No one who is not himself Divine can successfully worship a Divinity. - the Gandharva Tantra

"One day, it was suddenly revealed to me that everything is Pure Spirit. The utensils of worship, the alter, the doorframe - all Pure Spirit! Man, animals and other living beings - all Pure Spirit! Then, like a madman, I began to shower flowers in all directions. Whatever I saw, I worshipped.

"One day, while worshipping Shiva, I was about to offer a bel-leaf on the head of the image, when it was revealed to me that this universe itself is Shiva.

"Another day, I had been plucking flowers when it was revealed to me that each plant was a bouquet adorning the universal form of God. That was the end of my plucking flowers!

"I look on man in just the same way. When I see a man, I see that it is God Himself who walks on Earth."
- from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, translated by Swami Nikhilanandra

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