Even on vacation we can find our spirituality!  Mandy, Anna, me and Sara found zen infront of the Lincoln Memorial.
Meesa, me and Sara.  This picture . . . well, this picture is just too darn special to explain. 
After not being able to sleep on the bus because of someones incessantly LOUD talking, Anna and I got a little violent at the rest stop on the way to DC.
Ahhh, December 31, 1998, my 18th birthday, New Years Eve.  Anna's parents had gotten us this bottle of fake wine stuff.  Dont we all look happy and excited?  See below
And then we realize that this is quite possibly the worst stuff we've ever tasted.  Then my parents let us break out the real stuff :)
Prom!  Ohhh, what a wonderful fantabulous nite.  My table, from l to r:  Adam, Sara, Meesa, me, Brandon, Anna(she was Marilyn Monroe-wig and all), Bert, Sam, and Mandy.
Adam, Anna, Sara, and me in a picture taken a la BabySitters Club..
Anna and I, the summer before we became the coolest roomates ever to grace Bromfield