06/12/00 18:44:10
| Comments: 其實吳XX的問題不單只在對天主教徒的態度上。他的錯誤是多方面的。事實上,除了那些只顧自己靈命、關在教會四面牆中間、不問世事不參加社會事務、不思考而與社會脫節的宗教怪胎能合吳XX的標準外,其他健康點的基督徒都會被他視為異類。天主教徒被罵,何足驚奇? 遲些更新資源會出版《壞鬼神學》一書,屆時大家可看看有那一樣壞鬼神學吳XX沒犯過。我擔保每一種壞鬼神學吳XX都推廣過!誇張點說,《壞鬼神學》一書會是楊牧谷博士送給「XX哥」的禮物、或是為他而作的一本「傳記」! 假如你要認識基督教教義,要看楊牧谷的書;如果你要認識教會史,看梁家麟、刑福增的大作;舊約,看李思敬;護教學,看關啟文;倫理學,非要看羅秉祥的《黑白分明》不可;最後,若大家要認識錯誤的神學,那怎可以錯過吳XX? |
| Comments: 很欣賞你們在方舟的事奉願主祝福你和在方舟上的朋友們!:) |
| Comments: hi! your homepage is great indeed! i like both the 九五孟加拉之旅 and the 數學遊戲. when i saw the front page, i supposed it was a serious and boring site for me, no offence :) but now, i 've to say it is really interesting ~~~~~ |
| Comments: Dear Yin, U do this site so great and beauty, also I like the music of each page. It can let more people know god and about your jobs, life and religion, maybe u can visit my site too. In God, Ricky |
| Comments: Great to know that you feel comfortable when you go back to Shatin Alliance Church. Both Siu Fong and I really concern about you as we only occasionally see you in the Ark recently. May God be always with us. |
| Comments: Everytime I see this web site I thanks God for this! |
| Comments: Oh! You are so poor! The cost for repairing the rooftop is so high. Anyway, you are lucky since you didn't hurt. Good Luck! Melanie :) |
| Comments: Great about your sharing, May the accident will turn to blessing in your future life. Glorify Thy name ! Mk 5:20 In Him Lam Two |
| Comments: thank you for sharing,through this page ,and the time you share with us |
| Comments: 畢竟,景賢is very sentimental. |
| Comments: Thank you for creating and maintaining this web page. May God bless you and many people through it. |
| Comments: It's a nice page, I like ur sharing. Hope that I can share more with u later. |
| Comments: Hello, Your page is so cool. I really want one like this myself. I am doing one about my two cell groups in London. I like the photos a lot. Do update your homepage often, I would like to come back soon. Love in Christ, Annie |
| Comments: This is a very good homepage (better than my homepage a lot) ,I like your sharing ,it is very true . I am also a 沙宣會友 , nice to meet you! |
| Comments: 完美主義者: 分享頁真實好看,但對症下藥的症打錯了,反正3/2才更新的,改一下就更完美囉! |
| Comments: 景賢兄: 請電郵你的聯絡電話及電郵地址給我 謝謝! 時代論壇sunny |
| Comments: Thanks for the good songs. May more people share the joy to worship Him. |
| Comments: Hi King Yin This is Gabriel , from Toronto. Remember me? I am so surprise to discover your WWW Pl email me !!! Will talk more!!!! gabe |
| Comments: You did very well, King Yin! The background music is good as well. At least I know more about you from your personal Home Page. |
| Comments: It's very good that your page can link up with our close neighbours. Enriching. Some items may add: introduction about your hobbies,most favourite books ,songs,movies,passages,veres,places or sth. else. May there be some topics to discuss. Just make more friends and brain-storming. Your page may be more and more lively and attractive. Your perpectives may make us know you, the unique you. Well Done!Work hard! Next time, may I share my planning page, my particular page with you. Ha ha......... |
| Comments: I like the music!!! 好好聽!! |
| Comments: King Yin, Well done ! You've did a wonderful job ! Especially you 've put 突破 into the net page.. sorry we have no marketing fee back to u :) i like the blue color ! Keep on and keep looking up ! |
| Comments: Dear King Yin, |
| Comments: KY, Great to build a web page with script!! I experienced some script errors and somehow the page scrolling is slow. Great job, carry on. |
| Comments: ^_^ I think I am Viewer #1. |