Liber Guanine
The book of Free Will
- Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
- Love is the Law, Love under Will.
- Humean has the right to live by Hir own Law.
- Humean has the right to live in the way
SHe wills to do.
- Humean has the right to dress as SHe wills to do.
- Humean has the right to dwell where SHe wills to dwell.
- Humean has the right to move as SHe will on the face of the Earth & Beyond.
- Humean has the right to eat what SHe will, drink what SHe will.
- Humean has the right to think as SHe will, speak as
SHe will.
- Humean has the right to mould as SHe will, carve, work & rest as SHe will.
- Humean has the right to Love as SHe will, where, when and with whom SHe will.
- Humean has the right to die when and how SHe will.
- Humean has the right to oppose in all forms, those who would thwart these rights.
These laws represent enlightened anarchy! This means living
without dictators.