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Amos - 12/04/00 20:26:29
My URL:http://w1.2561.telia.com/~u256100379/firewind2.html
Favorite Poet (other than these): me
Cold darkness in hot desert. desert night is cold. desert day is a cauldron of cold

jemma - 11/16/00 15:06:05
Favorite Poet (other than these): andy warhol
Favorite Poet on this site: where angles fear to tread
brilliant i can't wait to come back. bring more poems on this site i cant get enough.

Mindy McLeod - 04/21/00 01:40:07
My Email:rosenvine@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): Myself
Favorite Poet on this site: None

dude_number_1 - 04/19/00 07:38:33
My URL:/pur_logik
My Email:dude_number_1@juno.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): Yeats
Favorite Poet on this site: anonymous
can't believe you don't remember me lil m!!!! i mean i used to talk to ya ll the time... frankly i'm disappointed...

Tuomas Kirjarinta - 04/05/00 14:28:51
My Email:tkirjarinta@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): I have many favourites!
Favorite Poet on this site: Paines poems!
You have very nice pages....keep writing! Byte away...I am from Finland...=)! I am not very good enlish student, but don't let it interrupt! Sorry, I donīt have web pages...yet!

Tyanne - 11/24/99 20:43:30
My Email:TyRice@GalaxyCable.com
Favorite Poet on this site: Paine
I read these poems and you guys sound so much like myself and my friends. It's a lost world and once in a while you connect in it. It's odd. I write myself and enjoy your site very much.......Ty

Jessi(Zoisite) - 10/14/99 13:19:47
My Email:Bwc_@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): Robert Frost
Favorite Poet on this site: Kerri
Hey girly , love the page. Keep up the good work. -XX Jes.

rachel - 07/15/99 22:32:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Villa/2377
Favorite Poet (other than these): Tacy lambert
your pages is pretty cool.I like that hallway poem alot.YOu deserve a hug(((HUG))))

Poet Angel - 07/15/99 20:46:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/1997
My Email:black_angel696@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): Poe
Favorite Poet on this site: Paine, Yabree, Tantalum....all my poets... : )
Hey guys & gals! I DO still exist, I swear it. I've got a LOT of new stuff to add to the site, when I get time on a computer....I'm hoping that I can get one very very soon. Anyhow, e-mail me sometime, even if I do only get to check it every three months or so right now. : (

Milenko - 05/28/99 03:00:47
My URL:http://homestead.com/milenko69/TheGreatMilenko.html
My Email:vectorw8@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): None in peticular
Favorite Poet on this site: Paine
Great Page, Awesome poetry, Keep writing.

Blue Wolf Is Watching - 05/27/99 13:43:12
My Email:kittendelight
Favorite Poet (other than these): no real favorite
Favorite Poet on this site: Yabree
The poems all had so much feeling. I will be watching for some new works to be coming.

dark poet - 05/20/99 21:09:21

Manda Rose - 05/18/99 21:25:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~mandra66/EVILindex.html
My Email:bruise_pristine@angelfire.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): Edgar Allan Poe
Favorite Poet on this site: ? Not sure. They're all good.
vERY NICE PAGE. Great poetry. There is some poetry and stories on my website as well. "Hold on to your illusions...." Blood and Kisses, Manda

Jamie Smith - 05/16/99 20:56:43
My Email:bluenpurple@hotmail
Favorite Poet (other than these): Edgar Allen Poe
Favorite Poet on this site: Paine
Thank you for helping me realize that I'm not alone. I could relate to almost everything I read. A few of them made me cry because it's almost as if I truly felt your pain, sorrow, and your life's experiences flowing into me from the computer screen. I was great.

Nova Maleficent - 05/09/99 17:05:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/6371/index.com
My Email:bbodiford@aol.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): Mike McCulley
Favorite Poet on this site: ????

Cassa Marie Dryer - 04/28/99 23:40:07
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~cassamarie/cassamarie.html
My Email:cassamarie@usa.net
Love is the way to all salvation.

AsterdiS - 04/16/99 00:02:07
My URL:http://w1.2561.telia.com/~u256100087/firewind.html
My Email:asterdis@hl.telia.no
Favorite Poet (other than these): Jim MOrrison
I love pure poem sites. This one, too. Will be back!

Cheryl Dunlap - 03/01/99 05:49:21
My URL:http://westwood.fortunecity.com/agnes/485
My Email:cheryldunlap@hotmail.com

Paine - 02/17/99 04:47:43
My Email:sicklehook@advanix.net
Favorite Poet (other than these): Edger Allen Poe
Favorite Poet on this site: me :)
ITS ME I FINALLY FOUND YOU!!! I lost my icq so i cant find you :( message me please ..and nice site :)

Wraithspire - 01/15/99 03:30:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/SoulWraith/coverpg.html
My Email:soulwraith@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): Byron
Favorite Poet on this site: all are unique....
just wanted to let you know I stopped in, Take care =-)

Farzin Yazdanfar - 01/13/99 07:10:48
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/cmb11j33/hedayat/HEDAYAT.html
My Email:fazin2@juno.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): Rilke
Very interesting site! I liked the poems. Keep up the good work. Please visit my site whenever you can.

Mike Mariano - 01/06/99 03:55:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/4213
My Email:mikemariano@hotmail.com
Favorite Poet (other than these): Does Blue Oyster Cult count? Don't fear the reaper!
Favorite Poet on this site: Um, I've only read yours, Angel!
Aw, this isn't as dark as other sites. Actually, there's a lot of love in your poetry, even if there's a bit of sorrow as well. I'm no judge of poetry, but I thought your poems read well, even if they might be too straightforward. (Isn't poetry supposed to be confusing, or something?) Keep it up!

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