Om Sri Mahaaganapathaye Namaha   Sri Gurubhyo Namaha  Sri Lalitha Maha Thripurasundaryai Namaha

Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Sahasra Suvasini Pooja Samithi

At Dharmaprakash Mandapam, Chennai - 600 084, INDIA

 By Our Samithi’s President
Brahmasri K. Anantharama Sastrigal (alias) K.Mohan Guruji
Delivered on First January 2001




        Vandanam to the distinguished guests & invitees on the dais, the august gathering and to one and all who have assembled here. This is a very happy & memorable occasion to be in your midst and I extend a very warm welcome to all the Srividya Gurus & Upaasakaas drawn from Upaasaka Mandalaas all over the country and abroad and I once again pay my respects to all of them on behalf of our Samithi.

        Yesterday during the welcome address you have been informed about our Samithi and its activities and past functions. During the last year’s function viz., Koti Navaakshari Yagnam in January 2000, the idea to perform Koti Sowbhaagyavidya Panchadasaakshari Yagnam and also to host Srividya Upaasaka Sammelan in the next year suddenly sprung up in the depth of my heart. I took this as the Will of Sri Lalitha Maha Thripurasundari Devi and immediately took steps to obey the Divine Order. Preliminary work was started on the “Makara Sankramanam” day and on Vasantha Panchami day (10-2-2000) we started doing the Koti Sowbhaagyavidya Panchadasaakshari Japam and placed the initial programme & preliminary invitation addressed Srividya Gurus & Upaasakaas at the feet of our Samithi’s presiding Deity in my house. Thus started the mammoth task of organizing this function and I thank one & all for their contribution in some form or other in blossoming of this function.

        The primary object of hosting ‘Bharathiya Srividyopaasaka Sammelan’ is to assemble distinguished Srividya Gurus & Upaasakaas all over India belonging to different types of Upaasaka Margaas under one roof and listen to their speeches, experiences and enjoy the beauty, glory & greatness of Srividya Upaasana and Devi Paraashakthi. We are also bringing out a book named “Srividyopaasaka Ratna Maala” which is scheduled to be released this evening. We, the followers of “Shaaktha” tradition and in particular pursue Srividyopaasana, are brothers & sisters belonging to a huge family as we worship Devi Paraashakthi in the form of Jaganmaatha the Divine Mother. It is really fortunate to be a Srividyopaasaka and to see, mingle, and interact   with so many numbers of such Srividyopaasakaas is a great boon and I consider it both as a bountiful Grace of Devi & a great honour. Being in the midst of such eminent gathering consisting of Upaasaka Ratnaas and erudite scholars and having taken up the monumental task of delivering the Inaugural Address I am a bit overawed. But with the infinite Grace of Jaganmaatha Sri Lalitha Devi, blessings of my Gurus and your good wishes I venture to commence my speech praying for your kind attention and request you to condone any errors that may have crept inadvertently.

       “Bahu Durlabham Maanusha Janma” It is very difficult to get a manushya janma – to take human birth. A person is born as a human being because of ‘punya karma’ done in the previous births. He gets this birth as human being after undergoing millions of previous ‘Janmaas’ (births) as germs, insects, birds, animals etc. This is considered to be the last stage of the series of births one can have and that is why it is considered to be great to have been born as a human being. “Sarvottamam Maanusha Janma” Human being is considered to be the great because of the uniqueness in attributes of creation both physical & metaphysical. In addition to “Manas, Pragnana, Buddhi” viz., emotive, reasoning & intellectual brain, human beings possess  “Ahamkara”- ego sense, Will power & “Chith” the source of innovative & intuitive power, which are unparalleled. There is so much to say about Chith and its role but we are limiting the same because of the time factor. It has got a very broad & deep range and it is the source of our constant pursuit & insatiable thirst for “Sathyam & Jnanam” – The Real Truth & Knowledge. Because of its proximity to emotive & reasoning mind and the resultant involvement with the worldly things it accumulates impurities and gets afflicted.  Almost the entire spiritual literature, religious code of conduct, and sayings of Mahaatmans - enlightened souls stress the need to bring about “Chithasuddhi” (cleansing) and lay down methods to develop “Sathchith”. After attaining “Sathchith” one should embark on spiritual development and rise to greater heights.

