An Open Letter to Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia
From the Brotherhood of the Saint Shio-Mghvime Monastery
"Christ the Lord called that Church the Catholic Church which maintains the
true and saving confession of the Faith. It was for this confession that He
called Peter blessed when He declared '...upon this rock [i.e., of right
faith] I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail
against it (Matt. 16:18)'."
Saint Maximus the Confessor
[Migne PG 90, 132 A]
"We are orphans and fatherless..."
Lamentations of Jeremiah 5:3
"Whoso readeth, let him understand."
Matt. 24:15
In ancient Sodom there lived the righteous Lot and his family. Our
long-suffering God, awaiting the conversion, the change of heart of the
Sodomites, bestowed upon them all that they needed: air, water, food... life
itself. Lot was for them a certain example of righteousness, a model for
their correction. But in vain. The measure of lawlessness and sin
overflowed; the Lord brought out the family of Lot and destroyed the city of
Sodom by fire, thus taking away that life which He Himself had granted.
Like unto Sodom becomes that church in which the abomination of heretical
doctrines finds itself a lodging place. Long-suffering and merciful is the
Lord, and just as the destruction of Sodom was delayed for the sake of
righteous Lot; so too, for the sake of His righteous servants, for the time
being He shall not withdraw the grace of the Holy Spirit from that church
which is deviating into the heretical gloom so offensive to Him. But for how
long? Where is that boundary beyond which lawlessness exceeds His
long-suffering and mercy? If the time for an exodus like Lot's is come, then
such a time is the termination of the period [allowed for repentance], it is
the time for the execution of the judgments of God, the time of righteous
anger, the time for the taking away of the very Spirit of Life. The going
forth from the midst of sin by the true children of the Church serves as an
indication of the spiritual death of the hierarchy of a Local Church. And
only then, when the Lord shall have led forth all of them, all those
faithful to Him -- His true Church, will the grace of His Holy Spirit
completely abandon the assembly of those who have remained behind.
Lot forewarned his sons-in-law of the approaching judgment, but was mocked
by them. And his sons-in-law were burned together with all the Sodomites.
We also have the example of Nineveh. The Ninevites repented and the judgment
of God was suspended. But what of Sodom? Was Sodom capable of changing?
Sodom, in which there was not even a consciousness of the need for
1) Ecumenism is heresy! That is quite clear. Moreover, it is the heresy of
2) Of all the errors which the so-called "Ecumenism" comprises, the most
fundamental and profound is its error concerning the very nature of the
Church itself. This is an ecclesiological heresy. It is contrary to the
Nicean-Constantinopolitan confession of faith, for it asserts that there is
no "One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church".
3) The so-called "World Council of Churches" already in its very name
contains this contradiction of the Orthodox Christian doctrine concerning
the Church. And in its "Branch Theory" it totally rejects this dogma. And
the "Council" endeavors to accomplish this fundamental rejection by its
militant practice of "religious pluralism".
4) The Orthodox Church, by participating in the activities of the
afore-mentioned "World Council of Churches", declares her agreement with all
its [the WCC's] teachings and activities. By this very means she becomes a
party to all the falsehood and errors of the Council. She becomes heretical
to the degree that the Council itself is heretical.
5) This heresy is introduced even more deeply into the body of the Church by
the participation of her hierarchy in the various forms of liturgical
concelebrations conducted by the institutions of the Council in the course
of its routine activities.
6) The Georgian Orthodox Church (GOC) has been an active member of the WCC
for a considerable time (since 1962). This lively participation, manifested
in the activities of her senior hierarchs, is the path of falling away into
heresy, or rather, it is essentially already heresy.
7) Both in their numerous public appearances, and also "ex cathedra", the
senior hierarchs of the GOC have shown themselves to be apologists and
preachers of the heresy of Ecumenism. At the Local Council in 1995
participation in this movement was recorded in the official documents and
confirmed by the ecclesiastical authority. By this means this heresy was
definitively implanted into the body of the Local Georgian Church.
8) When the Church begins in any degree to accept heretical teachings, then
saving grace wanes in her. Once the Church as a whole accepts a heresy, then
saving grace departs from this community, since salvation for its members
has become impossible, even if they were to lay down their lives for their
9) There are only two routes of escape from the situation which has arisen
in the GOC: either the Church renounces its error, or else those seeking
salvation quit the assembly of the unfaithful.
