Clairvoyance and Divination 

Clairvoyance is the art of making oneself aware of facts, objects, or events  by psychic means which is not made known by mundane awareness,  and means experiencing psychic awareness in the form of visual images,  bodily sensation or in the form heard sounds. Also there is a form of clairvoyance called PRECOGNITION which is when the event seen, felt, or heard lies in the future.  Many people associate this to paranormal experiences

There is a  phenomenon called "Crisis Apparition"  _ When a person undergoing a sudden emotional trauma such as death or a violent accident manifests in another place to someone who shares an emotional connection.  A clairvoyant may see the manifested person standing in a room, or feel a familiar hand holding theirs, or hear their familiar voice.

A good example is based on an experience between my mother and I.  In 1992 I was attacked and sexually assaulted by 4 men on my way to my car after work.  During the  assault my mother kept hearing a voice she recognized as mine screaming "Please No" upstairs in her home some 15 miles away,  the voice continued for 25 minutes in which my mother kept searching closets , bathrooms and under beds upstairs in her home.  She finally decided to call my home and spoke to my boyfriend at the time, who told her I was late and he was just leaving to go look for me.  The two decided to meet at my place of work, I was not there but, my car was... my mother, being a devoted christian says she began to pray and asked "God" to help her find where I was, she then heard  crying ... as she walked around the parking lot she noticed a small field just behind the parking area and the crying getting louder within her mind... my mother then ran in to the field and  screamed my name until she found me wandering aimlessly half naked, crying and beaten severely.  To this day my mother insists God* told her I needed help... However, I believe the emotional connection that my mother had with me allowed her psychic unconscious awareness to hear my manifested emotional trauma and come to my aid.  That awareness within my mother is called clairaudience. When she began to pray to her god; she, without knowing, began to use a form of divination.

Divination isthe art of clairvoyance using tools to discover things secret or obscure; with the aid of superior beings(gods or spirits) or physical accessories (tarot, runes, a pendulum)

Some physical tools of divination are:

Tarot:  The use of 72  cards illustrated with archetype images and laid in a position for interpretation

Pendulum: A small object suspended on a string, cord, or chain and held over maps, objects, or cards to determine an answer or location.

Scrying:  Gazing into a bowl of ink, fire, crystal ball, or smoke and interpreting the images.

Tea leaf Reading:  The use of loose tea leaves that settle at the bottom of the cup and interpreting the symbols made.

Palmistry:  The interpretation of the lines of the hand, fingers, and wrists.

Numerology:  The addition of a group of numbers until 1 number remains and the association with that number to the elements, stars, and planets.

Astrology:  The ability to compose a chart based on the alignment of the stars and planets as they are related to the day, the year, and the hour of ones birth .

All forms of divination are helpful in the use of magickal workings and should not be used to manipulate a persons free will.  Divination is a tool to gain helpful insights regarding ones life or lives  and a person is directly responsible for the course of their own life by the choices they make and the existence of the karma they accumulate.

* I don't care if it was a christian god or pagan god that helped,  I am just happy they did.
