Widow's Son Lodge

No. 66

A.F & A.M

Eades & Prospect Streets

Branford, CT 06405

This work is dedicated to Merritt Foote 1795-1876, Charter Master of Widow's Son Lodge, No. 66 - From his steps to the present, a friendly lodge since 1825


Stated Communications
First and Third Wednesdays 7:30 PM


1. Greetings from the East
List of 2002 Lodge Officers
Links to Widow's Son Lodge Associated Organizations


Welcome to the Home Page of Widow's Son # 66
I invite you in to meet some of our brother's.

Spotlight on Walter J. Andrews III
Spotlight on David Cole
Spotlight on Ken Jalbert


Any member of our lodge who wishes to add any information on themselves or their family, just send me a email.




Military Service


Early in July 1862, Abraham Lincoln issued his Proclamation, calling for three hundred thousand men, to serve for three years; and on the fourth of August following summoned to the field three hundred thousand more to serve for nine months. The Twenty-seventh Connecticut Regiment was organized under this latter call.  Freemasonry has always travelled with the fighting men of our nation. Widow's Son Lodge #66 was to give her share to the cause of the Union, as the Senior Warden, Brother Henry Z. Nichols rose from his seat in the West to join up with Company B of the 27th CT. He would later fight in three battles of the Civil War, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg. Upon his safe return he would serve our lodge as Worshipful Master 1863-65, and again in 1874.


 I write this because history has once again repeated itself.  Brother Charles Ellis who is our Junior Warden for the year 2004, a member of the Army Reserves, has been activated for service.  His country has called and he has answered.  It is our hope and prayer that as our masonic brother before him returned safely, that he will also. Though we may not ask him to serve as Master for as many terms, it will be a pleasure to meet him once again on the level. May he who never sleeps watch over him.




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Veteran's Of Widow's Son Lodge

George Birbarie-------------------Army Artillery
Paul Birbarie---------------------Army Air Corp
Theodore Birbarie-----------------Army Artillery
Merrill Blake---------------------Army
Thomas Bouley---------------------Army Air Force
Leonard Bucher--------------------Marine
John Calvert----------------------Army
David Cole------------------------Navy Submariner
Earl Colter-----------------------Navy
Edwin Dingus----------------------Army
John Dunn-------------------------Air Force
Nicolas Hackett-------------------Marine
Jackie Hansen---------------------Danish Army
Alyn Johnson----------------------Army
Donald Langlois Sr----------------Navy
Robert Montelius------------------Air Force
Donald Robinson-------------------Marine


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