The question is often debated in occult
circles as to how many Supernatural entities that exist in the
Astral Realms. And the argument rages, even in occult circles, as
to who of these Supernatural entities are, and whom among them is
the most powerful. Furthermore, each and every Craft group
maintains a certain fondness for, or allegiance to a certain
group of Supernatural entities which are referred to as Pantheon
Spitzalod, Adept Harry Martin and myself
would, therefore, be extremely lax in our responsibilities if
we did not discuss this subject at great length upon the Web.
Indeed, the subject is also covered at great length in Chapter
Four of THE ADVANCED MAGICKQUEST COURSE, The Fourth volume in the
occult magick trilogy that Adept and Grand Master Harry Martin
had channeled from two different Supernatural Powers, and one
demonic entity.
First of all, the occult practitioner
must recognize just what the scope of the Universe is, in a
physical sense. It is estimated by some scientists that millions
of star systems exist in the Universe. And that each star system
Could be capable of supporting a number of planets
that could support intelligent life. I emphasize the word
Could because until scientists have physical proof
that such planets exists, they will not consider the consequences
of such planets actually existing. An occult practitioner, on the
other hand, can take for granted the fact that millions of other
inhabited worlds do exist in the physical Universe. Because, to
put it simply, occult practitioners can easily journey to these
other worlds via Astral Projection and see them firsthand. So
while science is not yet able to prove the existence of other
worlds in the Universe with there intelligent inhabitants, occult
practitioners can.
The importance of this fact in occult
magick is this, if there are, as Spitzalod had proposed to us,
millions of other inhabited planets in the Universe, then one
must also consider that there are also tens of millions of other
Supernatural Powers, entities, spirits, and the like which also
inhabit the Astral Realms which are accessible from these other
Just as Spitzalod maintains that He is
the guardian of this world so there are other Supernatural Powers
who would be the guardians of the vast array of other worlds in
Our Known and Unknown Universe. And each world would have its own
assortment of Powers, entities, spirits, and forces. However, the
only Powers, Entities, Spirits, and Forces that Spitzalodian
Practitioners need to concern themselves with are those who
inhabit our own world or the Earth Plane. And these fall into
three basic categories, Powers, Spirits, and Entities. This topic
will go into the certain relationship which the occult
practitioner should have with each of the categories that are
Now, depending on the certain Craft group
that one is being taught by, Powers can constitute a wide variety
of Supernatural beings. I am, quite understandably, concerned
with Powers as taught by Spitzalodian Magick. This is not to say
that these are the only Powers that exists. Quite the contrary, I
have already made it clear that this world alone is the home of
millions of Supernatural Powers. But we will deal with those
Powers especially to SPITZALODIAN MAGICK.
A Power, for lack of a better more simple
term, is a leader. A business corporation may consist of
thousands of employees, but it will only have one Board of
Directors whose job it is to govern and direct the thousands of
employees. The Board of Directors has the power, the employees do
as directed by the head of the corporation, or the President.
Powers, in occult magick are the Heads of the
corporation, so to speak.
In other words, Spitzalod, would be the
head or leader of a group of lesser Powers. Immediately under
Spitzalod is what might be called his Board of Directors. These
Powers are also in control, and help to make decisions in the
Supernatural sense, for those who practice and implement occult
magick on the Earth plane, or in the physical realms. THESE
Now, I want to REALLY
emphasize what I've just said. Because it is imperative that the
student of occult magick understand the principle of being the
ASSOCIATE, and not the slave or master of these, or
any other Powers.
One of the greatest tragedies of occult
magick in this, or any age, is that there are mortals who think
that they must worship and/or be the slaves to Supernatural
Powers, Demons, or any Spirits or Ghosts. By the same token, one
of the most foolish attitudes that I ever encounter, and I
encounter it all to frequently, is that occult practitioner who
really thinks that they can control and command Powers, Demons,
Spirits, and Ghosts.
Any Supernatural being, by all the laws
and teachings of Sorcery, Wizardry, or The Old Ways is the
ASSOCIATES of the mortal occult magick practitioner. When any
Power does something for an initiated occult practitioner they do
it out of courtesy. Let me say that again. WHEN ANY POWER DOES
COURTESY. The fact of the matter is that no
Supernatural Power has any obligation whatsoever to lift one
finger to help any mortal occult practitioner. And the occult
practitioner that thinks that any Power has to help him or her by
force is seriously diluted.
The fact is that the mortal occult
practitioner has entered into a working relationship with the
Supernatural. It is, for lack of a better word, a partnership. It
is true that the Supernatural can break this partnership any time
they choose to do so. But this rarely happens, Quite the
contrary. For the dedicated occult practitioner who has formed
partnerships with the Supernatural Powers there is no danger of
the partnership ever being broken.
The occult practitioner has learned the
Old Ways and learned whatever Craft lessons that their particular
Craft group teaches. They have been initiated, and have proven
their loyalty and dedication to the Old Ways. In return for this
work and dedication the Supernatural Powers willingly protects
and empower the occult practitioner. Again, it is a mutually
beneficial working partnership. The occult practitioner need
NEVER be controlled by any Supernatural Power or Demon or Spirit.
