All I need

If you are interested in a reading,I need some basic information.
In order to make the reading personal,one must attune with the person who is asking.
When the person is present it is fairly easy since the physical distance is a few only a few feet.
Even on the phone, the sound of the persons voice contains enough information for the reader to link.
But on the internet we only have words, so in order to make a legitimate attempt to read, I need something to envision.

In your e-mail I need to know:
male or female
married or single (children ?)
age group (20's,30's 40's, etc)
type of work (retired,clerical, blue collar ......)
If you have a specific question ,you can ask it.If not, just give the genral topic of which you have any thoughts about,(love, money,health,etc)
Thank you, and I hope I can provide some insight.

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