The Kallisto Effect
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Liber ThyMine

The Book of Possession

thymine (thimen), n. one of the bases in DNA and RNA, containing nitrogen. [THYMUS, -INE]

No One can remove that which is Mine

To Thine Own stair be True

Beneath this shell is my domain

Let no-one split asunder

These ribbons that wrap around My heart belong to no-one but Eye

All My perfections All My relfections

All My Imperfections All My connections

These are what create the Individual that is Eye

That allows Me to see in My way

No-one shall have dominion over my sight

No-one shall code Me

No-one shall tame Me

No-one shall analise Me

No-one shall alter Me

Without My desire to be coded, tamed, analised or altered

I am My religion, I understand your ineptitude internalise the diety

I expect you to respect My religion

Any Act of aggresive extraction of My Temple will be met by a force equal to, if not greater than, the act of aggressive extraction.

I am more than My code and much more than My code reveals to others

but it is My code that awards me these gifts through perpetuation and to this end I must remain thankful

In My domain I am Lord & Lady, Master & Mistress

Enter into My domain at your peril

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