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"So, is it gonna affect your marriage?" This is the question I have often heard put to us by those who are seeking to obtain or at least defuse the opposition to the legalization of same sex marriages. Because I have heard it so often, I am guessing that it is deliberately being put out as part of a concerted effort to shape people’s opinion in a certain direction, much like the framing of the abortion debate, limiting it to carefully crafted slogans—"pro-choice," "a woman’s right to choose," "a woman has the power over her own body," etc. "Is it going to affect your marriage?" is designed to evoke the obvious response, "Well, no," followed by the conclusion that we should simply let these people do what they want since it doesn’t affect us. Almost all the responses I have heard on Christian talk shows have seemed to me inadequate to convince the fence riders on this issue. The answer I usually hear is, "Yes, it will affect my marriage. The institution of marriage will be drastically affected, and that will cheapen every marriage in America." But I think this response is unconvincing. No doubt recognizing same sex "marriages" would be a mockery and desecration of the institution of marriage, which, by the way, was created by God, not man, and is therefore defined by God and not man. Man can only accept it or reject it, not redefine it or the roles of the partners within it. But, no, whatever homos do or don’t do isn’t going to affect my marriage one iota, so the "yes" answer is weak. A better response would be an honest "no"—with some added comments and qualifications. It does not follow that since it doesn’t affect me and my marriage that I should therefore drop my opposition to it. Too often today, I’m afraid, Americans are ruled by this idea of "if it doesn’t affect me, it doesn’t matter to me." As responsible citizens we should be concerned for the good of society as a whole, not only because we ourselves are a part of that society and therefore affected by the conditions in it, but because we care about others. Homosexuality should not be legitimized in any form, including mock "marriages," because homosexuality is destructive, not only of those affected by it but of those who participate in it. The average life span is 42 for male homosexuals and 45 for lesbians. Many myths surround the current debate on homosexuality in the media, just as with the debate on abortion. The whole picture rarely if ever gets aired for the simple reason that if it were, people would be repulsed by it (whether abortion or homosexuality). So, the picture must be carefully manipulated so that the public sees only that part of it (or, in many cases, only distorted views of it) that those with an agenda to change society would have us see, so that our opinions will be shaped in the desired fashion. Homosexuals are consistently portrayed as "people just like you and me who want to be happy, live their lives the way they want, etc." But homosexuality is not at all on a parity with normal sexuality. That ought to be obvious, but it is even more apparent when we find that a large number of homosexuals eat each other’s feces, drink each other’s urine, and do other things that are both perverted and unhealthy. Homosexual couples are almost always presented as decent, hard-working folks just like heterosexual couples who love each other and want to spend their lives together. However, the reality is that the vast majority of homosexuals are anything but monogamous. Unnatural or perverted desires are always addictive and controlling, becoming obsessions that cannot be quenched. Most homosexuals are extremely promiscuous, driven by their insatiable perverted craving to seek "partners" many times a week, even many times a day. New "partners" must be sought and inexperienced ones recruited, much like men do who are obsessed with heterosexual sex. Homosexuals are predators on the prowl, and innocent young teenagers are the prize prey—that is, with "normal" homos. Homosexual pedophiles seek even younger game. I am opposed and will remain opposed to same sex "marriages" for the simple reason that I care about all the people who will be destroyed through this terrible demonic delusion called homosexuality. I am opposed to it because any legitimization of it whatever will mean all the stops are out, restraints are gone, and the destruction turned loose in an even greater way. Any society in its right mind would be opposed to it because they would seek what was best for the society and the individual members of it. Of course, and I do not apologize for it one centilla, I am opposed to homosexuality because the Bible is clearly opposed to it, despite twisted homosexual exegesis. They should keep their filthy hands off the Bible lest they heap even greater damnation upon themselves, unless, of course, they want to read it seeking repentance and deliverance. Let me add that I am opposed for many of the same reasons to heterosexual couples living together without marriage. Again, not just because the Bible is too, although what the Bible says is a good reason for being for or against anything. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if people lived by the teachings of the Bible? No murder, no stealing, no lying, no herpes, no hatred, no molesting or abusing children, no illegitimate children, etc.? Yet to hear our courts and the media you’d think the Bible is the most dangerous monstrosity in the world whose influence especially in public life must be absolutely eliminated. And I must add that we should also hold out hope to the homosexual, for there is hope in the Lord for any sinner. But the sinner must recognize his sin and repent of it for the Lord to do him any good, and here we are losing the battle because most presentations of the gospel today omit repentance and any real confrontation of sin. There is hope for the homosexual, but we must also be realistic and tell them that the way of deliverance and holiness will not be easy, seeing that they have corrupted themselves so deeply by such perversion. But with repentance, faith, prayer, perseverance, and discipline, there is hope. It is the same with any of us. We have all yielded to sin in some form that fastened itself upon us and controlled us and from which we could not set ourselves free. Only patience, persistence, and reliance upon divine power and mercy could do it. The better answer, therefore, to the question, "Will homosexual marriage affect your marriage any?" is "No, but I remain opposed to it because any legitimizing of it will only serve to destroy many more people, both the perpetrators and the victims, and I care about the good of the society I am part of. And who knows but what it may affect my children or their children and if not them someone I know and care about deeply. Laws against many other things such as murder won’t affect me either, but I am still for keeping and enforcing them."
Leon Stump, Pastor of Victory Christian Center
Background from Greenfield Graphics.