".
11) To those who pray with pagans, shamans, magicians, priests and wizards
of heathen cults, and to those who join in their meditation sessions and
cultic rituals, or who conduct "divine services" at their "altars", and
to all the participants in the various Pan-ecumenical Sundays: Anathema!
12) To all the other heretical doctrines and documents of the ecumenists
which were jointly prepared by them and which they now seek to secretly
and stealthily introduce into the Church: Anathema!
To those who do not reverence the dogmatic and canonical teachings of the
Orthodox Church, Her Holy Tradition and practices, and who attempt to introduce
the spirit of Renovationism into the Church of Christ: Anathema!
To those who sympathize with the aforementioned and anathematized doctrines
and acts, and who attempt to defend and justify them, or who assume an
attitude of lukewarm indifference towards them: Anathema!
To all the heresies and heretics anathematized by the Ecumenical and Local
Councils, we, together with the Holy Fathers, proclaim: Anathema!
Anathema to all heretics! Anathema! Anathema!
Hieromonk Haggai, Abbot of Betania Monastery, Monk Eutyches, Novice George,
Novice Vazha, Monk Gabriel, Novice Zurab, Novice Zaza, Monk Cyrion, Novice
Kakha, Novice Mamuka.
Betania Monastery July 22 / August 4, 1997