And the occult practitioner never need feel that he or she must
control or command any Supernatural Powers. Now as for Imps,
genie,elementals, larvae, phantasms and Golems, they are another
matter; they are the creation of the occult practitioner via
occultic Means.
Now, when one thinks about what Spitzalod
is teaching here the logic is just overwhelming. I for one would
much rather have a working relationship with the Supernatural
Powers than being involved in a situation where control by either
party is part of the relationship. So, when I call the Powers to
witness a ritual working, and to empower my ritual so that it
will work, they do me a great honor, AS A FRIEND. When I wear
their initiation mark or speak their name, I do them a great
honor, AS A FRIEND.
One never forgets, of course, that the
Supernatural, ON ANY LEVEL, is infinitely more powerful than any
mortal occult practitioner. And any mortal practitioner that is
foolish enough to dare insult or offend the Supernatural Powers
by attacking a Craft group without Cause, or a Sorcerer or
Sorceress without Cause, will most certainly endanger any
friendship they have with the Supernatural and risk invoking
their most potent wrath. It is critical that no occult
practitioner ever forget that a friendship can be terminated at
any time, by either party. And once the friendship is broken, the
Supernatural Powers are at liberty to deal with the offending
occult practitioner in any way they please. However, I have
worked in association with the Supernatural for over twenty years
and have never had one single problem with any Supernatural Power
or Being. Indeed, on more than one occasion these Supernatural
Powers have come to my aid when I was attacked or maligned by
other occult practitioners. In other words, the Supernatural has
proved on more than one occasion to be more of a friend to me
than my mortal friends I have or have had.
Again, a Power is a Supernatural Leader
of other Supernatural Forces or Beings. This is why we address
the Powers in our spell and ritual workings. It is the Powers who
have the authority to command those forces and entities we need
to help make our magickal workings a success. And while we might
try to work directly with the Lessor Powers, it is always better
to work directly with the Higher Powers through the proper chain
of command.
Demons are a level down from these Higher
Powers. And, in fact, demon is a misnomer. Wizards and Witches
did not believe in demons in the Old Days. Today there are many
Craft groups that are in existence that do teach the existence of
demons. We were instructed by Spitzalod that this is a case where
modern Craft groups have merely accepted a title imposed by
Christianity on what are essentially another class of
Supernatural Beings. It is true that there are truly loathsome
Supernatural Beings and Entities that delight in doing harm and
bringing destruction on the unwary and the uninitiated. But, the
Bible, the handbook that Christians claim to live by, speaks of
Angels from Heaven who went destroying. The best example of such
an Angel who went through Egypt killing the first born of Pharaoh
when he refused to let the Children of Israel go. Now whether one
chooses to believe this Biblical story or not is one thing. But
if true then it is an excellent illustration of how hypocritical
the notion of labeling destructive Supernatural Beings as demons
is. Here we have a Biblical story in which a supposed Angel of
God kills tens of thousands of mortals in a single night. YET,
TO AS A DEMON? Can you see my point?
The point is simply this. There is a
class of Supernatural Beings that is just that, a supernatural
being. Yes! it is primarily involved in destruction. But it is
also capable of doing good things. No matter how loathsome a
Supernatural Being might appear it has its higher qualities. And
the initiated occult practitioner need have no fear of such a
being. I have associated with some very horrible and loathsome
looking Supernatural Beings which are generally classified as
Demons for many years and have never found them to be
disloyal or less than a friend. I would just as readily invited
Milianthros or Pazuzu into my home or working, as the most noble
and beautiful Power. Because I know even the loathsome
Supernatural Being is my Associate or Friend.
Now, it is true that there are renegade
beings on this level. These beings will do anything within their
power to cause the occult practitioner to take up the Dark Side
and to practice Black Magick exclusively. Or to take whatever
they want, rather than earn or deserve what they want. Or to kill
and do harm to humankind. The occult practitioner should
ALWAYS keep in mind that they have no need to fear or
obey this class of Supernatural Being. One has only to say no to
any suggestion or invitation from such a being that might make to
the occult practitioner. The point is simply this, the occult
practitioner is in control at all times and in all places where
the Supernatural is concerned. The Higher Powers do not expect to
control the practitioner, In fact it is the desire of the Higher
Powers to associate only with those who are intelligent enough to
stand on their own two feet, so to speak and to make intelligent
decisions about their workings and occult magick lifestyle. So,
if some Lower Power comes along and threatens the occult
practitioner with harm, remember that the ONLY way they can gain
control over you is if you willingly submit to their demands.
Again, demons are merely Supernatural
Powers of a Lower Order than the Higher Powers. These beings
which many like to refer to as demons take their orders and
directions from The Higher Powers unless they are renegades in
the astral realms. And even if the occult practitioner encounters
a renegade, he or she has no need to fear their power unless they
willingly relinquish control of their soul over to this renegade
Another common source of association for
the occult practitioner is the realm of spirits and ghosts. Adept
And Grand Master Harry Martin frequently consulted with spirits.