Thus equipped, a human being is in a better position to ascend to a much higher level. Other creatures like birds, animals etc., can make noises, can eat & procreate but they cannot go any further. They cannot understand the Godhead and hence they can neither think, speak, hear express their feelings/opinions about God nor they can sing in praise of God. But Human beings alone can do all that and derive a particular kind of pleasure and satisfaction, which no other activity can bring. Moreover, they can feel the existence of God, contemplate in the depth of their minds, and express their feelings about God in many ways. This noble & subtle feeling has brought about, as we know, great works on Literature, poetry, music and other fine arts. This has inspired many a person to contribute something valuable & everlasting in various forms including sayings, writings, songs, slokaas, kaavyaas, puraanaas, sthothrams, philosophic works on the spiritual side and also literary, science & technology etc., on the other side. One can pray, sing in praise of God, do poojaas, Homaas etc., for both materialistic & spiritual development. Opportunity to live a Divine life is the greatest gift to human race. Every one should use this Janma (Life) as a great opportunity to think about God and ponder over the purpose for which we are born and what we are going to do in this world. All of us are engaged in routine activities like earning our livelihood, eating varieties of food, leading a life as “Gruhastha” (matrimonial life), procreating, expanding our relationship and carrying out other duties & normal activities. If we stop with that & vile away our life till the end there is no difference between us & other creatures. We have to use this valuable human life (janma) in a proper manner. What does it mean? We have to question ourselves as to who we are; why have we come to this world; what for we are living and what are the deeds that we are going to perform. If we begin to question ourselves and try to find answers for them and often contemplate on this theme, then we can understand the real purpose of our life.

Goal of Human Life is the realization of “Aathma Swaroopam”. What is ‘Aathma Swaroopam’? It is the fragmented atom of ‘Paramaathma’, which is embedded in each and every individual. ‘Aathma Swaroopam’ is like a generator that provides current.  This current comes as light energy when it comes through a bulb and as breeze when it comes through a fan and as cool air when it comes through an A/C.  Like wise the ‘ Paramaathma Swaroopam’ glows in accordance with the individuality of human beings. The ultimate goal of a human being is to realize the ‘Aathma Swaroopam’ in this very life. Our scriptures tell us that while carrying on this day-to-day routine family life, we can realize our ‘Aathma Swaroopam’. For this one should pursue the spiritual path with the help & guidance of a qualified spiritual teacher called “GURU”. Several steps involved are “Maarga Darshana, Swaroopa Niroopana, Prakaasa, Vimarsa, Saadhana, Saamarasya’ and finally “Saameepya & Saayujya”. In other words, one has to choose the acceptable Faith, determine the correct way, get a clear picture, get rid of darkness called “Ajnana & Avidya”, attain brightness, be clear of hesitation & doubts after hearing, reading, experiencing & to know the connection between the Atman & Brahman with help of a Guru. Most important of all is that the aspirant called “Saadhaka” has to develop a longing and yearn for “Self-Realization”. After climbing the requisite steps and after fulfilling “Saadhana Kriyaas” i.e. practice of the techniques like self control, Yoga, Praanaayaama meditation etc., under the guidance of the Guru he has to go inward in search of Atmaswaroopa in order to attain & Realize. Three Avathaara Purushaas in this age - kaliyuga had given doctrines & means for attaining Self Realization/Salvations. One among them is ‘Shankara Bagawathpaada” better known as Aadi Shankara.

The era (period) of Shri Aadi Shankara Bagawathpaada is acclaimed, as a boon to humanity and any amount of words will be insufficient to eulogize his contribution to human welfare. Just before his time there were thousands of cults in the name of religion and every other person was proclaiming oneself as an avathaar or a messiah or a visionary. They were causing so much confusion by incorrect doctrines & spreading false notions and went to the extent of corrupting human minds and the society at large and made them disillusioned and aimless. Aadi Shankara did a yeoman service to mankind by waging a war against such cults & persons responsible for them and defeating them in “Vaadaas” (logical arguments) and finally rescued the people of that age from their clutches. Then he went on a tour undertaking the mission of spreading non-violence, Saathvic behavior & proper religious faith. In addition he pursued the stupendous task of writing “Bhashyams” (Commentaries) on Upanishads, Vedaas, Brahma Soothraas and a multitude of other religious & philosophic literature that is at once both phenomenal and inimitable. He himself authored scores of “sthothrams” each of which is hailed as a gem.

