Pets and Animals

Me, I love pets. So, I take every opportunity to visit animals, especially those in shelters and pet stores, since they need love too. I also set aside this part of my Web page to publish other people's pet pictures. If you have a picture you want added, please email me!

Cassie, my brothers Akita/Shepherd cross

Gomen, my ex-landlord's Siamese cross.

Gomen again, sitting on my lap.

That cutie Tammy with her border collie cross Shelby

Susy's crazy cat Norton

Sebastian, my ex-landlord's dog

Tammy's cockatiel Sheena with Santa.

Tammy's cat Simon

Shelby again with Katie

Shelley's tabby named Kiddy

Simon and Stubby (Manx crosses), who belong to Karen and Jamie. I cat sat these two for part of a summer.

Shelby and Katie on Hallowe'en

Raphine's cats fighting in the sunshine.

Raphine's cats Sam and Alien

Haylee, Tammy's new dog.

Another new pup for Tammy, named Daisy

A close-up of Daisy.
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