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This page does not represent a definitive and exhaustive analysis of Spanish pronunciation but rather is intended as an introduction, directing the beginner towards a close proximation of the sounds of Spanish words.

The sounds on this page represent Castillian Spanish pronunciation (The Spanish spoken in Spain). I will be including Mexican pronunciations where appropriate at a later date.

Click on the Spanish words to hear them spoken.

  • A -- always pronounced ah, as in father
    ( Spanish example: gracias)
  • E -- always pronounced as a short e, as in best, ten, dress
    (Spanish example: inglés)
  • I --always pronounced ee, as in feet, wheel, bee
    ( Spanish example si)
  • O --always pronounced as a short o, as in doctor, but with the lips a little more rounded. It is always a pure vowel with no trace of the u sound (dipthong) which is present in the English pronunciation of 'no'.
    (Spanish example: doctor)
  • U --always pronounced oo, as in fool, pool.
    (Spanish example: uno)

  • B --Similar to the English 'b' but less plosive; between vowels it is pronounced very softly so that the lips touch only slightly.
    (Spanish example: bebida)
  • C --As in English, before a, o and u it is pronounced as a K, as in can
    Before e or i the c is pronounced as an s as in cent. In Spain the C before e and i is pronounced 'th'. (Spanish example: ciudad)
  • CC -- Pronounced very similar to the cc in accident
    (Spanish example: accidente
  • D -- Similar to the English 'd' in 'bed' but with the tongue further forward; between vowels or as the last letter of a word it is pronounced very softly similar to the th in the
    (Spanish example: ciudad)
  • G -- Before A, O or U it is pronounced as the G in get
    -- Before E or I it is pronounced like the English H but more emphatic. (Spanish example: general)
  • H -- Always silent in Spanish. Hotel is pronounced otel
    (Spanish example: hotel)
  • J Always pronounced like the English H but more emphatic
    (Spanish example: jalapeño )
  • LL Always pronounced as the Y in yes.
    (Spanish example: ella )
  • ñ -- This Spanish character is pronounced NY as in canyon
    (Spanish example: español )
  • R -- Slightly trilled
    (Spanish example: hora )
    When it is the first letter of a word it is strongly trilled.
    (Spanish example: Costa Rica )
  • RR -- Always strongly trilled.
    (Spanish example: arroz)
  • V --In Spain and many parts of South America there is no difference between the 'v' and the 'b'
    (Spanish example: video)
  • Y -pronounced as the English Y except when it stands alone (y is Spanish for and) then it is pronounced ee as in tree
    (Spanish example: cinco y media [five thirty])
  • Z -- In South America the 'z' is pronounced as the English S; in Spain the 'z' is closer to the 'th' in the English word, 'bath'
    (Spanish example: diez)
  • QUE -- pronounced ke as in kept
    (Spanish example: ¿Que pasa?)
  • QUI --pronounced kee as in keep
    (Spanish example: quince )
  • GUE -- pronounced ge as in guest, and get
    (Spanish example: gueto )
  • GUI -- pronounced gee as in geese
    (Spanish example: guitarra )

The remaining letters are pronounced as they are in English with only very slight variations.

A special 'gracias' to Catulo of Spain, for recording the sounds on this page.

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