10) The Church's rejection of the heresy of Ecumenism must be expressed by
its departure from the WCC. There is no other way.
11) This can be done only by the senior hierarchs of the GOC -- this is their
prerogative. But the hierarchs refuse to do this.
12) Some of the hierarchs consider such a step inconsistent with the
contemporary processes of global integration. Subordinating, in their own
conceptions, the life of the Church to the mere laws by which society
functions, they threaten the Christians with economic difficulties,
political, religious, and cultural isolation, and a like multitude of
imagined horrors.
13) Such a way of thinking is based on a lack of faith in the providential
care for the Church by her Creator and Founder. This is unbelief, this is
real atheism which captivates the mind and conscience. They do not realize
that the Lord does not abandon His true servants. His eye slumbereth not;
and mighty is His right hand.
14) Other of the hierarchs, not possessing a true Christian consciousness
and not wishing to comprehend the very essence of the dogmas of the Church
of Christ, consider that membership in the WCC is not so very significant a
sin. Such as these seek by means of various compromises to deceive both God
and themselves.
15) So what then remains for an Orthodox Christian seeking salvation to do,
who is certain that this very salvation is not possible without a true faith
free of heretical abomination?
16) "...and they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that
they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name." Acts 5:41.
"...But as for those who...severe themselves from communion with their
president, that is, because he publicly preaches heresy and with bared head
teaches it in the Church, such persons are not only not subject to canonical
penalty..., but are worthy of due honor among the Orthodox. For not bishops,
but false bishops and false teachers have they condemned, and they have not
fragmented the Church's unity with schism, but from schisms and divisions
have they earnestly sought to deliver the Church."
(Canon XV of the First-Second Council of Constantinople)
In his commentary on Canon XIV of the Fourth Ecumenical Council, Zonaras
writes: " Those are also heretics who even partly disagree with the teaching
of the Church or who only slightly distort it."
The Monastery of our Righteous Father Shio Mghvimeli (the Cave-dweller)
severs eucharistic communion with Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II because of
his heresy of Ecumenism.
Archimandrite George, Abbot of the monastery,
Archimandrite John,
Hieromonk Nicholas,
Monk Kyrion,
Novice Bessarion.
Novice Guram April 14/27, 1997
The Monastery of Righteous Father Shio Mghvimeli (the
Other Declarations of the Severing of Communion
With Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II
The Abbot of the Lavra of the Righteous David Garedzhe, Archimandrite
Gregory, severs eucharistic communion with Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II
because of his heresy of Ecumenism, and resigns from the office of abbot.
Archimandrite Gregory
April 17/30, 1997
Betania Monastery severs liturgical communion with Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia
II because of his heresy of Ecumenism.
Abbot of the Monastery,
Hieromonk Haggai,
Monk Eutyches,
Monk Gabriel.
April 18 / May 1, 1997
The Abbot of the Zarzma Monastery, Archimandrite George, severs eucharistic
communion with Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II and Bishop Sergius of
Akhaltsikhe on account of their having fallen into the heresy of Ecumenism.
Archimandrite George
May 2/15, 1997
To the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Ilia II,
and to the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Georgian Orthodox
Your Holiness; Most-reverend Bishops:
We humbly wish to inform you that with the blessing of the ruling bishop of
the Shemokmedi diocese, Kyr Joseph, a meeting of the clergy of the Guria
region was held on May 6/19 of this year.
At this meeting we considered the situation which has arisen in the bosom of
the Mother Church, in particular, the declarations of the brotherhoods of
the St. Shio-Mghvime, Betania, and St. David Garedzhe Monasteries.
We most humbly beg you not to rend the robe of the Church of Christ by
schism. For love's sake, resolve to leave the World Council of Churches.
Otherwise we shall subscribe to the decision of the afore-mentioned
brotherhoods and shall sever eucharistic communion with you.
1) Abbot of the Shemokmedi Monastery of St. Nicholas,
Archimandrite Nicholas
2) Spiritual Father of the Dzhikheti Convent,
Archimandrite Andrew
3) Rector of the Shemokmedi Cathedral,
Protopriest Basil
4) Rector of the Church of SS. Julitta and Cyricus,
Priest Matthew
5) Rector of the Church of St. George in Dvabchu,
Priest Constantine
6) Deacon of the Shemokmedi Cathedral,
Fr. Cyricus