The Kallisto Effect
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Liber Guanine

The book of Free Will

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Humean has the right to live by Hir own Law.
Humean has the right to live in the way SHe wills to do.
Humean has the right to dress as SHe wills to do.
Humean has the right to dwell where SHe wills to dwell.
Humean has the right to move as SHe will on the face of the Earth & Beyond.
Humean has the right to eat what SHe will, drink what SHe will.
Humean has the right to think as SHe will, speak as SHe will.
Humean has the right to mould as SHe will, carve, work & rest as SHe will.
Humean has the right to Love as SHe will, where, when and with whom SHe will.
Humean has the right to die when and how SHe will.
Humean has the right to oppose in all forms, those who would thwart these rights.

These laws represent enlightened anarchy! This means living without dictators.



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