Who am I and Why I am a Witch

Many people ask me why did I become a witch?  and I always want to answer "Well why not." , but that answer never really addresses the question.  So this is how it all happened.

I was raised from the age birth to 14 years as a practicing Zen Buddhist from my father who came back from Vietnam all happy about his new found religion. And believe it or not I loved it, it seems I was an equal , I was taught I was in charge of my own path, my own road to Nirvana: Enlightment was down the middle, if you will: then one day the ground opened up and the walls shook when  my father made the annoucment..."I Have accepted Jesus Christ into my life and all of you should too."  Well, actually it was a demand not a request; and so came the conflict of my life, I had to be a Christian, and I was sure I didn't believe in the Christian tradition so I in a sense I became a hypocrite,  I went because I had no other choice and I mocked the pastors sermons, to the point I was almost kicked out of the youth groups, I was told the devil was in me to make me react like this, but actually I was rejecting the pollution, as a body rejects a transplanted organ,  my soul was rejecting the transplanted doctrine that preachers hate, judgment and  eternal suffering under the guise of love and sacrifice. I was dragged to every tent revival that was in town and was forced to listen to every drug addicted hooker who has changed because of Christ.. and my equality as a woman diminished and suddenly I was taught to submit, what was expected as a christian woman was honor,obey, submission, and told the infamous "If your not a part of God your separate from God and because of that separation, you'll go to hell."  Well great, now what is someone supposed to say to that... Well after school one wonderful day in '1988, I saw a sign on one of those occult shops...you know the ones...the ones my youth group leader said was filled with demons and poison..so being the rebel I was, I went in and I looked everywhere and found not one demon or one vile creature... and signed up for a tarot card lesson... I had to the hide the newly purchased deck in my gym bag.

There began a transformation in my mind and heart, not only was I an equal again; I was a woman;  therefore I was the first among equals, and the women and teachers of this weird group were the leaders and what do you know, NO such thing as HELL, no testimonies of pimps and inmates, no submission or praise to a dead man on a cross, no undying devotion to lift my hands in hypocritical worship while seeking to deny the presence of any other path, I was not separate from the gods, I was of the Gods and there was no judgment;  if I chose not to follow them hey, no biggie. The path has many turns and forks in the road, and I learned  that no matter which way I went, it was my choice and stemmed from the same common thread.  I could walk in nature and understand how the infinite power of universe is speaking words of love... I understood  suddenly that the world is not black and white but pictures filled with multiple shades and flashes of color and light.

As the tarot class stemmed into a rune class and more and more workshops, that I had to sneak out of the house to attend. This woman;  a pure statue of  Isis,  explained the Goddess to me and the tarot symbols and rituals for meditation... she explained polarity and the Charge of the Goddess; I realized the youth group leader was all wrong, the devil wasn't in me ...the Goddess was in me and she spoke and said "Stop running,  your home"  I was hooked at the age of 16. Well, come to find out that woman was the High Priestess of a local coven in Phoenix, AZ.

I approached her at yet another workshop, she was giving, about 3 months later;  we were to learn how to make candles, and I begged her to teach me more and more...she smiled and simply said " I have been." and walked away. Well I was crushed; but after sometime  of  observation and careful consideration on her part; she approached me and agreed to have me train within her coven.

April 12, 1990 I received my 1st degree initiation and April 17th 1991, I received my 2nd degree, and once more I walked into the circle with perfect love and perfect trust  to receive my 3rd degree on June 19th 1995... In May of 1999 I was forced to leave my coven  and move to Colorado Springs where I have taken to be a the most unlikely solitary,  for the time being with hopes of a hive from My Lady's coven .

I have been actively involved in the Alexandrian Tradition in which I was formally trained  and have been an initiated Witch and priestess for 10 years, and have had the privilege to be named a High Priestess, the right to be address as Lady and elder, 5 years ago. and I am a Priestess of The Goddess Vivionn.  Presently, my coven has grown to 1 initiate and 5 dedicants and I have very understanding and handsome man to thank for that,  I have three dogs, Bonnie (border collie) ,Simba (a Chow) and Sammi (eskimo), Two sweet turtles Oswald and Tommy, a purple Beta fish named Sully (lead singer to the band GODSMACK...I love to Ice skate...I am learning the bass guitar...,I get tattooed a lot... not sure if that is a hobby. Well, I hope you have enjoyed this little bio feast and if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me...I'd love to hear from anyone who thought this whole section was a little wordy...hehehe.   Bright Blessings and Good Journey.... and a special thanks to Lady Hawthorn TalismanWhisper... I love you. and shall always honor you. Blesse Be to all!!!!!!!