The Kallisto Effect
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Mute 8:2 Survive

mutate1 (mutat), vi. to change; to be transmuted; (Biol.) to sport. vt. to change or modify (a sound), esp. by umlaut. mutation,  n. the act or process of changing; umlaut; the change of an initial consonant in Celtic languages; a permanent variation in organisms giving rise to a new species; a species so
produced. mutative, mutatory (-t-), a

mutate2 (mutat), a. (Bot.) changed. n. (Gram.) a form having a mutated vowel. [as prec.]

Mutate. from the Latin Mütätio, önis,  f.  changing; exchange; -vestis, going into mourning.

One of the most important premises of this text is the statement, mute 8:2 Survive. It means simply that any stagnation on the the part of a humean, an ideal, or a belief system invalidates that humean, ideal, belief system from contributing to the Deoxyribonucliec imperative. Its ratio is explained elsewhere.

Whether you realise it or not, every single person you have ever come into contact with has been subsequently affected by your presence in their lives, be it momentarily or a presence that has lasted decades. Like an atom you have sought out groups of molecules with which to adhere, if the time was right and the attraction to the group structure was open you will have covalently bonded with that tribe.

Mutate  each others ideas, discuss with friends and loved ones what you wish to be, where you wish to be and how to best achieve these desires.

higher rEvolutionary mutation    



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