This is a poem by my absolutely best friend in the world, Somer. I thought it was just great!
My life is a mystery. I am the confusion of reality.
Misunderstood, underestimated, struggling to stay above the water of the world
That so intensely pulls at my feet.
Gasping for breath in that ever flowing pool of tears.
Tears of fear, happiness, hatred
Thickened by the fear of showing the world who really lies inside.
My real self covered by a mask at times.
Independent, yet dependent on those closest to me.
Clinging to that one thread that holds me up.
The thread of hope, of love, of "one day."
Cries of help entangled with joyous laughter.
Involved in everything and always on the move.
Yet, I sit in motionless solitude.
And sometimes, as I sit and think, I often wonder
If the light at the end of the tunnel
Is a single candle flame.
Written by: Somer
copyright 1999