Subject: thanx, gpd

Date: Tue, May 11 1999 14:36

From: Mahaksa dasa

Haribol, Gauranga Prema dasa, PAMHO & AGTSP. Thanks very much for your consideration. Not to burden you with compliments, but, though I have not been overly friendly with you in the past, I do appreciate your work.

Though some may think by my writings that I am opposed to the principles of VAD, this is not the case. VAD is factually the foundation for a peaceful, productive, happy, and spiritually and materially advanced human society. The quotations you have kindly provided verify these standards of perfection.

My demeanor concerning VAD are based entirely on artificially and materially motivated misapplications of the system, which we can call the caste system to differentiate the shadow from the substantial. My experiances with attempts at implementation of VAD have shown only caste without varna or asrama. Mlecchas thinking that if they can brandish a firearm, they are called ksatriya, ignorant folk without common decency or sense posing as brahmanas and sanyassis, those who act properly in the vaisya and sudra position sneered at and discriminated against by those of superiority complex issues, etc. So my rhetoric, though somewhat fatalistic, is geared toward reminding us of the Kali produced failures of VAD, not the system itself.

Anyway, thanks again for using URL hotkey, I am on my way to angelfire right now, Hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa.