Jannaton is an Alliance country.
Other interesting flag of Jannaton
The Personal flag of Nathalie Zoghbi | The Proud Flag of The Revolution that fired the Angliyaan government | Former flag of puppet government of Angliyaa |
You can contact the Jannaton authorities here
Formal Name | Al Watan al Jannatou |
Local Name | Jannaton |
Capital | Lagod |
Prime Minister | Nathalie Zoghbi |
Government Type | Democracy |
Currency | Pahtat (JP) |
National Motto | "Viva la Revolucion" |
Since october 997 AP, the country was ruled by absentee prime minister Alex Jones who let economy, sports and diplomcy
of our beloved country in such a poor state that December the 2nd of 998 AP the people rose to recover the power.
Elements of the armed forces joined the rioteers and decided to wear a black armband in order to show ther allegiance
to the ideals of the revolucion.
Elections followed December the 12th. The 5 main parties were represented. The elections were won by Christian-Democrats whose leader, Nathalie Zoghbi formed a coalition governement with the ecologists and the social-democrats. This government decided to revert to the old name of the country : Jannaton, which means paradise.
En Octobre 1001, l'Armée Révolutionnaire Jannati a pris part à la libération du Darkeh contre les Borgues.
Our capital, Lagod, is located in the heart of the country. It is renowned the world over for fabulous skiing and cuisine.
Physical map of Angliyaa/Jannaton. The border with "Couchant" had been modified since.
Political Map of Jannaton and Neighbours. En vert clair le pays Chaar, réputé pour ses chevaux.
La carte et les blasons des régions sont visibles here/ici.
The music you hear playing in the background is our beloved national anthem.
Angliyaa had a parliament consisting of The Upper House and The Lower House. The Upper House approves and passes
laws, while the Lower House has the power to veto. Both Chambers were suspended for the duration of the Revolution
until the Elections of December the 12th. Now Jannaton have only one Chamber : The General Assembly of Delegates
Composition of the GAD :
Communists | Christian-Democrats | Ecologists | Social-Democrats | Conservatives |
Edson Figueroa | Nathalie Zoghbi (PM) | Raoni Mazzoni | Willy Schmitt | George Jones |
14 delegates | 43 delegates | 16 delegates | 23 delegates | 4 delegates |
Jannaton est particulièrement fier de son élevage de chevaux Chaar. Visitez
leur page
Jannaton possède deux compagnies aériennes :
pours les vols intérieurs | pour les liasons continentales |
During Angliyaan rule, Jannatiya sports were much underdevelopped internationnally. Howewer, internally and without much help, a strong football league did its best. It has been recently renamed as Watan al Jannatou Football Association (WJFA) As part of the renewal of Jannaton we are proud to display the gear of our national team. Click Here to view the players |
We also play Rugby, under the supervision of the WJRA Our Style is
L'athlétisme Jannati à sa propre page : http://www.geocities.com/nelsonds.geo/janathl.html |
Escrime :
Tennis : Le Jannaton est un grand pays de tennis, notamment féminin. Notre plus grand champion est Ayrton da Souza el Obeid Chez les femmes sur surface rapide c'est Constance Soubinho qui domine tandis que sur surface lente le jeu défensif de Cosima Hazmieh fait merveille. |
Voile : Le voilier du Jannaton est le : al Nemur bil Bahar |
Cyclisme : Le cyclisme à sa propre page (cliquez ici) |
Handball : Voici l'équipe du Jannaton, au Handball local il est d'usage d'appeler les joueurs par un surnom : 1 Gardien Pincemoi - Bon 2 Def Gaucho 3 Def Tarlo - Bon 4 Def Diaba 5 Def Loule - Bon 6 Def Doume - Bon 7 Mil Loulou - Bon 8 Mil Carbo 9 Mil Talal - Bon 10 Mil Antar - Bon 11 Mil Balez - Bon 12 Avant Boum-Boum - Bon 13 Avant Tintin - Bon 14 Avant Pedrito 15 Avant Asterix - Star 16 Avant Tagueule - Bon 17 Avant Lapolitesse 99 Gardien Pincemi |
Ski Masculin
Bobsleigh Le Jannaton est heureux de présenter son équipage de bob "Flèche de la Paix" Pilote : Nelson de Oliveira Tannurri
Jannaton abrite le siège de la FISA sur le circuit d'Hazmieh Beach (cote tribord avant) qui accueille le GP d'Ouverture (hors championnat). Le GP du Jannaton est couru sur le circuit de Bahia Flaminga, sur la cote babord.
Jannaton abrite deux écuries de F1.
Visit Jannaton-Natou | Paradair Heaven | Heaven-Natou | ||
Felipe da Silva | Boutros al Hamzani | Nabil Ayache | Pedro Leblond | Khader Boukobza |