For the uninitiated, a spirit is merely the astral soul of some
person who once existed on the physical plane, but who has now
passed over to the Other Side. It is possible to make contact
with various spirits because there are many spirits who have
chosen not to reincarnate yet, and who for some various reasons
enjoy contact with those of us that are still living on the
physical plane. Indeed, some spirits have no desire whatsoever to
go on to the astral planes. And while some White Light
enthusiasts would enjoy sending these spirits back on their way
into The Light, it is my view, and the view of
Spitzalod, that most spirits retain their freedom of choice even
when they pass over. And if they choose to remain and associate
with those of us on the physical plane, they certainly have the
In cases where a spirit contact is
unwelcome or bothersome, THEN it is advisable to
circumvent that spirits freedom of choice, and either
forcibly exorcise that spirit, or by means of a seance or psychic
contact encourage that spirit to go on to the astral realm where
they will be welcomed and can be received properly and given
astral healing and restoration that they need to evolve to a
higher plane of existence. For the most part, however, unless a
spirit or ghost is being troublesome or disruptive we should
understand that a spirit has the same right to freedom of choice
to live and inhabit where they choose as those of us on the earth
plane do. And I, for one, greatly enjoy the company and
fellowship of departed souls.
More evolved departed souls are, of
course, on the Astral Planes. But because they are able to come
make contact with people still living on the physical plane, they
do. In these cases we can learn a lot from departed spirits who
have crossed over, and who can share with us the knowledge that
they are gained on the Other Side.
Now, just as there are renegade Lower
Supernatural Powers, there are renegade departed spirits. These
are spirits who have found a way to return to the earth plane,
though in spirit form after their physical deaths without having
gone to the Astral Planes yet. These spirits can be murderers,
rapists, child molesters, evil cult leaders, whomever. At their
deaths they realized that they were about to cross over to a
realm where their problems would be solved and healed before they
returned to the physical plane through reincarnation. These
renegade spirits have become so depraved that they will do
anything in their power, which is often considerable, to avoid
being rehabilitated. They have so come to enjoy their wicked ways
that they want to continue being wicked. And so they will haunt
some physical plane or person to continue inflicting their
perverted pleasures on the unwary. At the very least sometimes
their evil power can survive in another form and be displayed in
evil manifestations as an entity of some type. And in these cases
an exorcism is the only course of action to take to remove their
power, their negativity, and their evil from the physical world
and send them on their way to the restorative and the healing
realms of the Astral Planes.
As with renegade Supernatural Powers, the
occult practitioner needs never submit their will to such a
degenerate spirit. Dont misunderstand me, many mortals do
submit to such spirits. But there is no reason to. For the Higher
Powers stand ready and willing to help protect any who ask from
such evil spirits. Or from occult practitioners who would use
such evil spirits to work their spells and rituals for them. The
bottom line is that when I have contact with an evil spirit who
wants me to do harm or inflict pain on some unwary person. I tell
them no. I am the one in control, not the evil spirits. And if
that spirit insists on harassing me, intimidating me, or causing
me harm, I need to only enlist the aid of my Supernatural
Associates to send them on their miserable way.
In closing this lesson, let us understand
very clearly that there is nothing evil or harmful in associating
with Supernatural Powers or entities, or spirits. They stand
ready to talk to us, to guide us, to teach us, to work with us in
whatever way we desire. Harmful powers and spirits can only do to
us, or influence us to do harm or evil where we allow them to do
so. It is up to us as occult practitioners to keep the balance.
Again, we need not worship the
Supernatural Powers. Or any Lower Power or Spirit. And we should
not be so foolish as to believe that they need to worship or fear
us. In fact, I am continually amazed at spells or rituals found
in some books written in the Middle Ages and since that suggest
to occult practitioners must constrain so-called
Demons by quoting Christian prayers to constrain the
Astral Powers was an insult to the Powers, and to the Old Ways.
We were calling up the Powers Lesser and Higher, thousand of
years before there was ever a Christian prayer to quote.
One final though on Supernatural Powers
and spirits that will fascinate you is this. YOU WILL ONE DAY BE
A SPIRIT. And I would counsel you to treat departed spirits NOW
the way that you would appreciate being treated when you become
one. (In fact, you may not be aware of your past lives, but
remember that you have been a departed spirit in the past). I
clearly recall in making the transition from one past life to
another that I was a spirit.
I was clearly upset by the fact that
people still living on the physical plane did not believe in me
as a spirit. And it is most definitely difficult to communicate
with mortals who refuse to listen because they Think
you simply cannot exist after death. So, when I reincarnated I
made a point to put a subconscious clue in my new life to
remember that spirits do exist. And that there is a Supernatural
Powers and spirits who can help make a difference in our earthly
existence. And every single person can have a daily, constant
communication with these Powers and spirits if they will only
take the time to make contact.