Conversations With Srila Prabhupada Vol. 7 pg. 302:

Srila Prabhupada: Ksatriyas should be taught that he is manager.

Conversations With Srila Prabhupada Vol. 8 pg. 342:

Srila Prabhupada: This is also devotion, to teach a ksatriya because this is necessary in society. This is also devotion.

Prabhupada Nectar Little Drops of Nectar:

Srila Prabhupada: Managers must make sure everything is kept clean. That is good management.

Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta Vol. 6 pg. 232:

...displeasure with the mismanaged ISKCON pandal at Kumbha-mela. Thousands of guests were coming to the Hare Krsna pandal without receiving prasadam. Determined that the bad example not be repeated he dictated a letter, "To all ISKCON Temple Presidents" :Please accept my blessings. Now you must arrange in each temple there must be sufficient stock of prasadam for distribution. You can keep first class cooks, two or three, and they should be always engaged. Whenever any guest comes he must get prasad. This arrangement must be made, that the cooks prepare ten-twenty servings at a time, of puris and subji, and then you can add halavah and pakoras and the visitors may be supplied immediately. Whenever a gentleman comes, he must be served. As the twenty servings are being distributed, immediately the cooks prepare another twenty servings and store it. At the end of the day if no one comes, our own men will take, so there is no loss. You cannot say,"It is finished," "It is not cooked yet," "There is no supply for cooking," etc. This must be enforced rigidly. The temple is managed by Srimati Radharani, Laksmiji, so why should there be want? Our philosophy is, if anybody comes let him take prasad, chant Hare Krsna, and be happy. Everything is being supplied by Krsna. Krsna is not poor, so why should we deny them? This should be done at any cost. There is no difficulty. It simply requires nice mangement. At the end of the day you may sell or give away. If we believe that Krsna is providing for and maintaining everyone, then why should we be misers? This means losing faith in Krsna and thinking that we are the doers and suppliers. We are confident Krsna will supply! Let the whole world come. We can feed them. So please do this nicely. Begin at once.

Srimad-Bhagavatam [Canto 7, Ch. 13 TEXT 34]


We recommend that as soon as money accumulates in our Krsna consciousness movement, fifty percent of it should be invested in printing books, and fifty percent for expenditures, especially in establishing centers all over the world. The managers of the Krsna consciousness movement should be extremely cautious in regard to this point. Otherwise money will be the cause of lamentation, illusion, fear, anger, material attachment, material poverty and unnecessary hard work. Whatever money is collected should be spent for Krsna and not a farthing for sense gratification.


BTG: The founders of America said that another natural right is the right to liberty, or freedom - freedom in the sense that the government doesn't have the right to tell you what kind of job you have to do.

Srila Prabhupada: If the government is not perfect, it should not be allowed to tell people what to do. But if the government is perfect, then it can.

BTG: The third natural right they mentioned was that every human being has the right to pursue happiness.

Srila Prabhupada: Yes. But your standard of happiness may be different from my standard. You may like to eat meat; I hate it. How can your standard of happiness be equal to mine?

BTG: So should everyone be free to try to achieve whatever standard of happiness he wants?

Srila Prabhupada: No, the standard of happiness should be prescribed according to the qualities of the person. You must divide the whole society into four groups: those with brahmana qualities, those with ksatriya qualities, those with vaisya qualities, and those with sudra qualities. Everyone should have good facility to work according to his natural qualities. You cannot engage a bull in the business of a horse, nor can you engage a horse in the business of a bull. Today practically everyone is getting a college education. But what is taught at these colleges? Mostly technical knowledge, which is sudra education. Real higher education means learning Vedic wisdom. This is meant for the brahmanas. Alone, sudra education leads to a chaotic condition. Everyone should be tested to find out which education he is suited for. Some sudras may be given technical education, but most sudras should work on the farms.

Conversations With Srila Prabhupada Vol. 7 pg. 303:

Atreya Rsi: So in our movement the leaders must decide how every devotee and every resource is engaged properly.

Prabhupada: That is leadership. That is leadership, which man is fitted for which work.

Conversations With Srila Prabhupada Vol. 7 pg. 302:

Srila Prabhupada: Vaisnava is transcendental, but for proper management of the material world, one should be acting like a brahmana, one should be acting like a ksatriya. That is required. If need be he has to act as ksatriya or a sudra. It doesn't matter. But manage, for management the division must be there. Otherwise it will be mismanagement.

Conversations With Srila Prabhupada Vol. 7 pg. 300:

Srila Prabhupada: For the management of affairs we require to divide. Those who are fit for management and protection they should be trained as ksatriya . . . so in our society this division should be there.

Conversations With Srila Prabhupada Vol. 16 pg. 265 & 266, October 16, 1975, Johannesburg:

Harikesa: How in the beginning... Let's say you have a king...

Prabhupada: Beginning Krsna.

Harikesa: No, no. Let's say you have a king, and he is deciding this person is worthy of...

