The first and foremost reason for the creation of this site is a selfish one: to give me a means of expressing myself, a way to make something tangible out of all the years of pondering I have done. Also, a while back I had been spending a lot of time online pursuing another less healthy fascination (let those who have ears hear) and this page serves the purpose of giving me another more healthy diversion.
I love this world and its people. Afterall, it may be all I have, and I cannot bear to imagine that it is not, at its heart, a good thing. Yet, I see so much evil and so much suffering and it moves me.
I see a race, my human race, which appears to be on the verge of destroying its sacred mother earth, or at least itself. I see so much ignorance, so much apathy among the masses of people, and I see the powerful who should be leading the masses out of their ignorance and apathy, but who seem to be so much more interested in the power and wealth they can accumulate by feeding that ignorance and apathy. I feel small and powerless, and I have sought diversion in a hedonistic life style, but I want to change. I want to devote myself to something higher and that is why I am creating this site as a devotion to my Goddess, whom I call Sophia.
Sophia, Goddess, these are just words that stand as symbols for Deity (also just a word), the one ineffable Creator of all this world and everything in it. She is wisdom, and the gifts she offers to her believers are hope and Love. Her will is for the good of all her creatures. Her greatest happiness would come from a healing of the earth and the hearts of her people. I hope this site will be a small beacon of that light of hope and Love which the world so desperately needs.
I know that not many people are likely to find this site and that fewer still are likely to spend any time here, but I hope that those who do will go away with something that touches their life in a positive way and that they will share it with others. Vainly, I hope that this site will save the world.
Well,... Anyway, if it touches anyone elses heart and
helps them to be anymore loving and happy, then it will have served its
higher purpose. In the meanwhile, its giving me a spiritual practice suited
to my temperment and a "diversion" which allows me to develop some of the
more noble aspects of my humanity.