In the realm of The Sun we no longer are capable of talking about stages.
After we die, reaching Harmony (The World), we reunite with the Light Source.
The Sun is the Light Source, the unlimited strain of energy, the ultimate existence. The Sun is God. In order to better understand the implications we must take a Kabbalistic relation between God, Love and Unity, that I have so much referred to.
The Tetragrammaton, one of the names of God, IHVH, has the numerical value of 26 (I=10, H=5, V=6, H=5).
The other two words I have mentioned (Love and Unity), in Hebrew are spelled: AHBH (Aavah, Love) and AChD (Achad, Unity). In fact, both numerical values of these words equal 13 (A=1, H=5, B=2, H=5 and A=1, Ch=8, D=4).
Therefore, we can state that God is Love and Unity, for 26=13+13.
I do not believe in an intelligent entity, or superior being that can hear our prayers. God is all in one, united by this Love. It is very difficult to explain. Probably impossible.
I realized this after I read the book The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coelho. He talks of Love, but a love so great that it consumes everything. I then started to feel some of this Love. The Love for all beings, for everything in the Universe. I then realized the meaning of God and of The Sun. Please note that only after this experience did I find the Kabbalistic relation above.
If we focus on the concept of Light Source we may interpret the passage from The World to The Sun as if our life force would unite with the Universal Life Force and pervade all Universe. This is Unity. Consequently, our life force would be shared with all other beings. This is Love. This is the explanation of the two segments which start in The Sun and end in the lower stages.
There is no Unity without Love nor Love without Unity. We don't stay in The Sun, or else Love would't exist and therefore neither would The Sun.
If we take the Buddhist perspective, we realize that The World is Nirvana and that The Sun is Parinirvana.
Parinirvana is the existence after we die having reached Nirvana. We don't really exist any more, for we is meaningless. By entering this, we completely unite with the Whole, because we are no longer limited by our physical body. We are; we become the one who is.
However, how can existence be totally fulfilled if there still exist beings in suffer? How can there be absolute Unity and Love if we are not all united? The answer should be those two segments of the symbol which are born in The Sun. They appeared to me as obscure, meaningless. They are however begining to reveal their importance.
In fact, there is an inferior unit composed by The Sun, The Wheel Of Fortune and The Magician. Their numerical values are all 1: 19->1+9=10->1+0=1. Thus, the sum is 3, the ternary (the unity of the binary).
I believe that Humanity has its own natural way to follow all the way back to Eden and sooner or later we will all achieve The Sun and The Cycle Of Existence will no longer have a meaning...