Marc and Karen's
Co-Workers at SQU

Following are photos (some big, some not-so-big) of some of our colleagues and friends at Sultan Qaboos University, people from all over the world who now make Oman their home.

To begin with, we have here Stacey Patton (from Florida), working hard in her office at the Language Center...

And Danny Hymel (from Louisiana), along with Hilal, one of his students:

And Mary Anne Zabawa (from Oregon), Karen's office mate—and renowned maker of a killer garlic dip:

And Khamis Al-Owaisi, from Oman, who mangages to help everyone at the Language Center...

And Faryal Ahmed, who comes from Pakistan, shown here with Karen gracing the halls of the Language Center:

It was Faryal who brought Karen the fabric from a recent trip to Pakistan (a wonderful, surprise gift!), which we had made into Karen's gorgeous salwar khamees. Karen's got a lot of compliments on this outfit, for obvious reasons, and she loves how cool it is, too!

And Ben Heasley (from Ireland), Karen's co-teacher:

Ben's got tons of teaching experience (having lived and taught all over the place), and a good sense of humor, too!

And Duane Berkas, from Minnesota . . .

Duane is head of the EES (English for English Specialists) department at SQU, where Karen works.

Faryal, Stacey and Karen are joined here by Tabassum Kazmi (at left), also from Pakistan:

And Javed Kazmi (from Pakistan), Tabassum's good-natured and hard-working hubby...

And Robert Fielding, from jolly ol' England:

Robert is Marc's office mate. He's a great guy, very intelligent and friendly, and Marc and him have a lot of fun trying to understand one another's accent!

And, lastly . . .

David Ingles, also from England:

David's also worked all over the place, especially in Asia.

We hope to put some more colleagues up in (virtual) lights, or at least pixels, in the near future here. But even now you get the idea that we work with a very global, diverse crowd... the one thing that they all have in common is, really, how much fun it is to work with them, and see them on a weekly and even daily basis.

So life isn't so bad, even if you have to work . . .

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