illuminate (iloominat), vt. to throw light upon; to light up; to
adorn (buildings, streets etc.) with festal lamps; to adorn (a manuscript etc.) with
coloured pictures, letters etc.; to enlighten mentally or spiritually; to make
illustrious. vi. to adorn manuscripts etc. with coloured pictures, letters etc. a. lit up;
claiming enlightenment; initiated into something esoteric. n. an initiate. illuminable ,
a. illuminant, a. illuminating. n. that which illuminates. illuminating, a. lighting up;
enlightening. illumination, n. lighting up; enlightenment; a source of light; (often pl.)
a display of ornamental lights; the adornment of
manuscripts etc. with ornamental coloured letters and pictures; clarification;
illuminance. illuminative, a. illuminator, n. [L illuminatus , p.p. illuminare
(luminare, from lumen -inis, light)
Illuminate from the Latin Illümīno, i. v.a. to light up; to
set of; to show up; illuminati, men learned in any subject.
Define your Modes of Thought
How to judge an evaluate new sources of information:
Something that's plausible
Something that's totally impossible
Something that's possible but not probable
Something that's Probable but not yet proven
Teach yourself to think But remember it's against the Law!
Illuminate yourself by Illuminating others