The stage of Consciousness represented by The Magician leads to a form of enlightenment symbolized by The Hermit.

This one, I call Understanding.


The Hermit is able to travel through darkness, for he is enlightened. He represents one of the two paths which make it possible to achieve unity. This is the path initialized in the previous stage.

This path involves transcendental knowledge: Understanding. It is the accomplishment of Consciousness, it is the ultimate state of wisdom, which in a way is similar to the absolute ignorance of The Fool.

At this point, we are no longer ourselves. As the Buddhist say, we realize that there is no Self. We and reality are one, as is God. Therefore there is no limitation to the knowledge of the universe, because there is no separation between it and us. There is no it nor us.

By practicing Raja Yoga, we aim to achieve a similar stage called Samadhi. I have already explained the concept in the chapter of The Magician. There is however a problem that concerns it and the Buddhist concept of enlightenment (Nirvana).

For the Buddhist, true enlightenment isn't just a state as is for Raja Yoga. They defend that Nirvana and Samadhi are different, for they also have this second concept, but with a different meaning. Samadhi is incomplete. It is not a true and full transformation which will cease the cycle of reincarnations and Samsara.

Therefore, Samadhi isn't the complete unity that would lead to the Light Source. Samadhi is a partial concept of enlightenment. I cannot however talk much about it. I do not have the experience to do so.

As you see there is a variety of ways to achieve enlightenment in the form of The Hermit. I am however troubled about a group of questions which I frequently discuss with a friend. Should we read books, follow a certain religion or philosophy? Should we have a master? Or should we just follow ourselves and despise all existing teachings and books because every single person has its own path?

What is the right way? There is a book that made me understand certain aspects of this question: Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse.

Where can true enlightenment be found? Is it in a temple studying and praying? Is it somewhere in an unknown place, in a river, in a mountain, in a forest?

Maybe we have to pass through great suffer and follow many paths in order to find the path which will lead us to our place.

Unity and Love shall be the solution to all questions.

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