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Manuals (and other sources of information) + New, 5/11/08 (2), 2/27/09, 3/29/09
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Manuals. Some calculator manuals are available online. (In some cases you may be able to find a manual for a model, from the same company, which is close enough to yours to be useful.) Some online stores, such as Amazon, have manuals available for the calculators they sell. Some of the manufacturers have some manuals available; some of these sources are listed here. The last group listed, labeled "Miscellaneous", lists sites with information about multiple brands.
http://support.casio.com/manuallist.php?rgn=1&cid=004. A Casio site. The set of manuals here presumably includes current and perhaps some recent models. Updated February 27, 2009.
http://www.casiocalc.org/?showtopic=467. CasioCalc.Org describes itself as the "Universal Casio Network". This page lists some sources of Casio manuals. Try them, even the ones they say may not be working.
New May 11, 2008.
DATEXX: http://www.datexx.com/ownersmanual.htm.
Hewlett Packard : http://www.hpmuseum.org/. The Museum of HP Calculators. Among the resources is an extensive collection of manuals, which they sell at a modest cost. The Museum is full of history about this pioneering line of modern scientific calculators. The main focus is 1968 to 1986, though one section takes the story back to 1614. Maintained by David G. Hicks (and not affiliated with Hewlett Packard).
http://www.sharpelectronics.info/Manuals.aspx (for UK products)
You may find different manuals available at those two sites, so look around.
Texas Instruments:
http://education.ti.com/educationportal/sites/US/sectionHome/download.html for current (and some old) models.
http://www.datamath.org/Manuals.htm for old models.
Miscellaneous (sites with information about multiple brands):
http://www.manualshark.org/brands/. Manual Shark. Looks like an extensive collection of manuals, grouped by brand. Look around!
http://www.retrevo.com/samples/Calculator-manuals.html. The Retrevo site is broadly on electronics.
New May 11, 2008.
http://nodevice.com/user_manual/. Scroll down to "Popular vendors", and look around. The Nodevice site seems to emphasize computers, but has some resources for calculators. In addition to "user manuals", it has sections for drivers and service manuals, and more; see menu bars at top of their pages.
New March 29, 2009.
http://www.wass.net/manuals/index.htm. Vintage Electronic Calculator Manuals. Focuses on old calculators.
Other information
Another good source of information on a wide range of calculators is maintained by Jack Tedeski and Carol Kuiper, at http://www.geocities.com/calculatorhelp/index.html. They list far more calculators than I do, but the emphasis is the use of statistical functions. This emphasis makes the site less useful for intro chem students, but I am sure that many will find their listings helpful.
Some of the information above is from a calculator FAQ at Viktor T. Toth's web site http://www.rskey.org/faq.html.
If you know of other sources of manuals or good information, please let me know.
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Last update: March 30, 2009