To Archimandrites Raphael and Lazarus[1]

"Her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have
done violence to the law."Prophet Sophonias 3:4)

     Strange times! You don't consider us Christians? You deny us the right to be within the Church? Yet, within your so-called church unity everything is jumbled together: both false witnessing to the Truth, and ungodly activities in opposition to it. Mayhap ye are sons of Abraham and by inheritance belong to the Church, whereas we be Samaritans or heathens? Declare boldly -- what is there to be ashamed of -- that you are Pharisees, and that by birthright you abide in the Church, and that, strictly speaking, you in fact are the Church, no matter what you may do. Declare loudly before God that at present it is impossible to be a Christian, and no longer possible to observe the Tradition of the Founder of the Church, received by us from His genuine disciples, the Apostles, and not from false apostles; Tradition, which is the very source of the grace-filled life in the Church. Declare that, no matter what you may teach, it can contain no error, simply because you were, and, by inheritance always will be, called the "Church Militant", or, as you, contrary to[2]  the entire consciousness of the Church, assert, the "Sinning Church". An astonishing blasphemy against the Church -- the pillar and ground of the Truth!

     Why do you deceive people, purposely confusing human, moral transgressions, which spring from the feebleness of our nature, with conscious or unconscious apostasy from God and betrayal of God? Thereby you maintain that the impious doings of the apostates are, as it were, by necessity present in the Church Militant. You intentionally lead people astray, when, putting the disciplinary rules concerning repentance on the same level as the statutes pertaining to the Faith itself, you say that the fulfilling of the law according to the letter would bring about the closing of all of our churches. After all, you yourselves know that there has not been, nor is there now, any equivalence between falling into personal, human sins and falling away into a false teaching -- heresy. For you must know that a betrayal of and deviation from Tradition entails separation from the Church, and that not the Church "sins" or "is soiled" from "contact with the world", as you yourselves express it, but that he who sins against the Truth places himself outside of the Church. Where, where and in which of the Fathers did you find this? Why do you deceive the people? Why do you transmit the doctrine concerning the "Church Militant" in a distorted form?

     Declare before God that you are teaching people Orthodox doctrine, when you say that the hierarchs, who by their syncretistic unity with representatives of various religions have altered, and not simply violated the commandments of God, are nevertheless still to be termed bishops, bearers of saving grace, and that through them this grace truly operates for the salvation of others!

     Declare before God that the doctrine which you are teaching people is "Orthodox" doctrine, when you teach that although the hierarchs, due to their "contact with the world", fall into apostasy, yet this their apostasy does not concern you, nor anyone else, yea, and for that matter, nothing is anyone's concern, and in general "that is how everything always has been and should be". Declare that verily this is the doctrine of the Church herself.

     You say that "so long as our Church has not 'legalized' any false dogma or false teaching, then these false teachings and distortions can be understood by us as private, erroneous opinions, with which we must wage battle…"

     But then, who ever sought your approval for the documents signed in the past decade, documents which concern precisely the Orthodox Faith, and which have been introduced and propagated in the churches in both word and deed, secretly and openly? For they [the hierarchs] do not consider you as full members of the Church, but as rabble having no rights. Is it not so? Is love, which alone is the distinguishing mark of the followers of Christ, as He Himself once commanded, really the force uniting you with your hierarchs?

     Which dogmas do you still need changed? For all the dogmatic definitions of the Church are being effaced and repudiated when ecumenists, especially representatives of the Church, enter into religious union with heretics, pagans, and shamans. Not a certain, particular dogma is altered, but the entire saving Orthodox Faith is being distorted and is coalescing into something ugly and ungodly in this melting pot of syncretism. And these traitors are your chief hierarchs! These are those, upon whose antimensions you liturgize, and with whose blessing you function as priests at all! You have quite forgotten the lives of the holy martyrs and confessors! What did they die for? For not entering into religious union with the heterodox!!!

     Perhaps you give thanks unto God, as once did the Pharisee, that you are not sinners, that you are not such as they… your sinful, renegade bishop-publicans? Yea, you speak thus among yourselves concerning them. But you seem to be forgetting that these are your bishops, and that only together with them do you constitute the Church, and that they are styled the bishops of your faith. Why are you afraid to tell them openly to their faces that they are sinners, while you are righteous?

     So then, according to your exhortations we should declare together with them at the Liturgy that "Christ is in our midst," and should join in communion with them, simply because they have officially been titled hierarchs and sons of Abraham?

     This becomes like some sort of ritual, self-torture! With whom are you in union: with Meletius Metaxakis (from among the dead), or (from among the living) the present Patriarch of Alexandria, who in his very first encyclical declared himself the "successor to his (Metaxakis') church policy"? Together with them you bring the people unto a state of total indifference to confession of the Faith!

     What sort of fire is it that you seek to extinguish, and on what barque? How and whom do you wish to bring to their senses? For you are now repeating after the ecumenists: "The purpose of our participation in the Ecumenical gatherings is to convert the heterodox to Orthodoxy by our ‘grace-bearing presence' there". Yea, of course, that's all there is to it. That is why they pray there, and serve, and affix their signatures, and betray… Yea, and behold, you and your disciples have begun to say the very same thing! But then, what reason was there for the Apostles to preach, and to die for this their preaching, needed by none, if it were possible to convert the heathen in the course of participating in their rituals and mystery rites? For what cause then did the martyrs and confessors refuse to do that which is, it turns out, merely a shrewd means of catching others in the evangelical nets? Oh, what an age-old delusion! Then, why should you not go there too, and together convert the pagans there to Christianity?