Prabhupada: No, no, beginning, Krsna. Why don't you read Bhagavad-gita? You don't know?

Harikesa: No, no. Yes.

Prabhupada: What is the social arrangement? What is that?

Harikesa: That Krsna created the four orders.

Prabhupada: Yes. So you make that four orders, and then society will be in order. But you are not taking Krsna's advice. You are manufacturing your hellish ideas.

Harikesa: No, I was just wondering how one would be able to see who was acting in a certain way unless they were first engaged in something. They have to be doing some activity...

Prabhupada: No, no.

Harikesa: you can see what kind of quality they have.

Prabhupada: No, no. Take "everyone is rascal," then train them. That is wanted. Take everyone as rascal. There is no question that "Here is intelligent man, here is rascal, here is the..." No. First of all take them all rascals, and then train them. That is wanted. That is wanted now. At the present moment the whole world is full of rascals. Now, if they take to Krsna consciousness, select amongst them. Just like I am training. You are brahmana by training. So one who is prepared to be trained as brahmana, classify him in the brahmana. One is trained up as ksatriya, classify him. In this way, catur-varnyam maya srs...

Harikesa: And that ksatriya would engage everyone basically as sudra and then pick from them.

Prabhupada: Hm.?

Harikesa: He would initially pick...

Prabhupada: No, no, no. You pick up... You take the whole mass of people as sudra. Then...

Harikesa: Pick out.

Prabhupada: Pick out. And rest, who is neither brahmana nor ksatriya nor vaisya, then he is sudra. That's all, very easy thing. If he cannot be trained up as engineer, then he remains as a common man. There is no force. This is the way of organizing society.

Srila Prabhupada Lecture, April 9, 1975, Hyderbad, India:

"Everyone has got a particular tendency to serve Krsna in a different way. Everyone has got his particular propensity."

Room Conversation, February 14, 1977, Mayapur:

Srila Prabhupada: Not everybody. Why are you misunderstanding? Varnasrama, not everybody brahmana.

Hari-sauri: No, but in our society practically everyone is being raised to that platform.

Srila Prabhupada: Everybody is being raised, but they are falling down.

Hari-sauri: So then we make it more difficult to get brahminical initiation. After four or five years.

Srila Prabhupada: Not necessary. You remain as ksatriya. . . . . even if he remains a sudra and does accordingly, he will get the same position as devotee. . . . . He will get the perfection.



The four orders of human society, combined with family welfare activities as they are set forth by the institution of the sanatana-dharma or varnasrama-dharma, are designed to enable a human being to attain his ultimate salvation. Therefore the breaking of the sanatana-dharma tradition by irresponsible leaders of society brings about chaos in that society, and consequently people forget the aim of life-Visnu. Such leaders are called blind and persons who follow such leaders are sure to be lead into chaos. (Conversations With Srila Prabhupada Vol. 7 pg. 300: Srila Prabhupada: In our society this division should be there. Conversations With Srila Prabhupada Vol. 7 pg. 301: Srila Prabhupada: In each center).

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Mukunda, November 6, 1973:

"Another request I have to you is that there have now been two instances of when somebody does not agree you try to get them out by calling the police. This is never to be done. This is the mistaken policy of Syamasundara, but do not follow this principle. With great difficulty we get a man. We have to reform them. Our business is to become sympathetic to fallen souls. So in future do not do it at all. Everything should be done amicably."

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Jayapataka, August 12, 1969:

"Regarding Narottama dasa, our policy should be to keep members as much as possible. We should not flatly say 'You must leave.' That is not our policy."

73-08-23. Letter: Tamala Krsna N.B.

It should be our definite policy that nobody is ill treated that he may go away. We recruit a person to join us after spending gallons of blood. Everyone comes for reformation, you cannot expect everyone to be perfect, rather it is our duty to make everyone perfect as far as possible. So we shall be very much cautious and careful in this connection.

Srila Prabhupada Letter to Rupanuga Maharaja, April 23, 1974:

"A diseased man is always under the clutches of disease but if he follows the prescribed orders given by the physician he can be cured. Now how to reform. If we ask him to go away the whole society will be finished. In the hospital many patients are there and the attempt is made to cure them, not to tell them to go away or to kill them. They try their best to cure them. If they tell them to get out of the hospital or if they kill them, that is easy."

Niti-Sastras Sayings of Canakya & Hitopadesa as quoted by Srila Prabhupada (By Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami) pg. 15 & 17:

Srila Prabhupada never banished any disciple. Prabhupada never held a grudge against his disciples. He could forgive and forget.

Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Adi-lila, Ch. 9 TEXT 29]


There is no distinction made between those who are fit
and thosewho are not fit to hear or take part in the
sankirtana movement.


Dear Prabhus

Please accept my respectful obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Have I committed any offenses,
taken any quotes out of context,
made any mistakes, and/or
done anything I shouldn't have?
If so, I'm sorry.

Aspiring to be the sincere
servant of the servant,

Yours Truly,
Gauranga Prema Dasa

Hare Krsna