All About Me--how vain can a person sound huh?
- My interests
- Lets see...I love art above
all else! I'm hoping one day I'll become either an
animator for Disney (cause I adore Disney too) or I'll go
off and become a freelance artist. I also love music. I
play the clarinet in both marching and concert bands at
my school. I love listening to music. Any and all kinds
of music. From Classical music to Marilyn Manson type name it and I probably like it (provided I've
heard of it--I lead a semi-sheltered life). I've also
really developed this incredible love of rap recently. I
like to run track. It's absolutely exhilerating. Not the
long distance stuff but the sprinting. Fun! Oh...on the
internet I like to chat every once in a while. I actually
prefer messages over ICQ or AIM though. I like to find
intellectual sites (though mine certainly isn't one--i'll
admit that)...sites that show love for humanity or at
least an openness to different things. That's why I'm so
interested in Wicca and Satanism. Wicca being a beautiful
and open religion and Satanism being at least open to
most everything. I'm highly interested in Buddhism too. I
love Sci-fi stuff (X-files is my fav! and Star Wars and
Star Trek rock!). I love going out w/ my friends and I
love dance clubs...I have only been to a club once but it
was sooo cool and I'm dying to go back real soon. I love
cruisin' and I just really love having fun.
- Things that irk me
- Ooh! Meanies irk me! People
who so much remind me of Hitler and things like that irk
me. Judges at marching band competitions irk me! Judges
in art shows irk me. Teachers that decide to stop
teaching their class a very tough subject irk me! Getting
my wisdom teeth out irked me. I did like my surgeon
though. He was a sugar pie. Men irk me when they treat
women like crap--and actually the other way around too.
Women and men irk me when they LET their partners treat
them like crap. It makes me sad that a lot of women feel
the need to get bigger tits so men will notice them. The
main thing that irks me now is this asshole named Dan. If
you've been here before I changed it you'd probably know
that I once "loved" Dan. Well he really really
really hurt me and now just hearing his name makes me
feel like throwing up because he's a big liar and lying
really really irks me. That's about all I can think of
right now...
- My beliefs
- I believe that all people
should be treated equally and given equal opportunities
no matter what their race, religion, sex, or whatever
else makes people different. I don't believe that women
and men are equal (keep reading before you say to
yourself, "hold on"). We are balanced
in our abilities. I believe that there are some things
that men overall can do better than women overall and
there are some things women overall can do better than
men overall. Putting all those different skills together
creates balance. I like balance. I believe that if a
woman wants to be given a job that is normally for a man
(say a fireman cause that's what my daddy is) then she
should not have the standards lowered for her, as has
happened in some fire departments before, but she should
work her ass off to prove that she can do the job just as
well as or better than the men. Ok...I don't believe in
God or any other all mighty creator(s). I'm an atheist.
I'll believe God exists when you can prove it to me. I
also am not completely a Big Bang (or "poof" as
my friend calls it) believer either. There may be a
little evidence for it but it is still a theory and not a
fact. I do believe in evolution because there is proof
before our eyes but I don't know if that's the way the
world was formed. I try to be on the fence about a lot of
things. I believe that the world needs to learn to live
in peace somehow. And I wish it would happen in my
lifetime but the way things are going it may never happen
at all let alone while I'm alive. I do have hope though.
People can get along with each other. I know they can.
I'm a person and I get along with other people. I believe
that I'm done with this for now. I may add more later.
- Date: doesn't matter
- I just recently found out that the
guy I was in "love" with and who always talked
about spending the rest of his life with me is an
incredible and horrible, lying asshole! As you can tell,
I'm a bit bitter about it.
Last revised: June 23, 1999.