The life & works of Shri Aadi Shankara are being recalled now for a compelling reason & specific purpose. In the present times we are afflicted not only by the evils of “kaliyug” but also by the unfortunate state things which are similar and more dire than those prevailed at his time. We feel the need of an Avathaar of his caliber, in fact we fear that even ten such Aadi Shankaras may not be adequate to counter evil forces & refine our society. There is another danger also as nowadays lot of persons have sprung up claiming them to be avathaars i.e., reincarnation of mahapurushaas, different Gods & Goddesses. It seems that sky is the limit for such absurdities and the resultant atrocities. Lot of ignorant & innocent people especially with some grievances are lured into their vicious fold and undergo untold sufferings and finally come to great harm. There are many such instances and every one of you might have come across at least a few.  It is only with much pain and genuine concern for such persons & others who may follow them this matter is being discussed and it is our earnest appeal that you all should give importance & deep thought to this aspect and we all should join together and do something in our humble way. We will come back to this subject in the concluding part of this speech.

‘Shanmatha Sthaapanam’ by Shri Aadi Shankara Bagawathpaada is a great event of our age and is legendary standing the test of time. In his endeavor to make people understand the necessity to receive & pursue Spiritual knowledge and attain the ultimate goal of realizing the Paramaathma, had devised “Shanmaargaas” – Six broad paths viz., GAANAPATHYAM, KAUMAARAM, SOURAM, VAISHNAVAM, SAIVAM & SHAAKTHAM after analyzing the human nature & psychology. The purpose of laying down six paths is to give an opportunity for people of different nature with variety of notions to select the mode of worship of one’s choice and suitable to them. In fact the division is much more meaningful & revealing if we carefully contemplate & go deeper into it. Being Srividya Upaasakaas you all know about it and it is not necessary to dwell more except to say that all the six margaas are merged in ‘Srividya” and we pass through them during our contemplation of “Shatchakraas “ especially in “Antharyaaga”. 

Shri Aadi Shankara not only preached & spread the concept of “Advaitha’ but also staunchly defended & established it. The essence of the concept is that ‘Jeevaathma’ & ‘Paramaathma ‘ are one and the same. The “Panchabhoothaas” matter (earth), water, fire, air and space (ether) seen in their full & magnificent form is also present in condensed form as we see in our daily life and in fact in our human body itself. Likewise the immense power with which this Universe functions described as omnipresent, omniscient & omnipotent is present in human being also.  Light, heat and cool air from electrical appliances in our home are different forms of electrical energy and it is the same energy used in big factories, in running trains etc., A man attains ‘Aathma Saakshaathkaaram’ once he is able to realize that Supreme Power is in himself. It is easy to say this but very very difficult to attain but not impossible. This is obvious because one has spent several million years to get a Maanusha Janma and requires thousands of years to come out of the influence of previous non-human births and rise above that level to become a normal human being. It requires a still longer period to refine oneself and become fit to receive & pursue Spiritual knowledge.

