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"No more Mr. Nice Guy, no more Mr. Clean...."

March/April, 1997

This issue we launch a new feature in LifeLines, commentary on various selected events in the world and in the church which we hope our readers will find informative and stimulating (and at times provocative).

"No more Mr. Nice Guy, no more Mr. Clean...." Singer Pat Boone’s recent venture into "heavy metal" music is only another example of where the idea that entertainers or other people engaged in occupations that can prove quite hazardous to one’s spiritual health should, once they are "converted" should "stay in there (Hollywood,etc.) and influence it for God" can take one. It is a terrible misapplication of the Pauline principle of "becoming all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some" (1 Corinthians 9:22). But an examination of the context of Paul’s statement is enough to show that misguided nonsense such as Boone’s is a total perversion of Paul’s principle. Paul was referring to becoming like a Jew to win them and a non-Jew to win them, and to becoming "weak" (overly scrupulous or "legalistic") to win the weak. None of this involved taking on sinful lifestyles or other questionable practices. "Heavy metal" music, with all the associations that go with it, is not at all a suitable medium for the Christian. It is always sad to see a senior citizen trying to act like a "hip" young person, sadder still to see TBN’s recent support of Boone as a guest on their show, attempting to salvage his damaged image. Besides, Pat’s music is just plain bad anyhow; he doesn’t have the voice for the stuff. The cut I heard sounded like a symphony trying to do "blue grass."


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