Library Orientation

Grades K - 2

La-Goldia Williamson, Library Media Specialist

Objective: SOL Civics K.7 Responsibility and respecting what belongs to others... Students will be able to review rules for proper library conduct, care and use of library materials.

Materials: Library Rules; 1 piece of colorful construction paper per student,(each student should have paper,pencil and crayons.)

Anticipatory Set: Students will discuss visits to the public library they may or may not have had. They will discuss procedures for using the public library.

Students will be distributed a piece of construction paper to fold and use as a folder. They will be asked to put their names, and a design on the cover of their folders. (They should only work on the design of their folders after they have completed their lesson and checked out their books.)

Procedure: Library Rules will be displayed, distributed and reviewed with the class.

     1. I will enter the library quietly. 
     2. I will complete my library assignment
        before checking out books.
     3. I will handle the library books with care. 
     4. I will return all books on time. 
     5. I will talk softly and remember that the library 
         is a quiet place. 
     6. I will keep my library books from my pets and food. 
     7. I will keep my books out of the rain. 
     8. I will tell someone about each book I read.
     9. (Students will be asked to offer other rules.)
     10. If I break any of these rules, I will pay
          a reasonable consequence.

After reciting rules, students will be able to look at books and check them out. Summary: After book check out time, students will recite rules with the teacher, state that they agree to follow them, sign and insert them in their folders.

Evaluation: Students will discuss ways this lesson will help them become better library users.

Follow Up:Students will take their library rules home, have their parents sign them and return them to school on their next visit to the library.