How to go about to get Spiritual knowledge? Which is the correct path? What are the steps involved? Where & how we can get guidance? These are the matters which our ancient rishis, acharyaas & other great souls have deeply contemplated, analysed and researched and finally given us the solutions. It is our great fortune, while the rest of the world was engaged in fighting for survival, waging wars, material advancement and worldly pleasures that our forefathers concentrated on human advancement on mental & spiritual side and went inward rather than external. This has resulted in an atmosphere of mutual respect & love, contentment & generosity, tranquility & peace and paved the away for many thinkers, poets and other enlightened persons to produce masterpieces. These in turn inspired other people to improve & develop knowledge both worldly & spiritual. The quality & quantity of such thoughts, concepts, works etc., are astounding & all encompassing and there is nothing more to do, to improve or to add. For example they were able to correctly predict Solar & Lunar eclipses and give lot of description, data & calculations in astronomical field in those times (several millenniums ago) when there were no equipments like calculators, telescopes, computers, satellites & other modern facilities which are available at present. They devised & erected solar clocks in rock, which can work as a calendar also. Vedic Mathematics is a much admired & favorite subject now. While the present day mathematicians consider that “Quadrillion” (after billion & trillion) to be a mammoth figure, our people even before the time of Mahaabhaarata had known & used huge numbers beyond “Koti” a crore with which we normally stop. In fact there are separate names for many numbers beyond “Koti” up to the figure one followed by 64 zeroes which is called “Samudra’. They have also known the least particle “ Anu" (atom) & “Paramaanu” and we come across these words in Vishnu Sahasranaama & Sri Lalitha Sahasranaama. The measure of time less than a second was considered and defined and the least measure of time was known as “Paramaanu kalam ”, being the time taken by the sunlight to traverse from one “Paramaanu” to another, which can not be seen by us.  In the field of politics, governance, security and other matters also their knowledge & capability was very great as can be seen in the “Shanthi parva” of the epic “Mahaabhaarata” & Chanakya’s “Arthasaastra”. Such is the depth, quality & vastness of the knowledge and advancement they achieved in almost every field and it is at its peak in “Aanmeeka” the philosophical & spiritual matters. We need not do any thing new in this regard and it is more than enough if only we understand & follow them.

To appreciate the enormity and the depth of our endeavor we have to know about the ‘Brahmaanda” the big universe and the eternal “Prapancha” in which several Brahmaandas existed, now exist, and will exist. You all know that not only the world but also the entire Universe & all the creation we see are ruled by an Invisible & Supreme Power. It has been clearly established that whatever power we generate by our efforts is nothing in comparison with the power we see in natural happenings like lightning, rain, storm, strong winds, wild fire etc., It is acknowledged by scientists & technologists that the energy produced by one lightning is more than the energy that can be generated by all of us in the world in a whole year. Like wise the arms & ammunition, sophisticated bombs & missiles can destroy human beings and their creation and not the Universe. It is said that the bombs dropped in Vietnam in 1960s was much more than those dropped by all the countries involved in the second world war both in terms of quantity & quality. Now the super powers have in huge quantity very wide range of and lot more powerful weapons that can destroy all the living beings and our creation many times over. May be hundred times. But suppose all the arsenal possessed by all the countries are made into one single powerful weapon and a million of such weapons are used at one stroke, it is acknowledged, it will not be able to move or alter the trajectory of the moon which is one of the smallest in our solar family even by an inch.  If such is the power that is embedded in the moon, imagine the magnitude of the power in the Sun, solar system, stars, galaxies and the Universe that comprises millions of them. Thus we can see how apt and true is the well-established dictum “Sarvam Shakthimayam Jagath”, which means everything in the Universe is created, operated & controlled by Supreme Power.

Let us examine the role & the relative position of so called perfect and most advanced creature namely ‘Human being’ as against the immensity of the Universe & Prapancha. Our life span is more than halved in sleep, childhood, sickness, old age etc., At this rate even our full span of 100 years is not sufficient to achieve few worldly things. How many of us are able to study all the subjects thoroughly. Even the selected & gifted few are able to get doctorates in certain fields within a subject. With all our physical & mental faculties and with all the scientific & technological advancement we are not able to master many subjects in the world and even those created by human efforts. If that is the case how to know & contemplate about superhuman & spiritual matters for which our “Indriyaas” i.e., organs, physical & mental attributes are of no help. Here comes the necessity of a “GURU” a spiritual teacher & guide and the need to learn, train us in a special way. Our scriptures especially Upanishads declare what ever material knowledge and even the study of saastraas, puraanaas, vedaas, vedaangaas is not sufficient to attain higher knowledge called “Brahmavidya” or “Aathmavidya”.

