Visible Human Server We would now like to invite you to discover the fascinating world of human anatomy.
Comic Book Periodic Table Creative combination of comic book heroes paired with elements on an interactive periodic table; lots of solid facts too.
Peggy E. Schweiger's Physics Site Physics teachers and students will find this site a good resource. Teachers will find lesson plans and projects, lecture notes, and lab forms. Students can benefit from the lecture notes, abstracts of science fair projects, sample problems, and quizzes. For quick reference to the topics and related materials check out the Syllabus. Lesson Plans and Projects includes such projects as Fettuccini Physics, The Leaning Tower of Straws Challenge, the Rockin' Roller Coaster, and many more. Most lessons include objectives, materials, procedures, rubrics, and quizzes. Lecture Notes provides information on such topics as velocity, rotational motion, momentum, and relativity and includes sample problems, appropriate homework assignments and useful links. This site is well worth the visit.
Infection, Detection, Protection This site from the American Museum of Natural History explains infection,detection,and protection in an entertaining format.
The Physics Classroom Physics is a subject that often requires extra explanations and examples in order for students to understand the material. This Physics Classroom website is a great complement to high school physics courses. The lessons are clearly stated and the animated examples in the Multimedia Physics Studio really help students to see that physics applies to their everyday world. The quizzes and the practice exercises in the Physics Help section aid students in determining if they understand the material or not.
ScienceMan Do your students need help with a science topic or do they need more information for a science report? Send them directly to where they can browse the subject-oriented lists of Internet Links. The link annotations give you quick insight into the contents of a particular site. Consult the article archive to learn more about integrating technology into the classroom as well as to find the ideas of the week and past news headlines. If you are looking for a specific science product, consult the science suppliers listings.
Eric Weisstein's Treasure Trove of Science Science is a tough subject because of all the specialized information that must be taken in and understood. This Treasure Troves of Science website serves as a basic science encyclopedia with a broad range of coverage. The primary subjects covered are Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics. References are provided for each article so it is clear where the information came from and where the student can go for further information. Hyperlinks in the articles connect terms to their definitions and articles.
Welcome to Kids Gardening Do you want to be a tester for their new online course "From Seed to Seed: Plant Science for K-8" which will be available in August 2001? Other online courses are available as well. Are you looking for funding for your school's garden or plant project? Just consult the Grant and Resource Directory for further information.
Particle Adventure Hmmm, Particle Physics - Now that topic just sends shivers down your spine. What subject is less approachable than this? But not to fear... Particle Adventure is here to show you how particle physics works in a very down to earth, understandable format. Did you know that atoms are made up of mostly empty space? Now you can find out about all those strange named particles such as neutrinos and quarks and positrons and ?? And then there is Antimatter...
Scientific Terms Defined Part of learning about science is learning the scientific lingo and terminology. Some words are not all that different but when used by scientists refer to a more precise definition as compared to everyday speech. Other words are totally foreign at first and it takes some time to learn them. This Term Browser site provides an extensive glossary of scientific terms. In addition to definitions, there are examples in both animated graphics form as well as written text to further explain the terms.