So, you're interested in the characters that keep me normal? (Hee hee.) Well, you asked for it.
Katie Skovholt was born on October 22nd, 1983.
"I am Katie Skovholt. I've been helping Katy with this page, but she's booting me from the keyboard so that she can diss on me without my beating her up. :)"
Katie Skovholt, the creator of the word Schtoopid, co-inventor of the 'Cold Armidillo' and my bestest friend in the world. I met Katie in second grade when we were both enrolled in the 'Challenge' program. After third grade, Pioneer Valley and Graham Elementary didn't share the same 'Challenge' day until sixth grade. When we were reunited we were inseperable, for at least one day a week. Since we both attended FJH the next year, we became the good friends that we are now. Katie was the brain behind the OM team that took us both to state last year. Unfortunetly her and some other schtoopids thought that I was not good enough for their FPS (don't ask) team and I was left to a team of what I thought was living hell. Well, we showed those schtoopids and guess who went to state, in FPS? Thats right, MY TEAM!!!! Not those schtoopids. Anyway Katie is a great person and if anyone says otherwise I'll kick their schtoopid butts!!(or threaten to...) There are many other things I could say but I don't want to boar you...Picture coming soon
Jami Krause was born on February 21st, 1983.
I met Jami when she was in sixth grade and I was in fifth, and we had an unsuccessful attempt at an OM team. She is a vegetarian communist sophomore at Spanaway Lake High School, plays clarinet reeeeally well, is on the debate team, and writes poetry. She is a very interesting person once you get to know her -- and get past the fact that she talks quickly. Picture coming soon.
Mallorie Brown was born on February 18th, 1984.
I met Mallorie last year, when we both got to play clarinet in the back row and therefore bond. Mallorie is a lot of fun. She's really good at most everything she sets her mind to. Recently, it's been playing her bass clarinet in the FJH Symphonic Band. She made WIBC (Western International Band Conference) as a ninth grader, high honors there! Picture coming soon.
Rossie Anonymous was born on God Knows When.
Rossie is coooool. She's one of the Children of the Wheat, and there's a lot to say about her if you can just form it into words. Which I can't. Therefore ... JKFLH S IBUYHhhhhJKFJ HJKHKhhhhschtoopid hFHhjkdhg baffrefrial iljaehkljhkljh banana. That's Rossie in a nutshell. :)
Jen Aszklar was born on October 22nd, 1984.
Jen, if you're reading this, HI JEN!!!! Jennifer is the coolest darn eighth grader at FJH. In fact, she's the coolest darn eighth grader in the entire Befful School District. (Sorry, Louis.) I met her in 1997 when we were in the Secret Garden together. Since it was a double-cast play, we got the same role. If you ever get the great fortune to meet her, tell her that I said hi, for she ROCKS!! Picture coming soon.
Cinnamon Demmon was born on September 27th, 1983.
Cinnamon is .... uh .... well, I met her in eighth grade. At first, we didn't get along. But in ninth grade, we became friends. She is a drill team member at Befful High School, though she attends FJH. (Don't ask.) She plays the clarinet and sings second soprano in the top band and choir at FJH. Picture coming soon.
Casey Tuttle was born on November 21st, 1982 (?).
Casey, Casey, Casey. Well, he's definately .... Casey. Casey is a sophomore at Schtoopid High School (Befful). He is a really good friend who was in band and choir with me last year. Picture coming soon.
Todd Christiansen was born on February 20th, 1984.
Todd is a schtoopid. But he WAS a really close and kind friend. He moved to Idaho this past summer, and the schtoopid hasn't written back. Todd and I weren't really that close until we were both on the FJH Odyssey of the Mind team (First place at regionals, third place at state! Yeeeeah!). We therefore had the chance to hang out a lot and we became good friends. We have soooo many inside jokes. Why do we have a washer? TO GO WITH THE DRYER! He doesn't really deserve to be on this page, bu I wanted to fill up space. If the schtoopid ever writes back, I'll letcha know. Picture coming soon.
Chris Knasiak was born on May 4th, 1984.
What can I say about Chris? He is a typical ninth grade guy. Which means he is a preverted, immature schtoopid. Not really, sorry Chris if I offended you. No, actually, I met Chris when we were both chosen for the cast of "The Secret Garden" at FJH last year. He is a pretty nice guy, but says the most innapropriate things. Since the play,we have become close friends, and he is the only guy friend from last year that has stayed in contact with me. Thanks Chris. Overall, he is a friend who always makes me laugh.(Just by being himself.)
Mike Garasi was born on December 26th 1983.
Mike...well lets talk about Mike. Mike is a BIG sports guy, he plays football, basketball, and baseball with the school, and golf and other sports on his free time. Mike is in my honors and band classes (he plays the Bari Sax, but desperately wants to switch back to Alto) he is a pretty nice guy, who is REALLY REALLY funny. Mike if you are reading this....D FLAT!!
Louis Golden was born on May 4th, 1985.
If you've read About Me, you know that I changed schools and am now attending Spanaway Junior High. Louis is an eighth grader who has been extremely nice to me. After talking to him I also realized that we have the same birthday.(A year apart though) Louis has been one of the only kind people at SJH, and is a good friend who deserves recognition on this page.
Jonathan Stewart was born on December 30th, 1983.
Jon is another new friend at Spanaway Junior. He has been very nice to me, and has a sense of humor to match mine. He is the only one so far that I have met that can joke around and still be on task. Jon...if you are reading this, I am sorry about the archeology unit thing. Just like Louis he deserved recognition on this page!
Helen was born um..I don't know when.
Helen is a person I met the last weekend in January, at a Tahoma Girls Chorus retreat. She is in the top group 'Cantabile' so that is the only way I would've met her anyway. She is a really cool person who is really into X-Files, she also became my friend when I was being myself, and not trying to live up to anyone elses standards. I really like her for that...she definetley deserves recognition on this page!
The Jackies, that is Fisher, and Torpey
These two girls have befriended me at SJH, and have pretty muck been there for me when I have needed a friend. I will write more later, since my mean sister is forcing me to get off the computer even though I just logged on 2 minutes ago. I can't wait for her to leave.
Bryan Daniels was born on April 19th, 1981.
Bryan is so amazingly not-schtoopid that you wouldn't believe it. He is also typing this while at his home helping Katy out with some anoying Geocities schtoopids, but that is beside the point. Bryan is a senior at Befful High School, which means that he will escape soon, to be seen frequenting some other institution of knowledge soon. He is a fairly smart dude, and he has some numbers and awards to back that claim up, but he prefers to stick to more nebular proof. Like his penchant for eccentricity. Bryan met Katy while at the musical Ragtime, which both enjoyed, unless Bryan is mistaken. Bryan does OM and Knowledge Bowl and various other things at Befful, and some of them work out fairly well. Bryan also reads a lot, and he spends an inordinate amount of money on books. He likes sci-fi (Asimov, Heinlein, Russell, Bradbury), fantasy (Tolkien, Eddings, Brooks), and funny things (Pratchett, Adams, Godwin). Of course, the classics (Shakespeare, Beowulf, etc.) also rock, or so says he. This will most likely be edited and changed to fit the wishes of Katy, so for those of you who see it before the Great Purges, read well, and never let them make you forget the little people. :P
Wellllll .... there's most of my friends. Kinda sad, isn't it? Anyhow, if I've forgotton you, let me know and I'll a) add you, or b) laugh in your face. :)