     But perhaps it would be better to recall that, as the Church teaches, one is not to enter into union with heretics and apostates, but rather one is to bring them to their senses by all possible means, first and foremost, by one's own unwavering and uncompromising stand in that which is most important -- in the Faith. If they, for their part, do not hearken to one's admonitions and continue to sin against the Faith, then for their own good, one must depart from them, and by this very act, as though from a distance, indicate to them the path of sincere repentance and the knowledge of God.

     Within which enclosure, as you put it, are you found? Declare outright that for you only the "Ecumenical"[3]  affiliation of all the so-called "official Churches", regardless of their witness of the Truth and Faith, can be called the Church. Declare, as your hierarchs also state, that there is grace in the "Local Churches", simply because they "historically" belong to this association! Then, at least on a human level, everything would be clear to us. After all, the Pharisees also always said that they were worshipers of the true God and could be of none other, since they were Pharisees and sons of Abraham. Declare plainly before God that in order to be found in the Church, there is no necessity to adhere to Orthodoxy, but it is only necessary to call oneself "such-and-such, or such-and-such an Autocephalous Church", and that is all…

     The Pharisees adorned the graves of the prophets killed by their fathers, just as you, together with your hierarchs, adorn the memorials and graves of the persecuted and murdered New Martyrs!

     The Pharisees built sepulchers for the prophets whom their fathers had slain, and by this they bore witness to the deeds of their fathers and agreed with them, for those slew the prophets, while these built sepulchers for them. And you are now constructing temples over the graves of those who were slain by the treachery, denunciations, silence, and blasphemy of the ecclesiastical collaborators and renovationists in the Soviet Union, and by the renovationist New Calendarists in Greece. You are the direct and worthy descendants of your episcopal forerunners; you do not even wish to consider expiating this terrible guilt, and together with them you bury ever deeper in the archives the truth, which in the end will be revealed before the face of all. The New Martyrs and Confessors, who did not yield to apostasy in the Church, prophesied concerning the fatal consequences of these innovations. Behold, before our very eyes these prophecies have come to pass, thus there has entered into the Local Churches this most pernicious heresy -- Ecumenism, the offspring of those innovations of the 1920s, and this last one is more bitter than the first.

     So Pharisees, righteous ones, gather large stones in order to stone well the Christians who do not desire to have contact with apostates from the faith; arm yourselves with every sort of sophistry against the Christians who do not wish to betray the commandments of God and be accomplices to treachery. Yea, gather the more stones…

     Do not forget, Pharisees, hypocrites, to thank God during your prayers that you are not such as those hierarchs "criticized" by you.

     Time will pass, years, decades, and what will remain of your compositions? The fact will remain that you, while justifying this unjustifiable apostasy from the Faith, for the sake of a false church peace and unity, betrayed your faith, and degraded those Christians who spoke the truth, and stoned them with your "selected works". Only one truth shall remain forever immutable truth: that without the Truth, the Church does not exist.

     Having passed into eternity, O monks, what shall ye say to the monks Maximus and Theodore?[4]  That, in order to preserve a false church unity, to preserve something without observing the very fundamentals of the Orthodox Faith, you made excuses for the apostates from the Faith and were their confederates, that you called upon the people to stone the "schismatics". What, is it not so? Consider well, what faith do you hold in common in your church unity, and with whom do you confess the Lord "with one mind"?

     Having passed into eternity, O archimandrites, what shall ye say to the Orthodox hierarchs Gregory and Mark?[5]  From whom did you receive the blessing for your priestly service? From the likes of those whom they shunned all their life and avoided, and from whom they suffered harassment? What shall you reply: whose doctrine did you defend, whom did you justify? Those uniting without the Truth, without God?

     Concerning what "wrong inclination of the heart", and concerning what "different level" do you speak, O monks? Glance within yourselves! Are you so certain of everything, have you properly "inclined your own hearts"? In your compositions the "inclination of your hearts" is evident, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Is all in order with you, O "incliners of hearts"? And if not, then fear God!

     O monks, ye are the warrior host of Christ! Do not betray your Commander! Do not fraternize with those who have been unfaithful to your Head! Do not participate in conspiracies together with soldiers who have become frightened of battle! Do not glance about, and do not flee in time of war, forsaking your Master! Honorable is death in battle in the name of Christ; disgraceful is life in captivity amidst one's foes!

Priest Zurab Aroshvili

November 13/26, 1997

St. John Chrysostom

[1] This Open Letter was written in response to recently published attacks by Archimandrites Raphael and Lazarus against those who have severed communion with Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II over his involvement in Ecumenism. Archimandrite Raphael Karelin is regarded by some as virtually the official spiritual father for the monks of Georgia, while others consider him to be lacking in monastic sobriety. Many of the monks themselves feel that, since Fr. Raphael is living in private quarters in the capital, and not in a cenobitic monastery, he has little to say to monastics struggling in community. As for Archimandrite Lazarus Abashidze, in early 1997 he himself had published a forty-page booklet vehemently condemning Ecumenism. However, Fr. Lazarus subsequently sought to disassociate himself from the non-commemorators, and has even turned on them. For more information concerning Archimandrite Lazarus, see the related articles elsewhere on this same Web site.
[2] The word used here in Russian, protivno, can mean both contrary to, and offensive to.
[3] "Ecumenical", i.e., vselenskoe, is used here in its proper, Orthodox sense.
[4] Presumably the author has in mind Saint Maximus the Confessor and Saint Theodore the Studite.
[5] Presumably Saint Gregory Palamas and Saint Mark of Ephesus.