Strange Links

These are what I call "fun" Christian sites because they are all so utterly appalling and nutty that they're almost hilarious. The people that run these sites are absolutely off their rockers! But of course I put them here for you to see and for you to make your own decision about them. You may find your salvation at one of these sites and think that I am the one that's completely bonkers. So...whatever floats your boat. Enjoy:

The Westboro Baptist Church Home Page
These people really scare me they're so nutty.
The Perilous Times
This is some kind of Christian on-line magazine or whatever. But the woman that runs it is a nut.
Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the Ten Commandments
I just recently got to check this one out. Utterly appalling. Completely bonkers.

...and I'll say it again. You may like these sites. This is just my humble opinion. One of many different opinions in this great big world. So...whatever floats your boat.

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Last revised: June 20, 1999.