Many people come to witches for advice on Magick and normally, I suggest to people to create their own rites of magick, but as I began to learn not everyone has the means or education to do so, or possibly they just don't know how to start, for that reason I comprised a few spells for public use. However please remember the Wiccan Rede:
which basically means, you cannot harm anyone, including yourself. You cannot use magick to manipulate a person, you cannot work magick on someone without their consent; including healing.
Magick is the manipulation of the forces about you to bring about of a change, not a person's free will. A spell is the raising of psychic power and directing it to a specific and practical purpose, not to curse anyone or anything.
There is a small and I mean small loophole to that pretense. You can work magick of self-defense "you slap a witch, and a witch will slap you back." If you feel someone is attacking you psychically , emotionally, or physically then by all means defend yourself.
Remember, whatever spell you place out in phantasm or the universe, you are indeed placing your self in Karmic limbo as well and it will come back three times, so I suggest you give joy, love, positive workings , and you will receive the same thrice. And to Quote the Christian Tradition " You reap what you sow."
I have a friend that allows people to ask for personalized spells, at first I was leery of that but, after talking to her she brought up a good point, " there are people who need help out there and why not help them" and with that I decided to change my attitude and allow the same practice, however if you need a spell to make your dog talk I can't help you, although my dogs do talk to me, it is the art form of telepathy. not a spell. If you want to make things move that is telekinesis and energy work rather then a spell. And by all means don't mess with the weather, leave that to the Gods or it's bound to get screwed up.
are the different colors and their symbolism:
Courage, health, sexual love, strength and Vigor.
Honor, love, morality
Adaptability, attraction, encouragement, and stimulation
or Gold: Attraction, charm, confidence, persuasion, and protection
Purity, sincerity, and truth
Green: Anger, cowerdice, discord, jealousy, and sickness
Fertility, finance, healing, and Luck
Hesitation, neuutrality, and uncertainty
Lt Blue:
Health, patience, and understanding
Dr Blue:
Changeability, depression, impulsivness
Ambition, business progress, power, and tension
or Silver: Canellation, neutrality, and stalemate
Confusion, discord, evil, and loss