It is said that the universe and Prapancha is connected to six Adhvaas viz., “ Varnam, Padam, Manthram, Thathvam, Bhuvanam & Kala” and only through them we can approach & know about universe and Prapancha. “Brahmavidya” or “Aathmavidya is far beyond that – refer the Nama “ Shadadhvaatheetha Roopini” in Sri Lalitha Sahasranaama. “Varnaadhvaa” refers to “Akshara Maathrukaavarna” consisting of  Sanskrit alphabets and the sounds generated by them. “Padaadhvaa” is the meaningful combination of alphabets totaling 81. “Manthraadhvaa” is a special mixture of seed letters called “Beejaakshraas” and the “sabda” (sound) generated by it passes through “ Shatchakraas” and take various shapes as “Para, Pashyanthi, Madhyama, Vaikhari” and when combined with the “Kundalini Shakthi” immense power is generated. It is said there are 11 types  & 7 crore Manthraas called Aamnaaya Manthraas. Thathvaadhvaa consist of 96 Thathvaas including Aathma & Vidyaa Thathvaas. “Bhuvanaadhvaa” number 224.   ‘Kalaadhvaa” is said to comprise of 5 Kalaas viz., “Nivrithi, Prathishta, Vidya, Shanthi & “Shanthyatheetha”.

The importance & the necessity of “Manthra, Thanthra, Yanthra” & the associated formalities should be viewed in the context of transformation of a human being into refined, spiritually trained & accomplished with the ultimate object of making one a “Jeevan Muktha” – enabling a person to attain Self-realization in this very life. Before going into this further we should consider the basis for all these concepts. While discussing about “Shadadhvaas” we have seen the place & importance of “Manthra’. The following saying confirms it.


Meaning: This Universe is in the hands of (ruled by) the Divine Power and the Divine Power is in the hands of (ruled by) Manthra.

“Man” means thinking & remembering and “Thra” means protecting. Both put together they mean the one that protects the person who constantly thinks and utters it. These Manthraas made up of both Varnaathmaka & Dhanyaathmaka sabdaas i.e., sounds defined in a special manner setting one or more alphabets in a pattern & meter. Those Manthraas by “Manana” – repetition have the power to create certain vibrations that influence the thinking and can be used as ‘Graahana, Dhaarana, Sammohana, Vasya’ etc. Our Rishis have given us many such Manthraas that have emanated during their “Tapasya” & deep contemplation & meditation. These Manthraas have considerable power because of “Vachya & Vaachaka” Shakthi imbedded in them and vary according to the skill, strength, inner power of the person on one hand and the intrinsic quality, concentration & no. of times it is repeated on the other. Every Maha Manthra has “Baahya & Anthara Shadangaas” viz.,  “Hrudaya, Kavacha, Malaa, Panjara, Argala  & Sthothraas externally and, Rishi, Chandhas, Devatha, Beejam, Shakthi  & Keelakam internally. Manthraas are classified as “Pinda, Karthari, Beeja, Manthra & Maalaa” according to no. of letters and as “Chittham, Saadhyam, Swachittham & Ripu according to the method of usage. For Poojaas & general Homaas 6 external aspects of Manthraas should be practiced along with Praanaprathishta of Vigraha or Yanthra, 16 or 64 upachaaraas, Ashtothara naama or Sahasranaama Archana. For Japam & Moolamanthra Homam, 6 internal aspects along with “Anganyaasa, Karanyaasa, Digbhandhana, Dhyana & Digvimoka should be done. It is also important to show the prescribed " Mudraas" in both.


 “Om” is regarded as the Supreme Manthra and is highly recommended for usage in all important occasions including daily rituals. Manthra has a special place in any spiritual path as without which “Thanthra & Yanthra “ have no base & cannot give results.


  Thanthra widens knowledge by expanding on the theory, underlying concepts & principles on one side and dwelling on procedures, ways & means of practicing them on the other. Thanthra is said to possess 7 Gunaas or ingredients viz., “Sruthi, Pralaya, Devathaa Naamaarchana, Saadhana, Pun(r)ascharana, Sathkarma & Dhyaanayoga”. Both Veda & Aagama thanthraas are recognized in practice. Deva thanthraas are classified as Saiva, Vaishnava & Shaaktha. Out of which we will consider Shaaktha thanthraas, which have many sub divisions. “Saathvika” (normal Thanthraas), “Raajasa”(Rudra & Brahmasiddhi Yaamalam) and “Taamasa’ (bhootha, deva & yaksha Daamaram). In  Shaaktha thanthraas there are three main categories which are in vogue. They are:

1. Subhaagama Panchakam – 5 (Five) Samaya Dakshinaachara maargaas
2. Kaula or Kowla Vaamaachaara – 64 (Sixty four) Kaula margaaas
3. Misra – 8 (Eight) Misra maargaas

2 crores of “Uttraamnaaya Srividya Manthraas” are believed to have sprung from “Thathpurusha Mukha of Sri Parameshwara”. There are 16 “Poornadeeksha Manthraas” in Samaya Dakshinaachara, 10 Siddha Manthraas called “Dasamahaavidya´in Kowla Vaamaachaara & 32 “Poornadeeksha Manthraas” in Misra maargaa. For all three maargaas ‘Yanthraas” are used and “Srichakra” or “Sriyanthra” is hailed as all-inclusive & powerful and is popular & widely worshipped. Vigraha Aaraadhana is considered as superior to others and Yanthra Aaraadhana is regarded as much superior to Vigraha Aaraadhana.

“Shaaktha” is unique as it considers Supreme Power as the “Para Brahma Swaroopa” and propounds ‘Advaitha’ and is based on the universally acceptable doctrine “Sarvam Shakthimayam Jagath”, Shri Aadi Shankara Bagawathpaada strongly supports & praises it in his “Shaaktha Darshan” and explains the methods of worshipping Paraashakthi as the Jaganmaatha, the Divine Mother. “SRIVIDYA” as the name itself denotes, is the knowledge of the Supreme power “Paraashakthi” seen in the form of Divine Mother. It is hailed as “Aathmavidya & Brahmavidya”. It is considered to be exhaustive and has all the concepts, doctrines, features, principles and practical procedures called “Adhvaas, Manthraas, Thanthraas, Yanthraas” etc., It was actually practiced by Mahapurushaas, Rishis, Aachaaryaas and even Sri Raama, Sri Krishna & Sri Parameshwara. In the book “ Brahmavidya Vilaasam” high importance is given to “SRIVIDYA” and the connected “Srividya” Manthraas & their meanings are described. There are hundreds of books on “SRIVIDYA” and though the description & procedures may differ the central idea & final goal is the same. From “Saguna’ and “Baahya Aaraadhana” of idols & yanthraas one should proceed to “Antharyaaga” & “Nirguna Brahma Upaasana” or “Nidhidhyasana”and” and attain ‘Aathma Saakshaathkaaram’.

  Having come this far & chosen the suitable Marga one has to proceed in that way according to Guru’s guidance. Wavering & going here & there will be waste of time & energy. It is good to be a child but not good to remain as a child for long. Similar to a good educational system, we have to make a beginning somewhere & proceed in the prescribed path in a regulated & cogent manner complying with the procedures & formalities. Wise & learned people say that one should reach the final goal as an ant consumes a ripe fruit after entering it and recommend the regular path of Chathurvidha Aashramaas. In fact “Gruhasthaashrama” which is normal is best suited for “Srividya”. Though it may appear to be a bit slow it is a sure way.  A “Saadhaka”, the aspirant should practice not only Nithya & Naimithika karmaas i.e., daily duties & rituals as applicable to his/her Shaakha & Tradition but also the special requisites of spiritual education. “ Sravanam, Keerthanam, Mananam, Japam, Dhyanam, Sama, Dama, Uparati, Titiksha, Samaadhaana, Mumukshatva” are the various steps to ascend.  We are able to realize the inner meaning of ‘dhyaana Slokaas’ only after repeated recitation & contemplation. Even then we are not able to see the real profile of ‘Para Brahma’. To cite an example, a person boards the ‘Vaaranaasi express’ to go to ‘Kaasi kshetra’. Getting into the train doesn’t mean that he has reached the place. He has to travel stipulated hours passing through several stations & getting different experiences. He should not be carried away by the attractions or difficulties that he may encounter on the way and decide to go some other way or come back.

