Greedy Python Activity                            

Another Great Book For Kids is ...

(If you don't mind the habits of snakes)


The Greedy Python

Lesson by La-Goldia Williamson, Library Media Specialist

Objective:  Students will be able to listen and respond to the story “The Greedy Python, by acting out and retelling the story.  They will be able to recall at least four of the animals eaten by the python.


  • The book "The Greedy Python", by Richard Buckley
  • snake costume;
  • stick puppets of 4 of the animals;
  • A display of a  variety of animal books (at least one per child)
  • Anticipatory Set:  Students will browse through animal books

    Procedure:  After students have browsed through the animal books,
    they will be shown a snake costume.  They will be told that
    the snake is a python and it is known for swallowing animals.
    The story will be read to them.  Since it is a rhyming story, they will
    be asked to help tell the story by supplying the rhyming words left out.

    After the story is read.  A student will be selected to wear the snake
    costume.  A stick puppet will be given to selected children.  As the
    story is retold, the children will line up and drop their stick puppet in the mouth of the snake in turn.

    Summary:  Students will be asked the following questions:
    1.   Name at least 4 animals the python swallowed.
    2.   What did the elephant say to the python?
    3.   What made the python give up the animals?
    4.   What did the python eat in the end?
    5.  Why do you think the author named this book “The Greedy Python”?

    Evaluation:  Students' answers will be checked by teacher and students.

    Follow Up:  Students will go to the library and check out a book on snakes.
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