I am giving this example because many persons including bhakthaas, sishyaas and even Saadhkaas try to learn ‘Manthraas’ and do upaasana with the aim of deriving materialistic benefits & for fulfillment of certain wants rather than aiming at accomplishment and enlightenment. Still worse, some people commercialize whatever they have learnt from their ‘Gurus’ with the result they are stuck up in the material world and do not reach the main goal.  One has to be steadfast in his/her goal & finally reach the place overcoming temptations & obstacles. Similarly, recitation of slokas, doing paaraayanam, performing poojas, doing Japam, taking part in homam etc. are only means to an end and not the end in itself. They are stepping stones in the spiritual journey to reach ‘Para Brahma Swaroopam’. All these are only the tools in the endeavor to reach the final goal and these tools should be used properly to achieve this goal. Suppose the driver of a vehicle or train is not good & properly equipped and doesn’t drive the vehicle properly, one may not reach the destination and may also end up with an accident. People who travel in such vehicles are put to lot of hardship. One has to ensure that the leader is good & properly equipped to prevent any mishaps as in the case of an ill-equipped driver. Here comes the necessity to counter and minimize the evil effects of pretenders posing themselves as accomplished gurus. We, who are in Srividya and in a position to properly guide others, should combine to solve this malady. Let us make use of this forum & solemn occasion to formulate a policy and adopt & advocate it. I personally request the learned & respected seniors here to interact and give it a suitable form so that the Sammelan can approve & adopt among other matters/message on the final day.

The Upanishads, Gurugeetha & other sacred ancient works stress the necessity & importance of “Gurusthaana”, eulogize and place it on a very high pedestal.


Meaning: Guru pervades the Universe which is encompassed by the power of  “Brahma, Vishnu & Maheshwara (Creator, Protector & Destroyer) and there is no Power superior to Guru and hence he should be always properly & highly respected & adored

We have already discussed the role of a ‘Guru’ and his invaluable contribution to one’s spiritual upliftment. To get out of this material world and reach ‘Para Brahma’ we have to seek the help & guidance of guru and take manthra upadesam & learn the principles, procedures etc., from him. For a “Saadhaka”, a spiritual aspirant Sriguru is the friend, philosopher & guide. The scriptures prohibit any person from pursuing spiritual education without the help of a Guru and strongly recommend the seeking of a qualified & experienced Guru. As the name itself denotes “Guru” drives away the darkness of “Ajnana” (ignorance & false notions) and shows the light of knowledge. Unlike other kind of teachers we see, Guru can educate and enlighten his sishyaas not only by conveying his knowledge & experience but also can impart valuable knowledge by practical deeds, inspirational/intuitive thoughts & words and sometimes even by silence.

  “Srividya” Paddhathi involves “Manthra, Thanthra, Yanthra, Upaasana” anushtaanam. One should learn from their Guru “Saparya Paddhathi”, “Sri Chakra” Pooja Krama after getting the stipulated Manthropadesam & “Gurupaadukaamanthram”. Before doing Pooja on his own the disciple should attend the Poojaas, Homaas etc., done by his Guru and should carry out a ritual called ‘Thathva Shodhanam’ learnt from the Guru. This is very important as it deals with the testing of three impurities in us namely ‘Aanavamalam’ (impurity caused by arrogance), ‘Maayika malam’ (impurity caused by illusion - Maya), ‘Karmeekamalam’ (impurity caused by confusion & becoming drowned in actions devoid of one’s real purpose & goal). These are in addition to the usual 6 evils & impurities known as “Shat Durgunaas” which is well known and every one should get rid of the same. The essence of ‘Thathva Sodhanam’ is to keep the three impurities under control and try to drive them away along with other evils and to refine the Thathvaas. Moreover one has to purify oneself by drinking the “Visesha Arghya” given after “Navaavarana Pooja” which is sanctified by the uttering of powerful “Aavarana Manthraas and Moolamanthraas”. Doing this several times with devotion & concentration will bring out the ‘Jnanam’ and the “Aathma Swaroopa” will start glowing.

After assessing the spiritual growth of the Sishya and getting the Divine permission Guru should give “Poornaabhisheka Deeksha" according to the prescribed method and do upadesa of “Mahaa Paaduka & Mahaa Shodasaakshari Manthraas”.  This is considered as the highest in Srividya and should be given only to very deserving persons. After performing as much Japam as possible, the Sishya should learn from his Guru to do “Navaavarana Pooja” with Paatrasaadhana. During the Pooja it is very important to perform “Bhoothasuddhi” and “Antharyaaga” and the following confirm the same.




The above categorically declare that “Antharyaaga” i.e. contemplating internally is a must for getting a glimpse of “Paraashakthi” and to attain “Jeevanmukthi”. “ Bhaavanopanishad” explains “Antharaaraadhana” in detail by laying down the method of doing Srichakra pooja internally by bhava. Here is the unique & highest level that can be attained by a human being. The “Chathurvidha & Shadvidha Aikyanusandhaana” viz.,

1. Srichakra Maathrukaavarna Aikya
2. Srichakra Srividya Manthra Aikya
3. Srichakra Paradevatha Aikya
4. Srichakra Brahmaanda Aikya

Srichakra-Aathmaswaroopa (Pindaanda) Aikya & Brahmaanda-Pindaanda Aikya are considered as another two Aikyaas. After achieving the unity mentioned above, the “Saadhaka” should realize the “Saamarasya” & unity of his Aathmaswaroopa with Srichakra, Guru and Paradevatha. As he dwells in this state, by the blessings of the Guru and the devoted Saadhana the ‘Aathma Swaroopam’ begins to glow immensely and he attains “Saameepya” with the ‘Paradevatha Swaroopam’ within himself. At this stage there is no need of going on a pilgrimage or visiting temples or doing pooja, homam & other rituals for him. His ‘Sthoola Shareeram’ i.e. physical body itself becomes a temple. This is explained in the sloka,


Such a person will be in “Dhyaana” without awareness of time and will enter into a deeper state of consciousness known as “Samaadhi”.  Samaadhi” is a transcendental state called “Turia” which is neither waking, nor dreaming nor sleeping.  At that stage a person attains “Aathma Saakshaathkaaram” and he will be able to realize that Supreme Power in himself.  He realizes that his “Aathma Swaroopam” and “Para Brahma Swaroopam” are one and the same and the “Advaitha “principle that there is “ no two but only one” is established. He becomes Enlightened and is blessed with “Brahma J(G)nana” and becomes a “Jeevan Muktha”.  This can only be experienced and cannot be explained. For example, the sweetness of sugar cannot be explained, but it can only be experienced. Such a blessed soul experiences “BRAHMAANANDA” the eternal BLISS and finally attains “Sripura Sayujya”.

Sri Aadi Shankara Bagawathpaada who has been acknowledged as the Enlightened Soul had given us “Shaaktha Maarga” and also many great works connected with Srividya including commentaries & Sthothrams. They are widely known & followed through out our Bharatha Desa and abroad. It has been proved beyond doubt that by following this Maarga & with the blessings of Sriguru we can attain “Aathma Saakshaathkaaram” and the doctrine of “Sarvam Shakthimayam Jagath” is reaffirmed. Several Mahaapurushaas & Gurus in Gurumandala parampara attained salvation “Sripura Sayujya” by pursuing “Shaktha Upaasana Marga”.

Many Gurus who have come here to attend this ‘Bharathiya Srividyopaasaka Sammelan’ are deeply engrossed in Devi upaasana for many years, some of them more than 40 years. They have trained many disciples and who in turn have become famous & attained Gurusthaana. Acceding to our request they have come to attend our Samithi’s Annual pooja Function for the year 2001 and participate in the conference. Many of them will be giving their speeches and share their valuable knowledge & experience with us. We can learn much from their speech and enjoy the pleasure of dwelling in the “Divaanubhoothi & Apaara Karunaamrutham” of Jaganmaatha Paraashakthi Devi, which will help us to reach greater heights in ‘Devi Upaasana Maarga’. We are sure that all of you here both speakers and the audience will make proper use of this occasion to make this Sammelan fruitful & memorable and formulate a positive useful viewpoint so that we can issue a Proclamation at the end of the Conference.

We are attached so much to our country that we call it ‘Bharatha Maatha’ and adore it as our own Mother. We consider all rivers as incarnation of Devi and give high regard for women. Such is the greatness of our Bharatha Desa which is a Punya Bhoomi and great events such as our functions take place often here. Even though our country has got different cultures, habits and “Aacharam” and you have come from different parts every one of us are “Srividya Upaasakaas” aiming towards attaining Devi’s “Saameepya & Saayujya”. This grand festive occasion is like many children of the same mother converge together to talk in praise of their mother and with one another.  Now with the grace of Jaganmaatha Sri Lalitha Devi I inaugurate this “Bharathiya Sri Vidya Upaasaka Sammelan” and request the distinguished SriVidya Gurus and Upaasakas to share their valuable experience and knowledge.

Vandanam               Subham                      Shanthi

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